Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 1359 - Forcefully Taken

Chapter 1359 - Forcefully Taken

Looking at Shirley sulk adorably, Davis was taken aback while the reply he kept in his mind was blown away.

He really couldn't argue when she said that she wanted to stick with him. However, he also couldn't help but feel that there was little need for Shirley to push herself too far.

Shirley's Perfect Domain was not a bit more than two or two and a half or three kilometers in radius but reached four kilometers, which was already stronger than most Perfect Domains the talented youths in large-sized Territories could've possibly formed according to Davis's current knowledge!

He hadn't heard much, but surely, the difference between a three-kilometer Perfect Domain and a four-kilometer Perfect Domain was vast enough to form a significant discrepancy, making it capable for the larger-sized domain to suppress the smaller-sized domain.

Of course, domains could always be condensed into a small range to increase their potency so as to withstand a higher-level domain. Still, when the higher-level domain also compresses, it is possible to keep the status quo of suppression on the previously weaker domain. Hence, the bigger the domain one could expand, the stronger their domain would be in terms of pure prowess.

That was the consensus among ancient scholars and also the current verified reality.

Shirley was already fairly strong. No, she was stronger than most youths in the entire Fifty-Two Territories if he could exaggerate a bit. Yet, she still wanted to improve.

He could understand her motivation, so he couldn't say for her to stop, but her expectations for him made him wryly smile as well.

A five-kilometer radius Perfect Domain?

'That's the most perfect... Perfect Domain...' He inwardly cried.

Who did she think he was?

On top of having to fuse fire and lightning before forming a five-kilometer radius Perfect Domain, he might have to strain his back, bend his legs, drop his arms and lower his head in exhaustion. He didn't have the confidence nor the resources to form such an infallible Perfect Domain.

'Wait a minute... With the Ashen Dawn Herb, it just might be possible...'

Davis reeled in his fantasies as he recalled this fabled herb that would help him comprehend till Level Nine Intent, but of course, he knew that it wouldn't be that simple.

There were so many complications.

Furthermore, he had to succeed on the first try upon entering the Law Dominion Stage and consuming the herb to make it work, or else, the only way was to reform the domain, but that was harder than succeeding on the first try.

He stared at Shirley, wondering how she could tell that he could possibly form a five-kilometer Perfect Domain when he himself wasn't sure of it. However, her belief in him made him not want to disappoint her fantasies and further boosted his own motivation to form a Perfect Domain at that level.

"Thank you..." Davis suddenly opened his mouth.

"Huh... why?" Shirley turned to look at him amidst the clamor, wondering why she was thanked in confusion.

Davis sent a soul transmission, "I felt like forming a Perfect Domain was enough to proceed through as I said, but after seeing your tenacity, I changed my mind. I'll aim for the utmost prowess I could reach."

Shirley blinked before she deeply smiled, "You're welcome..."

Davis couldn't help but chuckle as he shook his head.


Soon, the entire battle arena began to celebrate, raising cheers and releasing their burning phoenix flames fireworks to celebrate the birth of a top disciple who formed a Perfect Domain. Even the referee and the Sect Master didn't say anything to this interruption as they watched the uproar with smiles.

Right now, the entire sect felt fortunate!

Shirley watched all this while feeling that she was in another world. She was the center of attention, but when Davis was together with her, right beside her, she felt all the more heartened and joyous at this moment. Perhaps, she would not have dared shown her Perfect Domain without him encouraging her as it was a double-edged sword.

She would get more protection, but she would also encounter many dangers as opposed to before. However, with Davis beside her, she felt like nothing could happen to her, making her feel incredibly safe. Even though he was in his soul body, not dying in reality even if he was killed, while she could be absolutely killed, she didn't doubt him at all.

Her faith in him was that extraordinary, without logic or evidence.

Love was blind... She profoundly realized that as she turned to look at him, his real face overlapping with his disguised face in her perspective.

Soon, the competition came to an end with a closing speech by Grand Elder Newgate Stein.

Everyone began to disperse, having bright smiles on their faces as they witnessed the extraordinary Perfect Domain. Elders came down to personally congratulate her after the top disciples congratulated her.

Davis even saw Elder Karlheinz Strom. That poor chap didn't even notice him.

Nevertheless, noticing the long queue forming, it was not long before the Elders decided to congratulate her together.

"Congratulations on forming the Perfect Domain, Top Disciple Shirley Ashton!~"

Their voices reverberated like a clap of thunder, causing a boom to echo everywhere as it almost shook the battle arena itself. Their bodies experienced a vibration as if they lightly shook.

Shirley became rather flabbergasted before she wryly giggled, understanding that she now became the sect's treasure. But treasures were coveted, so she really didn't feel proud or overjoyed and only nodded her head in response as she clasped her hands.

Next, the Grand Elders arrived, but...

Davis grabbed Shirley's hands and took off!


Everyone looked at them leave with dumbfounded expressions on their faces, while even Shirley seemed astonished as her eyes went wide.

"Stop! What do you think you are doing!?"

Grand Elders appeared before Davis and Shirley, stopping him from leaving as they glared at him as if he were a mortal enemy.

"Not letting Shirley encounter danger, of course..."


The Grand Elders became absolutely incensed. They were all here with the intent to congratulate Shirley and protect her from any adversities from now on, but her protector told them that they were the danger?

"How atrocious! Elder Chu Feng, you must publically issue an apology for rudely behaving with Top Disciple Shirley! This isn't your home for you to take her away like that but the Burning Phoenix Ridge! Shirley Ashton is the most esteemed top disciple here, and from now on, her very presence demands extreme respect only second to the Sect Master!"

