Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 2233: Using The Spirit-Tier Pill

Chapter 2233: Using The Spirit-Tier Pill

Davis possessed a complicated expression on his face.

It wasn’t like he was going to swallow it in terms of eating it, but still, he would have to leave it behind as soon as he became an immortal because it was unable to increase its cultivation, just like immortals with partially crippled immortal vessels. For that, he decided not to get attached to it, but if it was so gently grieving in front of him like a child, seeking his affection without ulterior motives, then he was stumped beyond compare to its pure emotions.

He couldn’t remain indifferent, and he had little doubt that if he were to yell at it or attack it to teach it a lesson, it would most likely escape, but escape while crying as emotions of betrayal hurt its consciousness, causing him to heave a low sigh.

“Fine. Mas-ter is apologetic for sealing you inside. Forgive me…”

He raised his and touched its tiny pill body that radiated a cerulean sheen as he shared his intent through soul force.

“Maws…ter… yipeee…”

Davis’s lips lightly curved as he heard its innocent voice. Was that supposed to be a yes?

The Spirit-Tier Pill spun around him as it hummed in a gleeful voice, exuding happiness before it finally landed on his palm as though falling in his embrace.


After it gained consciousness upon its birth, its sentience seemed to have developed enough to have somewhat of an understandable conversation, although only by a little. Still, Davis didn’t think that he would find a pill rather adorable, but that caused him to be a little worried.

‘If every resource is going to become a life, how am I supposed to keep my conscience straight?’

He had no problem killing all entities that were hostile, but for innocent beings who just wanted to survive without harming anyone, he occasionally had his heart ache for them, causing him to enclose his palm as he kept it within his embrace.

“Supreme Ebbing Sigil Pill. That’s what you are called, able to drastically increase my soul prowess, allowing me to form a Supreme Immortal Sigil. Now, what I want you to do is form a bond with me so that you can bestow me with the energy required for that transformation. Do you understand?”


Davis asked as he relayed with his intent with soul force. However, the Supreme Ebbing Sigil Pill didn’t seem to understand the intricacies, causing him to explain twice more before it resounded.

“Ey… cann! I can! Itsh eazy…!”

Davis smiled upon getting it to understand his intent.

As expected of a Spirit-Tier Pill.

Although its sentience hadn’t developed yet, its instincts still allowed it to know of its natural capabilities. It probably knew how to attack him and defend itself, but it refused to do so as he initially thought.

He took the pill back to his forehead and allowed it to enter his soul sea. However, the Spirit-Tier Pill seemed a bit hesitant, causing Davis to open his mouth.

“Don’t worry. I won’t seal you again.”


A sound of excitement echoed from the Supreme Ebbing Sigil Pill before it rushed into Davis’s soul sea, heading towards this soul essence. Halfway through, it got lost that he had to lead it through the misty soul sea before it finally arrived. The next moment, a ray of cerulean light emerged from its tiny body, falling on his soul essence.


Davis could unequivocally feel that his soul essence was being drastically strengthened at this moment. He couldn’t believe that this little pill was already starting to use a massive amount of its energy to improve his cultivation.

Moreover, he could sense that it was draining its pill essence as well, meaning it could be very well sacrificing its life essence for him, causing him to become moved.

More and more energy invigorated his soul essence that he could sense his Emperor Sigil becoming stronger and stronger that he could use to unleash greater strength at this moment. However, that would be a waste, not to mention that…

“Stop… stop… stop!!!”

Within a few minutes, the Spirit-Tier Pill used up around twenty-five percent of its pill essence, its body becoming smaller.

“Di… Did… I du somthing wong?” NovelFull.coᴍ

The Supreme Ebbing Sigil Pill asked as it trembled inside his soul sea, its innocent voice sounding scared.

“You didn’t do anything wrong. However, you can’t use so much of your essence simultaneously. At this rate, you might die.”

“But… mashter… I must ush a bit mor of mine eshence… for da beshtowmant to wark…”

Davis decoded its words, realizing that it said for the bestowment to work, it must use around thirty percent of its pill essence to allow him to experience a significant increase, but he shook his head, “It will work fine when you limit your usage to above the limit of what you can bestow so that you can restore it sooner and do it again.”


