Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 1344 - Commenced

Chapter 1344 - Commenced

"But...!" Grand Elder Valerian raised his head and waved his hand, "Sect Master! I swear that I didn't do it! I can even sign a Blood Soul Contract to prove my innocence!"

"I see... However, I already made my decision? Are you trying to rebel in my Burning Phoenix Ridge?"

Sect Master Lea Weiss nonchalantly spoke.

"No...!" Grand Elder Valerian became stunned by this question, no, at her audacity, "I..."

"Should I have to repeat it...?"

Sect Master Lea Weiss narrowed her crimson eyes as her melodious voice echoed. It stunned Grand Elder Valerian even more before he deeply smiled.

"Good!" Grand Elder Valerian kept nodding his head, "Very good!"

"But I would like to say something before I leave..."

Grand Elder Valerian shot a good look at the Grand Elders, mainly the Grand Elders on Sect Master Lea Weiss's side, as he kept his icy smile.

"No matter who may have dared to frame me, I am not afraid. When the truth is revealed by the Mystic Diviner, don't expect any mercy from me, because we can't live under the same sky anymore! Hmph!"

With an enraged harrumph, Grand Elder Valerian Rein transformed into a streak of light as he left the battle arena in an instant. His speed left a trail of wind that had every hair dancing from the breeze.

Even the Sect Master's long crimson hair danced, making her look enchanting amidst the crowd's perplexed look.

Sect Master Lea Weiss took the crown off her head before it disappeared into her spatial ring. The disciples were in awe of perceiving one of the sect's Karmic Treasures, the Grand Burning Phoenix's Crown. Not only did it possess the ability to suppress the Burning Phoenix people like a ruler's crown, but it also had a powerful defensive capability.

This was all thanks to the numerous ancestors sacrificing their blood essence to nurture it for their descendants and maintain the sect's karmic luck.

However, they didn't know what to think of Grand Elder Valerian as the evidence was firmly against him. A top disciple and a Burning Phoenix committed suicide because of him. While the number of Burning Phoenixes was already dwindling, they were also currently experiencing the bloodline thinning-out problem, which remains extremely fatal to their sect's future.

They mused and began to discuss it amongst themselves when the Sect Master's melodious voice echoed again.

"Everyone, this day was supposed to be something that gave us delight as we would have seen the growth of our top disciples, but instead, we have witnessed the death of two treasured gems of our sect. While I don't have any kind of interaction with these two people, I mourn their deaths as it is a loss to our sect."

"We lost two potential future Ninth Stage Powerhouses, and hence this matter will be taken seriously by the two Grand Elders I will delegate."

"Grand Elder Claus Strom and Grand Elder Artur Schatz..."

Sect Master Lea Weiss turned her gaze towards them while the ones who were called stood up.

"You two are tasked to find the culprit who caused today's tragedy with the help of a Mystic Diviner. Moreover, no matter who the culprit may be, I will allow you two to use the resources of the entire Elder Hall and Disciplinary Hall to capture the culprit and bring him or her to the Beheading Grounds!"

"... Yes!"

Grand Elder Claus Strom and Grand Elder Artur Schatz bowed as they received their Sect Master's mandate. However, they both looked at each other, an unfriendly intent suppressed in their eyes. It was because Grand Elder Artur Schatz belonged to Grand Elder Valerian's camp that they were opposing, but in terms of investigation, everyone could see that the Sect Master was fair and just to have appointed someone from Grand Elder Valerian's camp.

Nevertheless, no matter which camp the investigators belonged to, as long as the Mystic Diviner revealed who the culprit was using their mystic arts, they would have no choice but to follow her words in capturing the culprit, or with the Sect Master's rightful authority, the rebellious individuals would be exiled and hunted down.

Both the Grand Elders did not bother to stay and quickly exited the battle arena to bring a Mystic Diviner. On the other hand, Shirley's red pupils shook in uncertainty and suspense.

"Davis, is it safe to think that it was you?"

Davis heard her soul transmission before he couldn't help but smile.

"Well, if we're thinking the same thing, then I guess it was me..."

Shirley couldn't help but giggle with a wide smile on her face.

It was absolutely hilarious for her to see that Grand Elder Valerian and the other Grand Elders fought against each other when it was relatively clear to her that her man was the cause for this whole mess. She felt that even the Sect Master was convinced that Grand Elder Valerian was behind it or she wouldn't have been so aggressive in making Grand Elder Valerian scram.

After all, Grand Elder Valerian possessed the topmost influence in the Burning Phoenix Ridge, only second to the Sect Master. It was not easy to tell him to scram just because Sect Master wanted to unless she wanted to risk an internal dissolution.

At the same time, she couldn't help but become worried for Davis as she felt that he would be found out by the Mystic Diviner, who the Grand Elders would call for aid. She bit her lips, feeling immensely worried, when Davis looked back at her and casually smiled.

