Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 3429 Three Sisters Reunite

Chapter 3429 Three Sisters Reunite


Panqa and Lanqua shot to their feet, looking at Mingzhi with a dumbfounded gaze.

Mingzhi was in her black robe, looking smart and beautiful like a fallen angel. She interlocked her fingers as though in a business transaction and spoke with calm.

"As I said, your third sister has been found, and she is on her way here."


Panqa and Lanqua were still dumbfounded. It wasn't until Panqa flinched awake that she pounced on her elder sister Lanqua and screamed out.

"Alive! Third sister was alive! Look, wasn't I right!?"

"Right! You were right…"

Lanqua shed tears, unable to believe it.


Mingzhi didn't know what to say. Her lips were parted, wanting to say something, but she didn't disturb them for the time being. She saw the two of them being abnormally happy and excited that their third sister would return to them, making her heart soften up a bit.

However, she still intended to do what she came here to do.

"Thank you very much, sixth sister!~"

"Our Zanqua was always a good and upstanding girl. I promise she would be useful if we were to buy her back and free her."

After a few minutes, Panqa and Lanqua gradually calmed down and thanked Mingzhi profusely. They knew that she had established an information network to protect the family and advance the family's interests, but it ended up helping them also.

Naturally, since their third sister was kidnapped, they thought she was sold as a slave, so they began working on how to convince their family to take her in. If possible, they would rather have her by their side even if all she gets to do is some menial tasks.

It would be fine as long as their third sister could live peacefully after going through such a tumultuous experience.

However, they saw Mingzhi suddenly place a bunch of scrolls on the table between them.

"This is information pertaining to your elder sister, Zanqua, otherwise known as the Cleaving Wolf Empress."

Panqa blinked, "Cleaving Wolf Empress…? Sounds cool…"

"Wait- what does sixth sister mean?"

Lanqua asked with some doubt. Her brows narrowed, feeling something amiss.

Mingzhi looked at their anxious expression and sighed. She took a scroll and opened it, displaying it to them.

"This is when your third sister abducted a seven-year-old daughter from a wealthy family. The ransom exchange failed, and she was trapped, but she used the child and escaped. In the end, they found the child's head ruthlessly crushed in the nearby woods."


Glancing at their mute reaction, she grabbed another scroll and displayed it.

"This is when she cornered a desperate merchant on a highway— who was escaping for his life after offending a City Lord. She disfigured him and killed all his guards as well as his family members, and then later threw him into a fire, including a three-year-old child who was burned alive or dead in the carriage, finally plundering all his wealth."

"This is when she went to a competition in a town and poisoned all the participants there to death, including the maids and servants, taking their wealth and escaping in a single night."

"This is when-"

"This… this must be some kind of mistake."

Panqa and Lanqua were still shocked, but they jumped out of the balcony, gliding towards Zanqua before they stood before her.

For a few moments, Panqa and Lanqua were heavily staring at Zanqua.

What the two sisters saw in Zanqua was a terrible scar leading from the left side of her lips to her cheek. The black eye patch on her left eye was also striking, making her look quite wild and untamed to them.

However, the vice versa was also true.

Zanqua couldn't help but feel how beautiful and prim her two sisters were. They were so bright in her eyes that she couldn't bear to stain them with their darkness, causing her to shudder as she moved her foot back.


"What are you looking at!?"

She roared, causing numerous eardrums to be so shaken that it alarmed the Reaper Soul Legion. However, with Davis there, they didn't do anything.

At the same time, Panqa and Lanqua shuddered heavily, unable to believe the killing intent their sister possessed. It was unknown how many she slaughtered to be emanating such a murderous aura.

Davis was also cautious as he didn't know what this crazy woman would do. Her life was unstable, and she didn't bother to suppress her killing intent, and years of habit are so deadly that it could be accidental. However, he put his hand down.



Panqa and Lanqua's aura surged. Their Late Stage Immortal King undulations actually suppressed Zanqua's Immortal Emperor undulations, putting a stop to her show of force.

Zanqua was beyond shocked. She clenched her teeth, instinctively wanting to battle it when suddenly, two sets of arms embraced her.

"You came back to us… elder sister~"

"Don't leave us again… Wahhhh!~"

Lanqua's tears fell as she smiled, and Panqa cried out while holding Zanqua tightly. The latter's grip was so strong that Zanqua was shocked again. Her expression sank, rage enveloping her face as she struggled, but without even realizing it, tears began streaming down her eyes.

Her left eye, which was enveloped by an eye patch, overflowed, and it began swelling lightly and dripping tears.

The urge to answer that she's back swelled in her heart, but she wasn't really back. She wasn't the same as them. The truth really hurt her that she wanted to curse the Emperor of Death to death, but the tumultuous emotions swelling and even spilling inside her from the embrace of her two sisters simply caused her to raise her head and cry out loud.


Panqa and Zanqua's cries resounded throughout the city, causing Davis to smile lightly before he turned to look at Mingzhi.

Seeing her tear up lightly, he was honestly surprised as he imagined that she would firmly oppose bringing such an unstable element here. After all, it was more work for her to eliminate harmful elements that couldn't be eliminated with violence.

'Well… she won't be allowed to stay here as it is soon time for the children to come…'

Davis thought and waited for them to sober up.

It took three whole minutes before Zanqua rubbed her eyes and stared at them, appearing fulfilled and embarrassed at the same time.

If Paleen and her subordinates were here, they would be wondering if she was the Cleaving Wolf Empress or some scarred woman who was lonely. It was her first time shedding tears for so long that she wanted to go bury herself somewhere.

Panqa and Lanqua also came out of their reverie. Their cheeks and eyes were all rosy from all the crying. Once they got to spill out their emotions, their minds became renewed with some clarity, wondering if they could trust their third sister. However, they still looked at Zanqua with fondness.

Grabbing her hands, they pulled her towards the mansion.


Zanqua's gaze shook as she saw them pulling on her hands together.

The hand she reached out that was never grasped overlapped with the image of them finally grasping it, making her absentminded. Before she knew it, she was already in a luxurious room, one that she had rarely set her eyes on, even with her profession as a bandit.

"Just how much would this sell for…?"

She spoke without thinking as she looked around, causing Davis and Mingzhi to blink while Panqa and Lanqua were scared shitless that their husband would kick her out!

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