Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 1456 - What Do You Think About Us?

Chapter 1456 - What Do You Think About Us?

"What do you mean by Transcendent?"

Davis couldn't help but ask, wanting to know more with a bit of enthusiasm and confusion.

Isabella shook her head, "I don't know. Noble Benefactor just said that the Immortal Path is the right path, and I shouldn't be tempted to redo it afterward. I kept asking questions, but it refused to answer, so I can only arrive at my own conclusion."

"I... see..."

Davis looked taken aback a lot while Isabella smiled, finally looking satisfied that something she said was able to impress him. On the other hand, Davis felt a bit unsure.

There was another cultivation path after the Ninth Stage, or it is after becoming an Immortal?

He couldn't understand, but if it was the former, should he continue to break into the Immortal Stage when he reaches the footstep of the next overshadowing mountain?

"You know what?" Isabella suddenly spoke, garnering his attention as he looked at her giggle, "The Earth Dragon Immortal said something funny. Apparently, my husband and I are invited to the Earth Dragon Immortal Clan and would be provided with resources as long as I remain loyal to them and help them obtain the reward. However, if the Earth Dragon Immortal knew that my husband was you, it might not have said something like that."

"Ahaha, you got that right." Davis couldn't help but chuckle, "It might have probably restricted you from interacting with me if you said that you love the reincarnator."

"Indeed," Isabella nodded, "That's why I kept my mouth shut."

"Did you know that the Earth Dragon Immortal first asked me to marry into its clan, telling me that there are so many strong cultivators who would d.e.s.i.r.e me before all that happened?"

"Woah..." Davis smiled amusingly, "...seems like it got a death wish?"

Isabella giggled, satisfied with his reaction.

"Well, it's already dead after giving me its soul essence. But, nevertheless, it stopped after I said that I had pledged myself to a man already, so there's no harm done. If it didn't, I wouldn't have continued with the trial, and if it weren't for it being our Ruth Empire's Noble Benefactor, I would've been outraged enough to punch its soul into oblivion...!"

Isabella clenched her fists, recalling that moment that made her almost release her killing intent against it. Fortunately, she was able to hold back, or she might've inevitably offended the Earth Dragon Immortal.

"Isabella, you're both ruthless and appealing to my liking..."

Davis smiled as he reached out his hand, subconsciously wanting to reward her loyalty with affection and intimacy.


"I think I won't be able to stop myself anymore if you lay a hand on me again..."

Isabella bit her luscious lips, staring at him with a desiring gaze.


Davis felt like he wanted to hunt the delicious and helpless prey, but then, recalling that they had an important commitment, he held himself back and stayed a meter away from her.

Clearly, both of them weren't able to control their d.e.s.i.r.e for each other.

Back then, when they had separated, they were already about to forget their words and fall into the hole, but they kept it together till this date.

There were only two weeks left as there were so many things to prepare for a wedding, but the slow foreplay at the moment or whenever they interacted would eventually lead into a hole that they would not be able to escape from; from the rabbit hole of sensual p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e.

Davis was very clear on that with his experience, while Isabella could vaguely realize it!

However, things did not get awkward. They both smiled at each other from a distance, simply smiling as if they found the situation funny. After all, they were so close, yet so far because of a commitment called marriage.

"Davis, how much do you love me?"

Isabella suddenly asked, causing Davis to feel strange.

"Is this even a question?" He looked amused, "I love you so much that I would die protecting you. I would die for all of my wives. After all, that is what is required of me as a husband as loyalty is required from you all..."

Isabella bit her rosy lips.

Although logical as it was, she felt satisfied by his answer as she sweetly smiled. However, she lowered her head and asked.

"Then... what if I became a... magical beast...?" Isabella raised her head, her pupils staring at his reaction intently.

Davis couldn't help but blink, "You mean, a fey?"

"Yes, what if I become a fey?" Isabella pursed her lips, " Would you still love me?"

"Of course, why do you ask?"

Davis felt like laughing, but he maintained his serious attitude.

"It's just..." Isabella's expression relaxed, "The chances that I would become a fey is around fifty percent when the true blood essence completely assimilates within me."


"I see... you had me worried there for nothing, asking how much you love me or not like a little girl, although I don't dislike it."

