Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 1263 - Eldia

Chapter 1263 - Eldia

Davis, Nero Alstreim, and the Silverwinds' followed the Lightning Elemental slowly in the distorted space. In this area, they could not afford to be hasty, or they might lose sight of each other suddenly as they might have traveled in the opposite direction when it looked like they were traveling in the same direction. And then, when they reached a certain distance, the distorted space would not reflect their figures, making them suddenly lose sight of the other party.

"I forgot to say, but I have found out what kind of Lightning Elemental it is while you were away, Davis." Mival Silverwind suddenly spoke, breaking the silence.

He was standing along with Zanna Silverwind and Alia Silverwind on the flying boat that they had traveled in while Nero Alstreim was also together with them, sitting on the flying boat's rear end. He maintained a respectful and careful distance from them.

"Oh...?" Davis became interested as he still didn't investigate what kind of Lightning Elemental Eldia was. Her name alone reminded him of Ellia as it was quite similar. It also helped him take a liking towards Eldia even though it wasn't much of a reason.

"Let me hear it then..."

"It was listed in the Emperor Grade Lightning Elemental Rankings, ranked third, Purgatory Extinction Lightning. Its destructive powers are immense, and the energy it holds is far exceeding of any other Lightning Elemental. Apparently, it is capable of exuding a Territory Calamity when it reaches the peak of its grade, able to cause massive destruction to the earth while it summons thousands of kilometer radius lightning sea from the skies."

Davis's eyes shot up in excitement before he couldn't help but laugh in joy. He felt that the Infernal Lightning Palace might be crying in pain!

Ranked Third in the entirety of Emperor Grade Lightning Elementals?

He had obtained such a Lightning Elemental!?

"Why didn't you take it for yourself?" He couldn't help but ask as he turned to look towards Mival Silverwind.

Mival Silverwind shook his head, "As a fey, my abilities are already fixed like a magical beast's, and even though I have the flexibility of a human, learning this type of lightning would work against me instead. I didn't let it near Alia, and I needed it for its knowledge to that island, so I just kept it with me for a long time."

"I had captured it when it was a Low-Level Emperor Grade Lightning Elemental. I've impeded its growth a lot by not letting it regain its basic lightning energy and depriving it of its natural environment, so it must hold quite a grudge against my wives and me." He wryly finished.

Obviously, Davis understood that he was indirectly asking him to clarify the circ.u.mstances since they had to co-exist. Letting a ticking time-tomb grow beside him didn't sit well with Mival Silverwind. After all, if it decided to take revenge against them after it grew, they were probably finished!

Nero Alstreim's ears pricked up when he heard 'wives' as he looked at the human woman and the female magical beast. However, considering that the man was a fey, he had no thoughts on it other than finding it a bit strange.

'Wait a minute... Mival... Mival Silverwind... Where have I heard this name before...?' He descended into contemplation.

He was still in disbelief over Davis's prowess, but new information kept flowing into his mind constantly that made him feel like a country bumpkin. However, considering that he was trapped in a sealed space for so long, he was more of a stranded survivor who lost the general information of the current world.

Before he could even digest that the Lightning Elemental was ranked third in the Emperor Grade Lightning Elemental Rankings, he was suddenly able to recall that Mival Silverwind was that human who absorbed the blood essence of the Viridian Lightning Fox to gain a long lifespan as well as power!

'However, to think that Mival Silverwind had entered the Ninth Stage... What could it mean for the Alstreim Family Territory? An arrival of an external power? Or as Davis spoke, recruiting them to be protectors and allies?'

Davis nodded his head a moment later as he sent a soul transmission towards Eldia.

"You heard him. What do you think?"

"Master... I want to kill them, especially that fox..."

Davis pursed his lips, feeling complicated. Whose side should he take in this matter? Eldia had become his Lightning Elemental, and he felt that he should take her side, but without them having her in custody, she would've been long hunted down by the Infernal Lightning Palace.

He couldn't help but try to convince her.

