Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 1330 - Can't Hold Back?

Chapter 1330 - Can't Hold Back?

Davis and Shirley kept staring as if they only had eyes for each other.

Forgetting Davis, the satisfaction that Shirley experienced was beyond what an immortal inheritance could make her experience. Her heart was full of joyous emotions now that she had confirmed her relationship with her love. It made her feel the extreme peak of ecstasy as a healthy blush filled her face without her even having to experience something like an o.r.g.a.s.m.

Her heart and mind were in a state of euphoria. She felt wonderful and satisfied that a deep smile continued to hang on her face for a dozen seconds as they admired each other's charming features.

"Wait..." Shirley raised her brows after she calmed down, "That was not a question, though..."

"Weren't you the one who told me to be forceful...?" Davis equally raised his brows.

Shirley blinked her reddish eyebrows as she shyly smiled, lowering her head as her crimson lips moved.

"I don't dislike it..."

Davis found her even more adorable as he didn't expect her to be the submissive type when flirting and m.a.k.i.n.g. .l.o.v.e. Nevertheless, she was still keen and fiery enough to pulverize him when she got angered.

"Senior sister..."

At this time, both their faces turned as they saw that Esvele had her black eyes wide open, looking at them with deep disbelief filling her face.


Shirley reacted as if she was a cat who had its tail stepped on as she jerked and separated from Davis, turning around to look at Esvele with a wry yet shy smile on her face.

"Oh, Esvele, you're awake..." She walked towards her, "You can go to sleep again~"

"Ah!~ Wait! Senior sister! I understand! understand that it's your man! Don't knock me out cold, please...!" Esvele pleaded as she retreated to the far end of the sofa, her huge bosoms bouncing along with her movements.

Shirley stayed her hand that she lifted up before she narrowed her eyes and saw Davis, catching him looking at Esvele's bosoms.

"You were staring, weren't you?" That same hand lit up in flames as it was directed towards Davis.

Davis blinked before he took a step backward, "Wait... Those are natural attractors! I can't do anything about it..."

Esvele blushed hard upon hearing those words that she couldn't help but hide them with her arms. She didn't mean to, but men would always end up directing their gazes to her bosoms rather than her face.

Shirley stopped before she teasingly smiled at him, "You're rather honest while I'm magnanimous. I'll forgive you..."

Davis blinked.

"Shirley, it's not like I'm in a physical body to feel l.u.s.t for her, so it doesn't matter if I stare or see her n.a.k.e.d, right?"

Shirley's expression became confused before it became contemplative.

Is staring at a woman without feeling l.u.s.t okay for a man?

She felt like it was, but then she realized that his main body was still connected to him as Davis said that they had the same mind, so it mattered even more!

"You peep! You shouldn't stare at her, much less see her n.a.k.e.d!"

Shirley came forward and beat his c.h.e.s.t with her delicate hands, her attacks feeling like a massage to him as Davis closed his eyes and enjoyed the light trembles reverberating on his soul body.

However, she imperceptibly smiled, feeling happier than ever in being able to tease each other like this without any reservations, although she felt bad for making fun of Esvele. She stopped, looking at Davis with an amused light as she asked.

"How's Evelynn?"

She realized that he still hadn't answered her question yet.

"Evelynn's extremely fine even though I hurt her when I took Natalya. That affected her a bit, but they share a relationship as deep as sisters now. Oh, right. Can you guess what she trains in?"

"I already read a few things about her after I had Esvele collect information about you recently." Shirley nodded her head, "I thought that she would train in Wind Laws or something similar like fire or water, but it is unexpected that she took the route of Poison Laws."

"Well," Davis wryly smiled, "I encouraged and supported her since we found out that that was the law she was a bit talented in..."

"A bit talented..." Shirley couldn't help but sigh, "Do you realize the discrimination and the looks she would receiv-"

"I'll just kill as many as necessary if they can't keep their botched opinions to themselves and come to force them on us." Davis arrogantly answered as he interrupted Shirley.

Shirley wasn't offended but instead deeply smiled as if approving even more of him, "That's the answer I expected."

"Want me to kill this Valerian?" Davis's sapphire eyes flashed in a cold light.

"What? No..." Shirley narrowed her red eyes as she shook her head, "Don't go killing that vile abomination just because this avatar is disposable. I finally have you. You are more important to me than some-"

"Just say the word. Even if you don't, the moment that old retard makes a move on you, I will kill him. Just the sight of the people monitoring you outside makes me mad, so what about them? Are they with that old retard Valerian as well?"

Shirley's expression became exasperated as she reluctantly nodded her head, "Presumably, but one of the Grand Elders might also be protecting me on behalf of the Sect Master, so I can't be sure."