That Grand Elder with those shrewd crimson eyebrows uttered with a stern expression on his face.

"That's right... Take your hands off her, you old man...!"

Top Disciple Azzuren Rein shot a cold look at Davis as he uttered. However, Davis didn't bother to look at Top Disciple Azzuren Rein as he did not move his gaze from the Grand Elders blocking his path.

"Shirley, was I rude?"

"No... Take me back to my crimson palace, Elder Chu Feng. I'm tired..."

Shirley instantly answered as she shook her head with closed eyes, causing the Grand Elders' faces to change as they became twisted in humiliation.

This... wasn't this a direct slap to their faces!?

Davis oddly smiled as if he were an alpha male and took Shirley away as he flew over them, towering across them as he made his way to the exit.

Everyone just kept looking without doing anything. The Grand Elders and Elders didn't dare to do so as Top Disciple Shirley gave her consent. There was literally nothing they could do about this Elder Chu Feng unless they were forceful about it. However, today was a felicitous day, and they didn't dare to slight Shirley at this moment.

It was remarkably the case as Grand Elder Valerian was absent while Sect Master Lea Weiss and the elders in her camp simply stood by and watched them with judging eyes. If they dared to make a move, the consequences were quite imaginable.

Top Disciple Azzuren Rein looked on with an extremely cold gaze. His face was a bit ugly to see someone else other than him grab Shirley like that and take her away as if she belonged to them.

Esvele and Freya were the only ones to follow them back as they neared them. The former's black eyes were practically shining as she looked at her idol, while the little girl looked overjoyed as she danced in the skies before transforming into a Burning Phoenix, simply flying around them while releasing her phoenix cries.

As they left the battle arena without trouble, Davis shot a look back and chuckled at them all.


It instantly caused their expressions to change, but then again, they still stayed their hands despite the provocation. Even after Elder Chu Feng turned around and left, Sect Master Lea Weiss did not utter a word. So it was rather obvious that she tacitly allowed this to happen.

In the deafening silence that was the current Burning Phoenix Ridge, Davis and the others made it back to Shirley's crimson palace without encountering trouble.

Esvele was practically going to scream in joy for Shirley, but looking at how they only had eyes for each other, she wryly smiled and pulled Freya out of the way as she left the entrance towards another place.

Both Davis and Shirley held each other's hand. They did not release it even after stepping into the crimson palace, heading deeper before arriving in the main hall.

Shirley noticed Esvele's concern, but her face was rather blushing in embarrassment. The whole way, she could feel her heart abnormally beating, knowing that this was the feeling of romance that she expected to experience.

She bit her lips lightly before they moved.



"You caught me off-guard... That was exhilarating..." Shirley's small fingers shook in his hold, "I didn't think that I would be able to humiliate those Grand Elders who are in Grand Elder Valerian's side like that... It felt extremely refreshing!"

"Hehe... How can I let those old fogies disturb you? Sect Master Lea Weiss's camp is still a bit okay as I think Sect Master Lea Weiss doesn't mean any harm with how she changed the rules to protect you, but I will continue to doubt her until I understand her reasons to help you."

"I've already noticed who are all in Valerian's camp, so if I see them coming near you, I'm going to be extra careful. I've just made them aware that they are seen as threats and should not be nearing you anymore. If they don't get the message, then they're truly begging to die..."

"Therefore, while I may let Sect Master Lea Weiss's camp near you, I'm not going to let anyone in Valerian's camp near you as I can't afford to lose you."

"Why...?" Shirley blinked, "I mean, there's no need to go overboard in protecting me inside the sect, right? At this point, I think that I would only encounter danger outside the sect as my status isn't the same before. If I'm not wrong, Sect Master would also assign two Grand Elders as my protectors rather than one like she said before."

"You are right..."

Davis looked at her with clear eyes before his gaze wandered.

"However, the last time I took Evelynn to your city telling her that I would protect her, my carelessness cost her an arm."

With a determined gaze, he stared back at her again, "I won't let that mistake repeat again, Shirley."

Shirley's ruby-like pupils trembled as she lowered her head, "I'm sorry..."

"Hey, wait...!" Davis shook his head, "I'm not jabbing at you for that matter-"

"No, I didn't mean that as we're past it already. When I meant sorry, I meant...." Shirley's eyes turned moist as her crimson lips opened and, "I'm sorry that I questioned you for going too far to protect me..."

Davis couldn't help but smile at her as he instantly saw through her pause.

"Don't worry about it. On the other hand, I know that you're likely worried about getting me killed, but that isn't a matter to worry about. I can create these soul bodies as much as I want. It only requires me a few weeks or a month at max, so don't ever be sad if I get killed here. But of course, you can act sad to fool the enemies. Hahaha..."

Davis wryly laughed, trying to cheer her up.

Shirley sniffled as she bit her lips and smiled, "Don't die, stupid... I don't want to see such a scene. I'd rather leave with you right now than witness your death no matter what form it may be..."


Davis couldn't help himself and embraced Shirley as he wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her close, while utilizing his Fire Laws to make her feel the warmth as if she were holding the real him. Shirley became taken aback before she felt secure, loved, and cherished.

This feeling... It just felt too damn good on the level of the soul if she were to describe it!

However, Davis suddenly separated from her while looking annoyed.

"Damn... She's here again..!"

Shirley looked dumbfounded before she recalled.

"Sect Master Lea Weiss..."

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