Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 1496 - Heading Towards A Breakthrough

Chapter 1496 - Heading Towards A Breakthrough

News that an unknown powerhouse captured Elizar Yantra after being proved to be a wicked path cultivator from the investigation done by the Mystic Ice Sect and the Thousand Pill Palace spread like wildfire. Both Gilmore Family and Metaxas Family accepted the claim and declared a public apology before proceeding to purge the Yantra Family as it had been found guilty by the investigation.

At least, most of the upper echelon were found guilty and were executed on the spot. The investigation's reach didn't extend towards the Gilmore and Metaxas families, so they remained safe from whatever deeds they may have done. Nevertheless, the Flowing Mist Sect now belonged to the two of them as they ousted the Yantra Family and exiled them, calling them sinners of the Flowing Mist Sect.

Elizar Yantra's life and death were still unknown, but everyone assumed that he was dead. There's no way he could've survived that powerhouse's onslaught, not unless that powerhouse had other plans for him, which they couldn't speculate no matter how they tried, but they did tighten their defenses so as to not be ambushed by a freed Elizar Yantra who might be out for revenge.

They were even going to take measures and try to divine his whereabouts, but they didn't know that the result would end up empty.

Davis returned to the First Layer. However, he didn't go to the Alstreim Family but went towards the Towering Cloud Hall Territory, Thousand Pill Palace Territory, and Poison Lord Villa Territory. He had no enmity with the Poison Lord Villa before, but now he had a bit of enmity due to that interference he faced during Elizar Yantra's capture. Nevertheless, he didn't bother with them and entered the Blood Pledge Villa Territory, intending to capture some soul essences from magical beasts that would help him grow his Soul Forging Cultivation.

On the way, he had already informed Isabella and the others about his situation so that they didn't need to worry about him. He was going to hunt some magical beasts at the Twilight Shade Valley Territory, north of the Blood Pledge Villa Territory, to increase his Soul Forging Cultivation alright, so knowing that, they didn't interfere.

He had stayed in the Low-Level King Soul Stage for a few months, enhancing his stability within the stage while also managing to increase his comprehension.

It was now time to head towards a breakthrough.


Once Davis stepped out of the Territory Gate, he saw the red clouds above the sky, which were just a few a thousand meters above him in the skies. It made him feel... not much different.

"Haha, fellow cultivator, is this your first time in the Blood Pledge Villa Territory?"

Davis looked at the person beside him and saw that he wore a simple red-black robe. Black hair fell from his shoulders while he looked fairly handsome. However, his right cheek had a scar that extended to his right ear, indicating that he didn't have the resources to heal it or it was recent and just didn't have the time to do so.

Davis was wearing a lion-faced mask and a black robe, but people like this guy still took the step to talk to him? As expected of a wicked path Territory. They don't give a crap about the unspoken rules that the righteous path followed at normal times.

He shrugged and walked towards the front, exiting the Territory Gate Platform while heading into an impoverished merchant town. No, it seemed to be ruined as buildings were broken, but some stood tall, decorated with resplendent lights, and some buildings even had the sensual lighting of brothels.

It seems fights happen most of the time for the border town to be like this. Still, it wasn't of concern. Davis floated, wanting to quickly make his way towards the Twilight Shade Valley Territory, when a voice echoed.

"Fellow cultivator! Flying is not advised!"

Davis turned to look around. It was that fellow again.

"What do you mean?"

He finally spoke, his voice sounding hoarse in disguise.

The red-black-robed man pointed towards the skies.

"You can see these red clouds everywhere, right? They're formed from the remnants of the Blood Dust Emperor who sacrificed himself to protect the Blood Pledge Villa from those hypocritical righteous powers who tried to wage war long ago when your ancestors of a hundred generations weren't even born."

"I see... what does it do?"

"Well, I don't recommend traveling three hundred meters above in the skies if you're not at the Eighth Stage because those clouds will suck your blood like its wine."

Davis was pretty shocked to see something like that remain. If this was true, then that Blood Dust Emperor must have been quite powerful!

"Moreover, even if you're an eighth stage cultivator, flying two hundred meters above the air means disrespecting the Blood Dust Emperor. If the disciples and elders of the Blood Pledge Villa saw it, they wouldn't take it well, and the situation would naturally not benefit you either."

Davis nodded, "No wonder there are only a very few people in the air, and they're all floating around a hundred meters from the surface, maintaining their altitudes with a bit of trepidation in their hearts."

"Indeed, the Blood Pledge Villa is an ancient power like the Heaven Gazing Sect and the Heaven Mandate Temple, so don't try to mess with them. Well, you can mess with them if you have enough power, but that's the best warning I can give to you, fellow cultivator."

