Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 3096 Fake Calamity

Chapter 3096 Fake Calamity

Peace was recently brought to this world by the hands of the world powers signing a treaty.

The people, humans, magical beasts, spirits and feys alike, and even other lifeforms truly enjoyed peace for a period of time. But now, they could only tremble as they looked at the skies that were torn from one end to another. 

For an entire day, from the morning to the night, the people were in trepidation. They could only watch in terror as night fell as the spatial tear that was seemingly never-ending threatened to stretch and unleash untold devastation upon the world.

The tear seems to defy the laws of space, warping reality around it. Clouds were pulled towards the rift, swirling chaotically, and arcs of mystical energy shot out in all directions. As the tear appeared to slowly expand, silhouettes of magical beasts with wings the size of stars and colossal humans could be seen.

These enigmatic creatures appear to be trapped between the many layers of space, their forms distorted by the spatial anomaly. 

It was as though the true immortal world was going to fall on them.

In the midst of this chaos, a haunting silence enveloped every town, city, and sect, many holding their breaths as they anticipated their last while some truly exuded their beastly nature and started to commit murder, rape, and pillage.

The peaceful world was sent into a spiral of chaos, but at the same time, every power imposed martial law, disallowing people to exit their homes.




"It's over now!"

Thunderous sounds emerged from the skies, scaring the helpless people who could do nothing but hide to death. Although martial law brought them security, they didn't feel any safer as they felt the world was going to end.

It was already dawn, but only the shimmering apocalyptic light from the edges of the spatial tear was flashing throughout the heaven and earth.

On a purple-colored palace's top platform stood a white-robed woman.

She gazed at the splitting skies but didn't appear to be scared at all; instead, she looked at them with a vengeful gleam before lowering her head and gazing at the lift tablet that she held in her grasp with worry.

"Mother, don't stand outside. Come back in…"

A green-robed woman who appeared extremely similar to Clara stood behind the white-robed woman and placed her hand on the latter.

"Diana, you go inside." Resounded an indifferent voice.

Diana's gaze shook before she clenched her teeth and lowered her head, turning around as she returned to the platform's canopy to avoid being struck by the storm above. She returned and shook her head towards a blue-robed man.

"Mother is not listening, Edward…"

"Don't worry, Diana. There have been reports of no deaths, so it should be relatively fine at the moment."

Edward consoled her.

But beside them, another white-crimson-robed woman didn't seem to be amused.

She held two children in her arms. They were none other than Evan and Laura, cuter than ever before, but they seemed scared, hiding their faces in the woman's bosoms. She gave them to Edward and Diana, causing them to blink as they looked at her leave towards their mother.

The white-crimson-robed woman strode forward toward Claire and reached out her hands, suddenly grasping her shoulder before she turned her around and clasped her cheeks with a loud slap.

"What's wrong with you? Snap out of it, Claire! Aren't you the one who cried for him to go and check on your favorite son's life and death? Aren't you the one who pushed him to feel like he's less of a father? Aren't you the one who caused who blamed him for hiding this from-"

"I know!"

Claire screamed out, her eyes becoming teary as she clenched her teeth, "I know what I did… Nora. It's his fault for hiding things from me, so I demanded him to go save our son because I knew he was capable and responsible even if it were to take many years. He's my man… he's his father… so how can he fail? But the circumstances we are in now… which part of me wanted him to leave?"

She pointed at the skies, "I didn't ask for this… the heavens are forcing us to ascend, but he forced us to stay. I wanted to go together with him but now… I can only wait to see if his life tablet would break or not. Surely, you must know how excruciating it is to-"

"I know. I know how excruciating it is… awaiting for your father and mother to come back, but they never returned as their life tablets broke. Your son should also be in such a predicament, so believe our husband. He will surely save Davis if it's the last thing he does before he dies, so even in death, he will allow you to have some peace…"


Claire's gaze shook as he saw her sister cry, "I'm sorry…"

She only had her son's life and death in mind, but only after Logan left after forcing them to stay did she understand what it would mean to also lose her husband. She felt that she was very foolish in going crazy and demanding him to save their son while not thinking about him or Nora's situation at all.

Not considering her situation, she was making Nora and the other women widows if Logan were to ever die, but more than anything, she was now scared that she would truly end up losing her sweetheart.

"Don't get me wrong. I owe your son a lot, but if I lost my love… then I…"

The two of them held hands as they continuously shook their heads, one not wanting to say it while the other pleaded not to say it.

Apocalyptic light shone on them brightly, causing their expressions to be mesmerizingly sorrowful, but suddenly, that light disappeared, causing their expressions to freeze.

They slowly raised their heads to look at the skies, imagining that it was going to swallow them whole as it was too silent.


However, they were stunned to see that it was nothing but the same old skies.

Edward, Diana, and the others were too stunned to speak. In fact, it was the same for the entire Grand Beginnings Continent as they watched the spatial tear just disappear as though it never existed in the first place. Every single one of them froze in place, wondering if some change had occurred to them or even the entire world.

'Could it be I am in the true immortal world now? Has our world been swallowed?'

'Is there any chance that this is the afterlife?'

'Why has the world gone silent? Am I dead, and everything became slow as a result since it's my last moments in the world?'

Numerous people thought in different ways, but the moment Claire and Nora looked at each other, they screamed at the same time.

"An illusion!?"

"How can it be!?" Nora's gaze shook, "Who can cast an illusion of this scale!?"

"I don't know, but I know spatial tears don't just disappear like that, not when it sliced across our skies in half as far as we could see!"

Claire also shook her head. She felt like she had to call Logan back, but she slapped her forehead, knowing that she wouldn't be able to call him back.

"What do we do? If this was an illusion, who cast it? For what reason?"

"To weaken us?" Nora gestured with uncertainty, "I mean, the Alstreim Family is the strongest power… so…"

They both wondered if some power coveted their wealth, but they felt it was not likely as they had read reports this spatial tear could be seen anywhere from the Grand Beginnings Continent, and hence, they believed that the world was truly going to come to an end as it might be split open.

They couldn't understand other than create many speculations, but minutes later, Claire turned stunned.

She instantly threw herself on Nora and jumped like a little girl.

"Alive… he's alive…!"


Nora's expression turned confused, but as she looked at Logan's intact life tablet, it could only mean one thing.

"He… he managed to figure out that your son is alive in just a day?"


Claire lost her elegant outlook as she cried out like a child, but the pure emotions flooding out of her made Nora cryingly smile as she nodded.

"Good… good… if they're both alive, then I couldn't ask for more…"

Nora knew that they implemented a similar communication method set up when Drake left, so she figured Claire would've noticed the changes as long as Logan relayed them back.

"Indeed. Our love also notified us not to ascend as things appear to be extremely dangerous." Claire added in a profound tone.

What's more, since Davis was alive and the impending calamity seemed to be utterly fake, they would have no need to ascend anymore. 

Claire wondered if Logan was lying to soothe her, especially since she was pregnant and might not handle the shock of Davis's passing away, but since she said that she wanted to know the truth no matter the weight of it, she knew he wouldn't lie.

She trusted Logan fully, retracing her belief as she became confident. Nora turned to look at the clear skies, imagining that this could be a new start for them in the true immortal world in a few years.

They couldn't help but feel overjoyed with their children beside them, not knowing that someone else in the First Haven World was brewing with intense anger.


A blue-robed man stood up and thrashed the tea table in front of him, appearing full of wrath as veins covered his face. This person was none other than one of many Accursed Warlock Fraser Herrion's seeds.

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