He repeated these words a few times until the Spirit-Tier Pill finally understood it and realized that instincts weren’t everything.

It continued nurturing his soul essence with its energy while occasionally using the bestowal of its pill essence for a significant increase.

Nonetheless, he also understood that transformation in soul essence was a long process and could take anywhere from a few days to a few months, depending on the rate of infusion the Spirit-Tier Pill bestows him with and how much he restores its energy by giving it nutrition in the form of energy, preferably soul force with life energy.

As a result, Davis began providing it with enormous amounts of life energy.

It was Fallen Heaven’s life energy at that.

Receiving such a pure source of energy caused the Supreme Ebbing Sigil Pill to release its energy to him unabatedly, without reserve, and as soon as its pill essence was restored to ninety-nine percent in a few hours, it directly bestowed him with twenty-five percent of its pill’s essence, repeatedly strengthening his soul essence.

Their efficiency was extremely high but what he didn’t know was that compared to others who used Spirit-Tier Pills in this way, his efficiency was at least a hundred percent higher.

After all, the Spirit-Tier Pill improved his cultivation, and in return, he kept its energy stable.

If one were to look at it from another perspective, it was similar to dual cultivation, except in a non-sexual way, similar to where masters help their disciples as they place their hands on their back to teach circulation methods or for better circulation.

Moreover, Davis sensed that the Spirit-Tier Pill’s ability to convey its thoughts was also becoming more and more proficient as they conversed to maintain the efficiency, meaning that its consciousness was growing at a rapid pace, but he knew why as that had to do with Fallen Heaven’s life energy.

Still, while he instructed the Spirit-Tier Pill occasionally, he also took out golden tone, the Unfettered Earthly Reincarnation Scripture, and read through it.

Unlike the Grand Chaos Body Art, this Soul Forging Cultivation Manual covered the Immortal Emperor Stage, although it was incomplete, making him smile at the beginning over Myria’s stubbornness. He saved her life, so she gave him her life’s worth of cultivating knowledge of life and death.

In this aspect, he really couldn’t help but respect her.

However, he didn’t know why she had the manual ready. After all, who would be able to train in it other than her?

Was it because she wanted to write down her insights in order to have a better understanding? If that was the case, it was common.

It also had the mortal cultivation realm chapters, making him understand that she had probably inscribed her basic understanding of her current experience as a mortal for it as she was born an immortal in her first life and had no need for the mortal cultivation realm.

Or was it because she was preparing to accept a disciple?

Davis could only derive that the disciple was him.

Was this Unfettered Earthly Reincarnation Scripture initially intended for him, just a word away from saying ‘yes’ to becoming her disciple, or was he thinking too much into it?

Nonetheless, he had only skimmed the Unfettered Earthly Reincarnation Scripture’s chapters because the intricacies she inscribed in these scriptures were difficult for him to understand.

He began reading from the very first page again, this time with extreme focus, while he left the process of transforming Soul Forging Cultivation to the Supreme Ebbing Sigil Pill as it had become experienced in bestowing him with energy while Fallen Heaven actively sent its life energy to it.

[Life is not the beginning. Death is not the end. Life is a state of presence while Death is also a state, the state of absence, and consequently, true life is signified by the presence of existence, and the absence of existence signifies true death; in other words, Reincarnation.]

[The cycle of Reincarnation as a yin-yang diagram is the essence of the protector of lives and the reaper of souls. Without the existence of a reincarnation cycle, life and death amidst the myriad of beings would cease to exist as the balance in the cosmos would collapse.]

[The myriad of creations seek death and crave life in relevance with the cycle of Reincarnation-]

As he read through the paragraph of inscribed text, his soul force was rapidly drained, and mental exhaustion was also seeping into him bit by bit. It was like he was put in a trance, as though he was swaying in the lonesome sea with its horizons far and wide, skies gloomy, and no clear trace of land where he could land upon and consolidate his insights.

It was unknown how much time he took before he finally found an island where he could land when abruptly, he came out of his reverie and suddenly noticed the changes in the environment.

He was no longer in his chamber but on the ground floor of the Nine-Treasured Immortal Ordeal Palace.

“Lereza, what’s the meaning of this?”

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