Davis chuckled, "I feel like I got to know now. What do you think about magical beasts being romantically tied to a human? Do you think it's disgusting?"

Davis's blending was so skillful and timely that Isabella didn't notice anything as she contemplated. She thought for a while, adorably pursing her lips before she replied.

"I think it's not disgusting, although I don't think it's advisable as well. Magical beasts live in a different world than us humans. It should not be possible to have communication easily, although I'm starting to think differently after hearing from Noble Benefactor that in the Earth Dragon Immortal Clan from the outer world, there are humans, magical beasts, and feys living together."

"Oh, the Earth Dragon Immortal said something like that...?" Davis raised his brows, his smile becoming imperceptible.

"Yes, it was surprising to me..."

"Then how surprising do you think it is to see Nadia and me together in your eyes...?"

"I think it's quite surpri-"

"Are you serious...?"

Davis released a breath. A dark light flashed from his forehead as it transformed into a black-robed human figure as it hit the surface on the side.

Nadia opened her eyes and looked at Isabella, the Third Mistress whom she fought before, but now, she could no longer feel the battle intent as her instincts warned her that she would instantly lose to this person.

Isabella blinked before she stood up, walking towards Nadia.

"Davis, I said that you get another woman, but I didn't say you could get a magical beast woman..."

Davis's brows twitched.

Nadia is a woman, too, right? It wasn't like she mentioned that he only has to get a human woman, but he didn't use that loophole as it would seem frivolous and ridiculous.

"Nadia, are you fine? Was Davis forceful to you?"

Isabella grasped Nadia's shoulders as she gazed with sympathy. She knew that Nadia was such a beautiful woman even though she was a magical beast. Her visage and figure were such that men would become a beast themselves to l.u.s.t after her body.

She felt that it wouldn't be any strange if Davis lost control when being alone with her.

"Hey, I didn't violate her!" Davis retorted, "We have only kissed, for heaven's sake..."

Isabella relaxed as she saw Nadia nod her head, "I see..."

She turned to look at him with a solemn gaze.

"Davis, magical beasts are more emotional than you think. Do you know that Mira-"

"Yes, I'm aware..."

Davis interrupted as he narrowed his eyes, "Do you think I'm doing this for fun? I really love Nadia, Isabella."

"No, I really think you love Nadia, and that's why you made a move on her..."

Isabella shook her head, causing him to blink as he became taken aback.

That's right.

How could Isabella forget?

This man was different than the other men where he prioritized his feelings over l.u.s.t. He saved a drugged Shirley instead of taking advantage of her as most men would do. The hurdle was more over the top when it meant that Shirley was his ex-fiancee, where if he wished, he could've done something about it after the deed, making her his rightfully and eventually.

However, he didn't do something like that and saved her from forced acceptance. This was the man she loved. She didn't believe that he would stray from his character in one or two short years.

"I didn't mean to blame you, Davis." Isabella shook her head, "I don't care if you're forceful on a woman because I know that woman must have done something hurtful to you. After all, you're never the one to offend people in the first place. However, Nadia is your magical beast whom you could command as you please, so I got taken back for a second."

Davis blinked.

Did she just say that she didn't care if he was forceful on a woman when that woman hurt him?

His brain slightly trembled as he knew that it meant what it meant.

She was ruthless as expected! Likely, she was seeing that as a form of revenge, as a type of torture or punishment, and not some terrible notion that should be frowned upon and vilified without exception.

Men die when they lose, but women? They mostly get subdued, and in rare cases, enslaved. Men get enslaved as well, but would a man seeking revenge let his enemy live? Likely not, but if it were a woman whom the man was seeking revenge on, then the man would nine out of ten times subdue the woman and perhaps enslave her or kill her.

Only women would mostly kill other women as their existences threaten each other, just like when men do not tolerate the existences of other men.

That was the reality of the world, the harsh world they lived in, so he didn't find her words strange at all. In fact, he was the different one as his ideals and values didn't even conform with the majority of men out there in the cultivation world.

Nevertheless, he didn't focus on it and moved on.

"So, what do you think? Do you accept Nadia and me being together?"

Isabella's expression became complex as she pursed her lips and contemplated.

"I feel..."

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