Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 3265 Ailing Soul

Chapter 3265 Ailing Soul

Davis and Myria became dumbfounded as they heard the World Master's words.

She was… dying…? And-

"Crippled…?" Davis uttered at a loss, but he quickly regained his focus, not losing the power he poured into Fallen Heaven.

"Wait… it doesn't make sense…."

How exactly underneath the heavens, the World Master was this strong even while being crippled was beyond his imagination. And… didn't this thing happen millions of years ago? How was she still alive!?

"My dantian is not an inner world nor a realm or even multiple realms. It's a universe."


As though answering his question, the World Master answered, causing trillions of thunderclaps to echo inside Davis and Myria's hearts.

Their mind was utterly blown, and Davis couldn't help but remember the three layers: the Third Layer, where Planet Earth and other celestial bodies were; the Second Layer, where the Grand Beginnings Continent was; and the First Layer, where the First Haven World was situated.

Back then, Fallen Heaven said that the innumerable galaxies it saw in the Third Layer were just illusions. However, what if they were not illusions but a blueprint the World Master would eventually construct, but it failed to see the light of day because she was crippled?

Moreover, didn't this universe resemble the Three-Layered Universe a lot with its three layers!?

The World Master once again turned around, looking into the distance as she seemed to reminiscence something.

"My parents were strong immortals, but I was born a cripple, a disgrace who couldn't even cultivate. That's right. I was not born an immortal, much less inherited the talent my parents had. Yet, my parents still loved me, showering me with life-saving medicine to save my crippled body. It did not take much to keep me alive, but I wanted to prove to them that I was not a mistake, so I studied very hard and came up with a new cultivation method suitable to my crippled body after many years, birthing a vast inner space even when I reached the level of a Revolving Core Stage Cultivator."

"Because of what I did, my parents uplifted me, pouring countless resources into me like I was a bottomless pit. I was so happy, not realizing that the amount of resources poured into me could even push an Upper Realm into dire straits."

"Eventually, I had to leave because I became an Anarchic Divergent unknowingly by entering a stage similar to the level of Immortal King Stage as I made a universe similar to the Three-Layered Universe within my dantian. I didn't know that it would offend the heavens, nor did I want to offend it, but what's done has been done, and I became public enemy number one, hunted down by the Heaven's Warriors and everyone who wants a piece of karmic virtue from eliminating me."

The World Master paused, making Davis imagine a life that was full of twists and turns for the woman before him. He was interested in hearing more, but she moved on to the end.

"I finally ended up struck by a divine punishment lightning, but by that time, I was also strong enough to hold against the Galaxies on my own. My universe, although flawed, was seventy percent complete when it was struck and crippled, causing its growth to come to a halt- no, the rate of growth became extremely slow that the energy from my primordial core is no longer growing despite the slow expansion of three layers. My universe may remain a vestige like a corpse until it decomposes, but my soul... that is nearing its end."

"Then-" Davis probed, causing World Master to glance at him.

"Yes, I'm not going to attack you anymore, so you can stop ruining yourself."

"What- you can't just…pui!~"

Davis spat a mouthful of blood as his focus lapsed, making him feel extremely dizzy as all the essence he sacrificed went to waste. Fallen Heaven's surging undulations rapidly dropped, making him want to use it right now, but the World Master declared that she wouldn't attack him anymore, causing him to halt despite the wastage of soul essence.


Myria quickly caught him from falling.

The World Master appeared unmoved. She took her gaze off of him, raising her hand to snap her fingers.

The scenery changed, and Davis's heart sank, wondering if she made a move to kill while deep regret swelled inside him, but he dropped into a pond along with Myria, causing him to panickingly rise above the water level as he looked at the World Master still overlooking from the edge of the pagoda canopy.

Davis's lips parted as he could feel his soul essence return at a rapid rate.

"As the creator of a universe, Life Laws are something I could deeply understand, and I had a slight understanding of Death Laws, but that doesn't mean I could use them both, as using both at the same time will ultimately shatter one's own soul."

The World Master uttered with a sigh, "Because of this, I couldn't even establish my own reincarnation cycle and could only borrow from the Three-Layered Universe, so I ultimately devised a way to create Lunaria and her twin after watching and comprehending Myria's countless rebirths, hoping that they would awaken the true spirit of the Grimoire of Fate and unleash its true powers."

"However, Lunaria's twin soon died, and Lunaria grew as an orphan, not even knowing her origin, but deep inside, I suspect she already knows that we're related somehow even though I didn't show my face since she did ask if I was her mother in the end, which I didn't even bother to reply."

"Nonetheless, Lunaria chanced upon the Grimoire of Fate without my interference whatsoever, so when she threw it away, I knew… I was not fated to have a chance at survival. Even then, I didn't give my hopes up, as there was still Myria. I waited for a long time for her to revive on her own terms."

"However, you came into the scene with no indication of your existence whatsoever. Your presence allowed Myria to finally revive. Your soul was not compatible with the Grimoire of Fate, but once it fused with yours, its true spirit finally began to grow, regaining its true powers stage after stage. Coincidentally, you usurped the destiny I painstakingly created to help Myria in her journey if she was worthy."

The World Master's gaze gleamed as she looked at him floating in the pond.

"My hopes were rekindled. You were an existence even I did not foresee, so I hoped that you would finally reach a stage where you could help me. However, reality is different, isn't it?"

Davis's gaze shook as he heard the World Master's despondent voice.

"You also heard Tia's story…?"

Heard Tia's story? The World Master's lips curled behind her veil as she knew the whole goddamn thing more than Davis knew, as she knew exactly who the four women were and what their story comprised of. She didn't forget them. Their sacrifice completely moved her, but in that story, she didn't appear again, and they acted like they couldn't get into the First Haven World without traveling back in time, which made her heart sink.

"Only one of us can survive past this point, and as I said, I'm not as kind as Lunaria. If you don't have the resolve to push through, then I will use it in your stead."

"You can't be kidding me…" Davis's brows twitched.

All that to test him? He wanted to say that she went too far but then imagined what she could've gone through to get to this point and still have no breakthrough to save herself.

"I only needed you to stand your ground and have the courage to move forward even if you could not see the light at the end of the tunnel, so if you had truly resigned yourself, I would've made the decision to kill you. After all, my life may be ailing, but I wouldn't exchange it for a coward who doesn't have the ambition to overcome the difficulties that may bring more suffering than what I tried to unleash. However, I didn't expect you to uncover my only remaining attachment in this universe."

The World Master's voice became complicated, "Be proud. You have earned the right to live even if you are a being who's older than me or came from another… universe."


Davis was speechless, not knowing what to say to that claim as he had no idea. Regardless, it turned out Saintess Lunaria was the World Master's weakness, but the former didn't know of it at all.

He reached out his hand, manifesting Fallen Heaven, but this time, he absorbed it back into his soul.

"However, I still need to protect my universe from being destroyed, so I need you to leave."

The World Master waved her hand, causing Davis to purse his lips.

"Give me twenty years or at least until the Candidacy ends. I don't need more time, and until then, I give you my word that I won't bring down my Immortal Emperor Tribulation. If I did, you could send me out in an instant, and I wouldn't even complain, much less retaliate…"

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