Doomsday: with unlimited warehouse system

Chapter 202 Insect Swarm Attack

Now David couldn’t spare the time to unravel this mystery because the ferocious spirit-armored beetle in front of him had begun to screech again. With each screech, more and more larvae under the golden shell were being released, including the hundreds that were released earlier. At this moment, these larvae were hovering around the ferocious spirit-armored beetle, continuously fluttering their wings in David’s direction.

Suddenly, the ferocious spirit-armored beetle flapped its wings, and the larvae seemed to receive an attacking command as they flew furiously towards them. Seeing this, Fatso wielded a large cleaver and said to everyone, “the ferocious spirit-armored beetle are skilled at entering the human body through the seven orifices. Everyone, protect these areas!”

Saying that, Fatso swung the cleaver in one hand and quickly cut a strip of cloth from his clothes, tightly wrapping his ears, nostrils, and even his mouth. Everyone quickly followed suit, wrapping themselves up, leaving only their eyes exposed. David, on the other hand, directly used his spatial abilities to create several solidified voids around his seven orifices.

After completing all of this, Fatso swung his cleaver in a circular motion and shouted, “You beasts, taste my ancestral swordsmanship!” With that, he charged into the swarm of ferocious spirit-armored beetle larvae. The others also used their own abilities and followed him into the battle. .𝙘𝒐𝒎

As for these larvae, David didn’t care at all. His current priority was to find the nest of the ferocious spirit-armored beetle. According to Fatso, killing the mother inside the nest would directly kill the entire creature. So, he brandished his spatial blades and easily cut several larvae in half as they flew at him.

Then, with a light leap, David flew over the ferocious spirit-armored beetle and headed towards the woods behind it. He speculated that since this creature was a mutated form of a beetle, it must retain the beetle’s preference for a damp environment. Moreover, it had appeared suddenly when they entered the middle of the woods, as if it had entered its perception zone for the mother.

David believed that the nest must be hidden in some corner of the woods. At this moment, the attention of the ferocious spirit-armored beetle was focused on Fatso, which gave David the opportunity to enter the woods.

Upon landing, David saw a mound of earth covered in weeds under a tree. Approaching it, he found it was the nest of the ferocious spirit-armored beetle. However, just as they had entered the woods, their attention was focused on the nearby commotion, and they didn’t notice what was under their feet.

David stepped on the nest, and the soil instantly crumbled, leaving only a small deep pit. “Fake,” he muttered as he realized this was a false nest set up by the ferocious spirit-armored beetle. He continued searching the vicinity.

One after another, David discovered more than a dozen fake nests in the thicket, all illusions created by the ferocious spirit-armored beetle. There was no sign of the mother creature, which made David anxious. He looked at the others and saw that more and more larvae were being released by the ferocious spirit-armored beetle, and they were growing in size. Even though his team members were awakened espers, they were struggling to deal with so many larvae.

Especially Sophie, as a healing-type esper, could only use some basic abilities to deal with the larvae while being protected by Arnold. However, the sheer number of larvae made it difficult for Arnold to hold them all off, and he was showing signs of exhaustion.

What surprised David was that Fatso displayed a formidable combat prowess. His cleaver rang out with each swing, accompanied by the sound of larvae bodies being cut apart. Despite the intense battle, Fatso showed no signs of fatigue. Instead, he grew stronger with each fight, and his unknown knife style was particularly domineering, leaving David somewhat amazed.

However, David quickly understood the situation. Fatso, being a ordinary person, didn’t need to deplete his esper abilities during the fight. This allowed him to conserve his stamina and energy, enabling him to deal with the swarm of larvae. At the same time, it also revealed the weakness of espers. If their level didn’t reach a certain point, their stamina and energy would be rapidly depleted with the use of abilities, putting them at a disadvantage in a prolonged battle.

This realization prompted David to speed up, wanting to find the nest of the ferocious spirit-armored beetle before his teammates’ stamina and energy ran out. In the battlefield, more and more large-bodied larvae were constantly emerging from under the golden shell of the ferocious spirit-armored beetle. Each of them had already matured into adults, with their combat capabilities significantly enhanced. Their sharp teeth rubbed against each other, emitting a terrifying sound.

Driven by the ferocious spirit-armored beetle, these adults charged towards Fatso and the others in a frenzy. Fatso continued swinging his large cleaver, but he was still just an ordinary person, and his strength was gradually depleting. After swinging his cleaver once, he cursed at the insects and then rolled towards the ferocious spirit-armored beetle.

“Damn it! How dare you bully me? Today, I’ll make you bleed!” he shouted, swinging the large cleaver again towards the golden shell of the ferocious spirit-armored beetle.

A crisp metallic sound rang out, and Fatso felt a strong impact on his hand. The tremendous reactive force almost caused him to lose his grip on the cleaver. On the other hand, the ferocious spirit-armored beetle didn’t seem to suffer any harm at all.

“This guy has a really tough shell !” Fatso endured the pain in his hand and prepared to strike again. However, the ferocious spirit-armored beetle, being a mutated creature, naturally chose to retaliate immediately after being attacked. It rapidly flapped its wings, and a whirlwind suddenly stirred around it. The force of the whirlwind was so strong that it made it difficult for the 200-pound chubby guy to move an inch!

Helplessly, Fatso had to crouch down and assume a sturdy stance, trying to lower his center of gravity to prevent himself from being blown away. Sally, seeing the situation, immediately triggered a lightning strike, which hit the shell of the ferocious spirit-armored beetle with great force.

“Boom!” The lightning struck down from the sky and exploded on the creature’s body, seemingly causing it pain as it quickly stepped back. This allowed Fatso to break free from the whirlwind.

Originally, Sally wanted to continue her lightning attacks, but the heavy energy consumption left her barely able to withstand the attacks of the adult beetles in front of her. Not only Sally but also the other members of the Ember Squad were in the same situation. It seemed that if the ferocious spirit-armored beetle released another wave of adult beetles, they wouldn’t have the strength to resist. At this moment, they pinned their hopes on David. Only by finding the nest of the ferocious spirit-armored beetle and killing its mother could they have a chance to catch their breath.

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