Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 3287 Dates Fixed

Chapter 3287 Dates Fixed

Everyone present looked at Davis for an answer.

The ones who were still unmarried, like Tanya, Tina, Dalila, Zestria, Bylai, and the others, looked at him with expectant eyes, awaiting the day they could finally marry him and formally establish their positions as his wives.

They knew he wouldn't abandon them, but they were not after social status either, as he was an Anarchic Divergent who only had infamy. In fact, they were after becoming known as one with him, wanting to be inseparable in the name as they have decided to devote their lives to him.

Davis could feel the passionate emotions in their gaze, causing him to smile.

"I've already thought of what to do."

He panned his gaze, his sight falling on a crimson-gold-robed woman.

"Shea, I will marry you in six months."


Shea's expression froze, not expecting to be brought into the topic as she already considered herself married. This essentially also caused Yilla, Panqa, and Lanqua's emotions to churn as their passion to marry was reignited in their hearts.

"But— you are not the first."

Davis chuckled, "I will marry Nadia within a month in the Starlight Jade Wolf Clan with all kinds of wolves invited."


Evelynn smiled, and the others couldn't help but nod. That little wolf has always been silent, not expressing much other than to gobble food. They were happy for her that Davis chose to marry her before anyone else, as this was long set in stone.

"Right now, she's fully devoted to becoming an Immortal Emperor Beast. Don't tell her though— I want it to be a surprise."

Davis warned, causing the others to nod twice and thrice.

"Is it Myria after this?" Isabella's gaze flashed.

She knew that Davis would never let Myria wait, considering he pursued her badly like when he pursued her.

"Hmm." Davis pursed his lips before he shook his head, "I'll marry her whenever she wants. After all, she definitely won't marry me before I marry Ellia."


Isabella realized, "So Ellia is next?"

Davis's lips curled, "After Nadia is Everlight. I will marry her in three months. After all, she is the powerhouse of your life. If I don't satisfy her, she might charm you all and take you away from me."


Everyone couldn't help but laugh while Mingzhi grinned, "Indeed. You better thoroughly charm her on the bed of the marriage night."

"Speaking of which, is she not back yet? It's already been a month."

Shirley inclined her head in doubt. However, Davis simply smiled.

"The fact that Everlight isn't back means that she understands that she needs to stay with Saintess Lunaria to fully bring out her potential as a mutated Nine Lives Gracious Fox. I could still feel Everlight's soul in me, and there was nothing wrong with her emotions. Besides, Saintess Lunaria helped my father a while ago, so it doesn't matter if she wants a bit more time or if Everlight herself takes one or two more months to return."

"That's good." Shirley nodded, "If Everlight can get stronger, then it would be like you getting stronger."

"Indeed." Isabella and everyone agreed.

After all, Everlight contained all their souls. She had nine tails and twenty-seven azure orbs, having all their soul essences imprinted in her. She could revive them if anything happened to them, but similarly, someone could use her to target them with a karmic attack.

But since Saintess Lunaria hadn't killed them yet, they long lost that worry in their minds, not that they even suspected her in the first place since there was no benevolent character other than Saintess Lunaria as far as they knew.

Everlight can be said to be their other pillar.

They could practically worship her as their Guardian Beast, and it would be justified.

"After Everlight would be Shea and then Ellia." Davis continued, "I will be marrying Ellia one year from now, and I'm sure Ellia wouldn't mind the wait, and I'm grateful for her patience."

Davis spoke with some emotion, and everyone else could feel his relationship with her as they knew she was the very first woman he was with, although their relationship was one of a prince and a personal maid.

"Next is Lea in two years, Tina in three years, Iesha in four years, Tanya in five years, Dalila in six years, Panqa and Lanqua in seven years, Yilla in eight years, and Schleya in nine years."

With Davis listing off the general time they would get married, their eyes widened.

"Of course, we don't know what would happen in the next ten years until the Candidacy starts as we could all be occupied with our cultivations. If anyone has a problem or wants to make changes, I am always open to discussing it."

"No-" Shea's voice trembled, "We- I don't want to trouble you when you have so many respons-"

"Shea, you are also my responsibility, my priority."

Davis turned to look at Shea with a solemn expression, "Even if not for yourself, we have a daughter with a cute name, Sheria, don't we? What if she grows up and asks why we aren't married? Will you watch her face wither as she thinks she is inferior to other children?"

'Ah…! There was that…'

Suddenly, the unmarried women who were not really interested in a public marriage like Panqa and Lanqua or Yilla Zyrus were reminded of social acknowledgment that they didn't care for much, but their children might be affected. After all, growing up, they would start comparing themselves to their siblings, whether it be status or cultivation.

It was inevitable.

They could try to teach, but children wouldn't care as, whether it be receiving praise from parents or others, looking cool and outshining everyone would be everything to them.

Shea was dumbfounded, having no words to retort to his words that she could only nod her head.

Her reaction caused Davis to smile.

"You may all think I have greater responsibilities, and I am grateful you all think that way. But to me, there is nothing more unsightly than a man who wants a harem but can't take care of them or give them what they want properly. I am aware of my inabilities and time constraints but still don't want to become such a person, so I ask for cooperation and no infighting."

Davis lowered his head to them as he expressed his thoughts, causing everyone's heart to swell with love and affection.

Some of their noses even turned red as tears lingered in their eyes.

'This man…' Mingzhi inwardly grinned as she was also moved.

If she didn't know any better, she might think he was trying to manipulate them all, but with how sincere he was, she knew he was this foolish to be trying to treat everyone the same.

She loved his dominant side but wouldn't want him without his understanding side, making her want to capture him and become one with him at this moment, as it could be said that she had her switch heavily flipped.

On the other hand, Davis truly meant to take care of them and make love with them in these ten years until the Candidacy begins.

His thought was not— I have ten years to relax until I enter the true immortal world. Instead, it was— Oh, I only have ten years. I should do all in order to survive in the true immortal world but also not forget my beauties.

He wanted to be sincere, and hence, the period of time between marriages was long, although it was short, considering he intended to live for billions of years and beyond.

"Schleya, with the time of the marriages I have listed, you are the last. Do you want to make any changes?" Davis asked.

To his question, Schleya smiled with a heartened expression.

"Whether it be nine years or nine million years, I will always wait for you."

Davis was mesmerized by the softness in her voice and her peaceful expression.

"So nine million is your limit…"

Schleya's brows twitched at Mingzhi teasing her before she corrected herself, "It was supposed to be a figure of speech."

Mingzhi giggled more in response as she couldn't help but find Schleya cute even with how deadly she was on the battlefield.

"Darling, the children are going to come if you don't go searching for them…" Shirley reminded.

"Oh shet-"

Davis hurriedly left with panic visible on his face, causing giggles and laughter to spread while Schleya felt her cheeks redden, feeling one with them as she didn't think it was only nine years before their marriage as she was truly ready to wait for nine hundred and ninety-nine years when she expressed she wanted to marry.

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