"Don't worry, it is unlikely that the Mystic Diviner would be able to find me as the method I used to kill is absolutely untraceable..."

Shirley's ample bosoms heaved as she lightly released a sigh. She did not feel the need to doubt his words' authenticity as she had trust and belief that stemmed from her love towards him.

But indeed, Davis was confident that he would not be found out.

How was the Mystic Diviner going to find the culprit? He didn't know, but he sure as hell knew that it would be impossible for them to find a trace of Fallen Heaven's attack. Even if it was him who used Fallen Heaven to kill, unless they can bypass Fallen Heaven, he felt that it was unlikely that they would be able to find him.

Moreover, from Tina Roxley's divination, he learned that divining anything concerning him would probably lead to backlash from the heavens, perhaps because of Fallen Heaven's presence in him. For all he knew, a heavenly tribulation might descend like it did before in Tina Roxley's divination, acting to take them out if they dared to get deep into this matter.

Therefore, Davis wasn't distraught or anxious.

Of course, this was all his assumption, and nothing was verified by his own eyes and senses, so he remained cautious and left it at this matter. That was why he also did not directly kill Grand Elder Valerian as a Ninth Stage Powerhouse mysteriously dying or committing suicide for no obvious reason would be more heavily investigated than the investigation they were going to conduct for Top Disciple Lauren Zucker.

Perhaps, the Mystic Diviner would be at the Ninth Stage, even possessing more powerful mystic arts to somehow track him.

Mocking and looking down on them both because he had Fallen Heaven was all good, but if he forgot that they too had intelligence and reasoning abilities to pinpoint that he was suspicious, he would perhaps become like the previous owners of Fallen Heaven, ending up dead within a fraction of a second from their mysterious karmic attacks.

Davis knew that he was powerful enough to take on most Ninth Stage Powerhouses with Fallen Heaven, but he wasn't foolish enough to take on the entire world at this point in time.

If it weren't for all this, Davis felt like playing Grand Elder Valerian to death!

Nevertheless, he was somewhat satisfied, feeling that he had gotten revenge for Shirley as he had now successfully humiliated Grand Elder Valerian for the troubles he had given her. Besides, it wasn't his intention to start a war here as Shirley was still here. Unless it became do or die for him or Shirley, he had no intention to start a war and risk endangering Shirley's life.

If he could plan ahead, he would have her escape before doing something like that.


Sect Master Lea Weiss's voice echoed again, garnering the crowd's attention that numbered in the hundred thousands to become silent before her voice echoed again as she leaned back on her winged throne.

"I reflect that the ceremony to honor our ancestors is not required to begin the battle exchange. Does anyone prefer to say otherwise?"

Hearing the blaring silence, Sect Master Lea Weiss nodded her head before she lightly smiled behind the crimson veil.

"Let the Top Disciple Battles commence...!"


The crowd erupted into an uproar as stunning Burning Phoenix Flames lit up the dusky skies! The Burning Phoenixes flying in the air also began to sky-dance with their brilliant crimson wings fluttering, leaving behind a trail of beautiful crimson flames in the air.

The sight of it excited almost every disciple gathered here, numbering more than a hundred thousand as they jumped, shouted, and squealed in excitement! Everyone who stayed still continued to move to their seats.

Davis and the others had also moved to the northern direction before arriving at the first floor where the top disciples had been seated. The moment they arrived, he could see plenty of gazes being directed at him before they fell on Shirley, their intents ranging from awe to blatant d.e.s.i.r.e.

"The one with the overly big s.e.x.u.a.l appeal, in case you forgot, this isn't the place for core disciples, you know..." A red-haired man commented in annoyance as he didn't even bother to look at the person he was talking to while the others had their lips curve into a mocking smile.

Davis experienced a sense of deja vu as he recalled what happened in the Gathering of the Elites Competition back in the Grand Sea Continent before he shook his head. He couldn't help but smile as Esvele was like a maid, a friend to Shirley as Ellia was to him. It was just that he and Shirley had their roles reversed at this point.

He was interested in seeing how Shirley would react when Esvele turned around and flew away from them.

Davis became a bit bewildered by Esvele's actions before his lips slightly parted as he saw where she was advancing.

The gazes of many people landed on Esvele as she suddenly became the center of attention, not to mention her big rack managed to drop a lot of mouths to the ground at once.

Esvele directly landed on the very center of the battle stage, raising her head to pan her gaze around the battle arena before her determined gaze stopped at the place where Sect Master Lea Weiss was seated.

"Sect Master, I, Esvele Zelte challenge Top Disciple Arno Schatz to a battle!"


Everyone couldn't help but blink their eyes in incredulity.

What's she doing here in the event that was specifically planned for top disciples? Wasn't she just a mere core disciple!?

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