"Thank you for your information."

Davis clasped his hands towards the man before he took off again.


The man stood in front of Davis, reaching out his palm while Davis appeared to tilt his head in confusion.

"What? You couldn't be thinking that this information was free, right?"

As he spoke, the man grinned and turned around, displaying a representation on his back. It appeared to be a circle of crimson, with two hands interconnected while being stabbed by a sharp object similar to a nail.

'The symbol of the Blood Pledge Villa, huh... Is he an outer disciple to have this on the back of his robe and not at the arm or front like the disciples back at the Territory Gate?'

"Surely, you know what this symbol means, so hand over a Peak-Level Spirit Stone for your own good..."

"I refuse."

Davis simply spoke while he took a side step and continued walking when a hand grasped his shoulder.

"Polite fool..." The red-black robed man's voice was full of disdain, "You have the smell of a greenhorn with you. Many youngsters like you come here disguised to hunt down some of us and make a name for yourselves."

"Oh? How did you find out?"

"By looking so naive about this place, you're basically saying that you're a greenhorn who needs to be robbed and killed. If you don't comply, you know what you would end up as..." He grinned as he made a pause, "...not even a corpse."

"Just because this is a wicked path power's territory, you're free to do as you please?"

Davis asked, his voice sounding as if he was confirming something.

The man sneered, feeling like he got lucky with a youth as stupid as this while Mid-Level Law Dominion Stage undulations flashed from his body, turning into one of darkness as he began to intimidate him.

"Of course, you idio-!?"


Dark crimson Blazing Thunderlight Kirin's flames abruptly shot out from Davis's palm and fell on the unnamed person. It was as if he turned into goo as he melted before turning into ashes. Davis instantly killed him before he could even scream from the searing pain that would have taken hold of his body at that moment.

Numerous onlookers watched with agape mouths.

Those undulations were just at Low-Level Law Dominion Stage, yet how could he be so powerful?

However, they understood that he definitely wasn't an ordinary cultivator as even the flames appeared special with an unidentifiable uniqueness!

Davis looked around and saw that no one came to yell if he dared like an idiot. No one, not even the other Blood Pledge Villa disciples who were watching from behind, came to help. However, he noticed the difference between their robes, their symbols and understood that the person he was dealing with was a fake disciple, a scammer, in other words.

It was someone who tried to take advantage of his ignorance but ended up dead.

Davis didn't even bother to properly examine the symbol that it seems like he had been fooled into believing that the dead man was a Blood Pledge Villa's disciple.

Nevertheless, it looks as if the Blood Pledge Villa disciples and elders were watching with amused expressions that he could understand that this was entertainment to them. Furthermore, they exchanged spirit stones among them, seeming like they were betting who would win.


"What's your name, oh genius!?"

Some of them shouted towards him, telling him to wait, but he paid no heed and left. The people were stupefied that he didn't even drop his name.

Wasn't he here to increase his fame?

Davis traveled northwest, heading towards the Territory Gate that led to the Twilight Shade Valley. He crossed many locations that he had never seen before. The architectures were different, taking on a few dark designs that made him feel he had entered another world altogether.

However, the place was full of violence, that was for sure, and what he saw with his soul sense made him feel that the righteous path was a hundred times better.

'This is ridiculous... That woman who looks like she had lost her man is getting it on with the killer. Is this the true meaning of the survival of the fittest...?'

Davis inwardly shivered before he no longer bothered about these degenerates. Even though he saw so many instances of battles taking place, there wasn't even one person worth saving.

He had just reached halfway and took away his soul sense. Flying over a mountain, he was about to descend when ten people with not-so-appropriate clothes blocked his path.

"Leave your spatial ring behind or face death, my little rabbit~"

A woman's seductive voice echoed. Black hair adorned her head while she had a desirable face and ample assets over both ends. She was practically n.a.k.e.d as she wore a transparent red robe, but she looked hot as hell.

Davis's expression became annoyed.

'This is why I like traveling high in the skies as I would encounter almost no trouble...'

He didn't want to face any trouble, not because he was scared of the Blood Pledge Villa but because he already had too many headaches and he had just cleared one, which is the Yantras. To that end, he had concealed his identity and undulations, leaving only his Law Dominion Stage Cultivation to show.

He felt that it wouldn't be smart to add on more troubles, but he wasn't opposed to making a move if someone gave him trouble either, like the fake disciple of the Blood Pledge Villa who unluckily turned into ashes from his flames.

"Make way or die!"

Davis gave his ultimatum while the s.e.xy woman's eyes narrowed.

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