"You might want to ask your Sect Master, lest I accidentally kill that Grand Elder as a mistake..." Davis shrugged.

"You...!" Shirley didn't know what to say.

If they were talking about killing, she was the one who undoubtedly wanted to kill Grand Elder Valerian the most! However, it wasn't that simple. If an outsider like Davis killed Grand Elder Valerian, then regardless of if he were in the right or the wrong, the Burning Phoenix Ridge would pursue him for answers, and even if they found that Grand Elder Valerian was in the wrong, they would still punish him for putting a stain on their face.

"I can literally hide my identity, you know..." Davis suddenly spoke, "My name is Feng Chu here when I entered along with Elder Karlheinz Strom..."


Shirley blinked, wondering why she was thinking this hard when Davis already seemed to have made preparations and acted to enter here anonymously.

"Still, I don't want to see you die..." Shirley shook her head, "You may be able to assassinate, but you would not be able to escape."

"It is fine either way with me..." Davis shrugged as he thought, 'It's not like I'm going to use my own prowess to kill a Grand Elder at the Ninth Stage... That's basically suicide even for me...'

However, his expression became a bit hesitant.

"What would become of this expert who invited me if I killed a Grand Elder-level character?"

Shirley blinked before she pursed her lips, "Most likely executed..."

Davis possessed a difficult expression on his face, but it turned ruthless almost instantly.

"Blame your own sect for making my Shirley suffer, Karlheinz..."

Shirley gulped while there was another character who listened to all their words, feeling her mind spin over the gravity of the meaning.

Kill a Grand Elder?

Hidden identity in the name of Feng Chu?

A necessary sacrifice of an Elder?

What? What? What!? Who was this young man who dared to spout all this bullshit, yet it sounded rather convincing when it came from him!?

It wasn't like Esvele didn't know his true name but so what of it!? Even Dragon Queen Isabella, who was his superior, wouldn't dare to spout such nonsense!

She was unaware of their true relationship because she had just woken up when Shirley and Davis were looking at each other in love.

However, Shirley didn't doubt Davis's ability to kill unnoticed as she still remembered the soundless, painless, and invisible killing talisman he possessed to kill Emperor Tritor and Emperor Raven. Even after entering the Fifty-Two Territories, she still hadn't found a talisman like that, which made her think that it could only be obtained from his immortal master.

She felt that it should be extremely more powerful than what she had seen before!

Shirley pursed her lips, appearing intensely moved as she possessed a complex expression on her face. It hadn't crossed ten minutes yet, and here she was, feeling already protected.

"However, Shirley, I also understand enough to not disturb your cultivation here. Do you want to stay here in the Burning Phoenix Ridge or come with me back to our home next month?"

"I..." Shirley hesitated as she lowered her head, "I want to cultivate here..."

"I understand..."

"Wait, don't get me wrong...!" Shirley shook her hands, "I want to come with you, but with the way I am, I don't think I can hold back..."

Davis blinked, "What... do you mean?"

Shirley's expression became tinged with a crimson blush as a soul transmission appeared on Davis's mind.

"The Fire Phoenix Immortal warned me to remain chaste until I reach the Immortal Stage for my own good..."


Davis uttered a word of comprehension as he wryly smiled, but some part of him was greatly disappointed because the only woman Evelynn, Natalya, and Isabella allowed him to take other than Fiora was Shirley Ashton.

He was sure they wouldn't be offended if it were just a kiss he shared with the other women as they're magnanimous, while the promises he exchanged were just that he couldn't take other women, meaning that he couldn't bed them.

That was why he was so daring in kissing Sophie and Niera while also exchanging promises with them that he wouldn't leave them. It could be said that he was shamelessly taking advantage of loopholes while even managing to gain approval from Evelynn and Natalya.

The only thing remaining was to gain approval from Isabella, but if she were here, he knew that she would've already given approval as a woman born in the Imperial Palace of the Ruth Empire.

She was probably the most accepting of him having a harem to himself!

Nevertheless, Davis frowned.

The Earth Dragon Immortal didn't seem to have said something like that to Isabella, and that was why they had agreed to marry and spend their marriage night in love, so why did the Fire Phoenix Immortal say that to Shirley?

He couldn't help but find it suspicious as he sent a soul transmission to her.

"I have no problem with not being extremely intimate with you, although it still stings a bit, but why does the Fire Phoenix Immortal want you to stay a v.i.r.g.i.n while the Earth Dragon Immortal didn't say such things to Isabella, who is about to inherit?"

Davis narrowed his eyes while Shirley reacted normally as she blinked twice in contemplation.

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