Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 1516 - The Question In Her Heart

Chapter 1516 - The Question In Her Heart

"I didn't miss you one bit." Davis indifferently spoke as he turned his head away as if unwilling to speak, "Now leave."

Hearing the annoyance in his tone, Mo Mingzhi's smile still didn't leave her lips.

"You're so cold, making me get jealous while seeing you shed all your warmth towards them while not even sparing a bit for me. Tell me, am I not beautiful enough to be your woman?"

Davis closed his eyes and opened them before he looked at her.

"Mingzhi, we already talked about this matter. It's not a matter of being beautiful or not. It's a matter of compatibility."

"How am I not compatible?"

Mo Mingzhi took a step forward and took an empty seat at their table, making herself comfortable. She shot a look at Evelynn, Natalya, and Fiora before she returned her gaze to Davis.

"I thought a lot about when you said I was special and understood that I wasn't being seen as a daughter but a little sister. You can't say that I'm wrong, or else I wouldn't even know which zone I'm in after getting so many gifts from you, even a Darkness Elemental of such power..."

Davis's brows twitched.

His gaze panned a bit, noticing that neither Evelynn nor the other two spoke anything to shut her up. Last time, they weren't like this. Could it be that they were offended and dumbfounded because Mo Mingzhi said she was special to him?

He inwardly sighed before he returned his gaze to her.

"Mingzhi, you are incomprehensible to me. If our positions were reversed, even if I owe you for saving and taking care of me, I still would've made you crippled for killing my father."

"That's you. This is me." Mo Mingzhi's lips curved, "Why should I ruin my life for a father who had done so many wrongs? Why should I care for him when I know he's evil? It's your fault for bringing me to the side of justice, you know."

"Even so, you can't deny to me that you have your childhood memories clear now that you have increased your Soul Forging Cultivation, Mo Mingzhi. At that time, when I killed your father right in front of your eyes, you should've clearly seen the hatred in my eyes and the feelings that you felt for your father, crying over his corpse. Inevitably, the feelings you had towards your father should've also become more clear to you, reigniting your familial love towards him."

Mo Mingzhi trembled before she dodged his gaze. However, Davis continued.

"Let's say that I agree to take you as my woman and later slighted you for some heaven forbidden reason. What's to say that you won't dig up old scars and try to bring harm to my women, my sanctuary of peace and happiness? I've read and seen hundreds of stories of a man allowing an incompatible woman into his world only to have his whole life ruined in the end."

Looking at Mo Mingzhi uncontrollably trembling, he took a deep breath before he spoke.

"I admit that you're like a little sister to me. I don't want you to die or suffer but live a happy life. However, I'm not the one you want."

Davis spoke and became silent.

"I... I understand your worries. I won't deny having the thought of killing you when I found out that you killed my father. However, that was something I came to terms with after I met you again. No amount of seeing old memories clear or digging the old scars can revive that dead feeling for my father because I know I still love you and am incapable of hating you."

Davis turned his head away, no longer able to see her longing gaze.

Mo Mingzhi felt like her heart had been pierced by his gesture that she stood up, her arms trembling as she reached out to her heart.

"What- What should I do to have you trust me?" She clenched her bosom, feeling it painful, "This... I feel like there's a hole in my heart that I want to fill with you, the person I unknowingly fell in love with from the moment I became romantically interested from a young age. Why won't you let me fill this hole when I'm trying so hard...?"

Mo Mingzhi sniffled as tears gathered in her eyes, but she didn't cry, just biting her lips as she waited for his answer.

Davis's heart nearly melted when he saw her almost break down from the corner of his eyes. He clenched his hands to hold himself back from making a reaction that he could never take back. Nevertheless, he looked at her softly and gently spoke.

"Mingzhi, I understand your thoughts, but-"

"Fine! I will pursue you until you are convinced that I would never betray you. However, I will come with you to the other side when you leave. You can't refuse! Otherwise, you will not see me anymore, eternally!"

Mo Mingzhi looked wide-eyed at him before she turned around and left.

"Mingzhi... Hey, Mingzhi!"

Davis shouted, but she left like the wind without turning back. She entered the rooftop entrance and disappeared from his gaze. However, viewing with his soul sense, he saw her hiding behind as she bawled her eyes out but silently. His mouth slightly hung agape in incredulity to her self-threat, but he didn't leave his seat as his look became complex, unable to understand her unhealthy obsession towards him.

"Wah, so cold~"

"Too cold~"

"Extreme icy man~"

Evelynn, Natalya, and Fiora abruptly commented, causing Davis's heart to feel like it had been pierced as he looked at them, his mouth hanging agape.

"You all... Whose side are you on?"

"On your side, of course." Evelynn smiled, "However, I never thought that you would deny a woman who is so fixated on you to this level."

"Me too."


The two blood sisters added.

"Are you kidding me?" Davis gawked, "Mo Mingzhi is a far cry from her previous mortal self that I will fall if I let her be near me. However, she might turn out to be a slow-acting poison that might harm you all later. If it weren't for that-"

"I know. That's why I'm not going to complain about how you handled the situation because you think and care about us all the time." Evelynn kept her smile, "Davis, you know me the best. Why would I want you to take another woman unless you really want her?"

"I like her, though." Natalya grinned from the side, "Reminds me of my old desperate self. However, if she poses a threat, then I can only follow my husband's decision because I was not there to see how you two were like in the past."

"You two, you act as if you know her quite well."

"Of course not."

Evelynn and Natalya shook their heads to Davis's doubt.

"Davis," Fiora smiled, "Mo Mingzhi visited us while you were away."

"Oh? What did she do?"

Davis's expression became slightly disturbed. That woman, did she trick them with her wits?

"Almost nothing except she knocked on our doors individually, said that she'd kneel for a day in front of our cultivation chambers, and all she asked us was not to interfere when she talks with you while also not presenting negative and even positive comments about her."

"We told her to go away, but she adamantly kneeled and fulfilled her end without even knowing if we would agree to it. She does not have respect for us, but she doesn't look down on us either while she moves at her pace. I like her guts."

Fiora giggled before Natalya nodded.

"True, she did kneel for a day in front of our cultivation chambers each, so I was compelled to not make a noise at this moment as my sisters were as well."

"She... Why does she act so degrading...!?"

Davis angrily stood up and flew towards the rooftop entrance.

"Ah, he went to console her already..."

Fiora's mouth went agape while Evelynn still had her smile.

"You know how he already cares for his little sisters Clara and Diana, so of course, he wouldn't want Mo Mingzhi degrading herself in front of others, even if it is us."

Natalya and Fiora both nodded after hearing Evelynn's conclusion.

"Fine, I'll take you to the other side, but you're staying in our Alstreim Family's Purple Guest Palace and not going anywhere until you have my permission, got it?"

Mo Mingzhi looked stunned. She had no idea what this Purple Guest Palace was and was just about to turn around and nod her head before the rooftop door shut on her.


She dumbfoundedly looked at the door before she smiled widely.

Not going anywhere? He wanted her to stay with him?

'Did I finally move his heart?'

A question remained in her heart and mind as she turned around, gleefully jumped, and hopped away on the wide steps leading to the lower floors.

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