"Eldia, there are many humans in this world, each one of them different than the other. There's a power called Infernal Lightning Palace that would've captured you erased your Will to benefit their strength like I've done so with the previous Lightning Elementals that I've captured. However, I tried to convince them, but they didn't accept me as you did, so you're now alive and beginning to regain your energy back."

"Now, look at them. They only captured and bound you to a container, and other than that, they didn't try to harm you for fun actively. Or did they?"

"... No." Eldia answered in a complex tone, "But they still hurt me whenever I tried to escape..."

"Yes, Eldia. But now, they've given you to me. If you become powerful and extraordinary even more than you naturally could, then wouldn't that be partly because of them?"

Davis uttered in a complex tone as he recalled his past. If it weren't for Mo Mingzhi's father locking him up in that mansion, he wouldn't have obtained Fallen Heaven either. If he hadn't obtained Fallen Heaven, he couldn't have possibly come this far either.

But that didn't mean that he had to forgive Mo Wuming. He had already killed him to his heart's content. However, different than Mo Wuming, the Silverwinds naturally had a valid reason to restrain Eldia, to aid Alia in her rebirth. And from Eldia's own words, it seemed like she wasn't tortured other than bound whenever she tried to escape, which was expected as far as he considered.

He really couldn't find fault with that.

"But Master... I..." Eldia appeared hesitant, causing Davis to rapidly think.

"If you can pardon them, then I'll feed you twice a week... What do you say?"

He didn't know if incentives worked, but if it did, he naturally wouldn't say no and take advantage of her.

"Master... I... I don't know, but if I can return to my place for a while, I will let them go as Master says..." Her voice was filled with longing.

'Mhm, your place?' Davis turned confused before he realized, "You mean the Dark Thunder Island?"

"I don't know what it is called, but there is a lot of extinction lightning around like mine..."

Davis nodded his head in acceptance. As far as he knew, that was indeed the Dark Thunder Island. He recalled that he saw her melancholically dancing in the inner region while he was searching for Lightning Elementals.

In any case, he had already received a big bestowal of insights from it, so her presence wouldn't be helpful that much for a few months. Besides, he wasn't in the mood to cultivate anymore as he was in the mood to dual cultivate after returning. He was already pent up like a puffed-up balloon that was on the verge of exploding.

Furthermore, letting her return to the Dark Thunder Island was a better option to let her grow at the moment because his energy was still lacking even if his soul force was a bit better than her energy. The Dark Thunder Island was a natural environment that would allow her to grow and regain her energy at a rapid pace than he could provide, at least for now.

Nevertheless... there was the chance of her defecting as they hadn't even bonded yet. Even though she might feel reverence towards him, was that enough to stop a Lightning Elemental from leaving? He really didn't know.

"When you said a while, how long did you mean...?" He doubtfully asked.

"As long as Master allows me..."

Davis heard her voice that was filled with a bit of pleading that his heart couldn't help but soften. She had indeed suffered a lot. Now, he felt like he didn't care anymore even if she defected, but it was just a momentary feeling that came as it eventually left.

"Fine, I'll let you go to your place, Eldia. However, if you tried to leave me, I will have no choice but to hunt you and erase your Will for my own benefits as the Infernal Lightning Palace does. Do you understand?" His voice was full of solemness.

"I understand, Master. I will wait for you and never leave you!" Eldia did not seem to mind the warning but instead became excited at the prospect of being taken to her home.

It made Davis think if she had something special back in the Dark Thunder Island to consume and grow strong, or perhaps it was truly experiencing some nostalgic, lingering feelings she had towards the island.

'Perhaps it is both...' Davis wryly smiled as he sent a soul transmission.

"Alright, once you lead us out of this distorted space, you can naturally leave towards the Dark Thunder Island. Since I followed you from there, I'm sure you know the way back."


Eldia trembled as black lightning excitedly crackled from her body.

Looking at its spherical body tremble and sparkle with black lightning, Mival Silverwind couldn't help but wonder for what it became excited for that he couldn't help but ask.

"What did it say?"

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