Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 1253 - In No Time

Chapter 1253 - In No Time

As Davis and Nadia made their way towards the little settlement, he began thinking as to why the Blazing Thunderlight Kirin Immortal's bit of soul essence didn't cause him to enter the King Soul Stage even though it seemed to be at the High-Level Ninth Stage.

The answer he arrived at was that the energy in the soul essence was completely used up. It was no wonder that an Immortal existence wasn't able to maintain consciousness. Only its remnant comprehension of its laws imprinted on its soul was left out, but he managed to make use of it effectively instead of letting it disperse into thin air.

He was rather appreciative of his own quick thinking at that time because he had learned its laws without possessing its blood essence, which now became a huge boost to his prowess in terms of both Fire Laws and Lightning Laws.

Davis decided to name the gaseous form of law insights the comprehension clouds. However, he was extremely ecstatic because the thing he gained the most through the comprehension clouds was how to fuse both fire and lightning in one attack!

A fusion between Fire Laws and Lightning Laws!

It was just the very basics, able to connect a strand or a spark or two of fire and lightning, but to even gain that was an advantage that Davis didn't expect to have! After all, the fusion between two laws was extremely difficult that even those who were remarkably proficient in fire and lightning laws would fail to do so! That was why Natalya was also extremely valued by the Falling Snow Sect for her ability to fuse Yin Laws with Ice Laws.

They had gotten to see her potential, but whether she could bring them out or fail to do so was another thing entirely, and that's why they didn't go too far in offending him, or precisely the Dragon Queen to obtain her.

But now that Ancestor Tirea Snow was on his side...

Davis smiled as he thought of how Natalya had improved in these few months. Even if it was a slight difference, he couldn't be anymore happier for her, and what's more, she gets to be with her friend Tanya Frostblight for a while.

Yes, Davis had sent Natalya to the Falling Snow Sect Territory, where the natural ice heaven and earth energy, including yin energy, was present, remaining extremely suited to her cultivation. If she trained here in the Alstreim Family, her cultivation results would be halved because of the omnipresent fire-attributed energy provided by the passive formations, but if she was in the Falling Snow Sect, her training speed would be doubled!

Davis thought that she wouldn't want to go, and she indeed hesitated when he asked, but after looking at how everyone had advanced by leaps and bounds, especially noticing his Soul Forging Cultivation, she no longer hesitated but promised him that she would return in half a year.

Unfortunately, half a year had already passed, and she had returned, but he had yet to visit her, making himself feel bad. However, he was eager to see what kind of improvements she had made, making his heart pound in expectation for her and everything else.

It was already nine months from the time he left the Alstreim Family and two months since Natalya returned home. He was itching to go back, but he has yet to see what to finally do with the people in front of him.

Davis arrived at the little settlement as he towered above the area as he mounted above Nadia. They were both concealed in Nadia's dark veil, so they remained out of the soul sense radar of numerous guards.

Since that was the case, Davis appeared a few kilometers away, thinking of coming from the direction where he had established his fake cultivation cave for his soul body. It remained undisturbed for two whole months, making him heave a sigh of relief.

He was about to extinguish his soul body when he suddenly frowned.

'It can't be... right?' Davis narrowed his eyes.

Instead of waking up his soul body, he instructed Nadia to head towards his soul body's direction, and in front of the fake cultivation cave he had created, he saw a womanly figure sitting on a large branch, her face looking at the cave entrance while she remained cultivating in a cross-legged position.

'She's really here...'

Davis's expression twitched. Due to having to concentrate on the Immortal Inheritance and refinement in these two months, he didn't bother about the soul body at all, and since it wasn't disturbed, he didn't bother to see what happened over its side as well.

Could it be that this woman was waiting here for two months? For him?

Davis didn't know, but he got out of Nadia's concealment range as he dismounted from her and flew towards Niera Alstreim before his two feet stepped on the wide branch.

Niera Alstreim's eyes shot open as he felt the vibration from the branch as she turned to look to the side, her purple eyes widening in shock before she saw the cave and witnessed the faint silhouette of another Davis still be present.

She returned her gaze back to her him, pointing towards the cave, "But, you are..."

Davis simply waved his hand as a gesture, and the soul body inside the cultivation cave disappeared in front of Niera Alstreim's shocked gaze. She couldn't understand what had happened, other than feeling that it might've been the Illusion Laws she had heard about.

"Niera, oh, Niera..." Davis couldn't help but sigh, "Were you really waiting for me these two whole months in this place?"

Niera Alstreim avoided his gaze as she spoke, "No..."

A smile appeared on Davis's lips, "Don't lie to me..."

Niera Alstreim's expression blushed as she shook her head, "I just waited here for an hour or two every day to see if you have not escaped!"

Davis couldn't help but chuckle at her answer, "Where would I escape without you?"

"What...?" Niera Alstreim became flabbergasted as she had signs of panicking, "What do you mean?"

Davis raised his hand and held her chin, making her eyes tremble.

"Do you still think the same way about me?"

Surprisingly, Niera Alstreim didn't slap his hand away and didn't averse her gaze from his as she stared at his sapphire eyes. She didn't say anything either, causing Davis to know that she still felt the same way about him.

Her stiff expression looked extremely adorable to him, making him think that she was holding on to her last bit of pride after what she did at that time. He lowered his hand from her chin and showed his palm.

"Then take my hand if you still believe in me..."

Niera Alstreim looked at him in astonishment, but she shook her head. She didn't take his hand amidst Davis's confused gaze but stepped forward and embraced him as she placed her head on his shoulder.

"I want to believe..." Her eyes turned moist as her lips moved, "So, please take us out of here as you said before. I had grandpa say that to not offer the sacrifice was the right answer, but if you consider that I cheated by revealing the answer, I'll receive the punishment, so please don't leave us out here."

Niera Alstreim spoke in a pleading tone that moved his heart and made him feel that he should reciprocate her belief. She was extremely naive towards him eyes that he couldn't help find her adorable.

After Ezekiel Alstreim gave the answer to Nadia that he would not sacrifice anyone, there was a thin moment of silence before Nadia said that they would be let out of this sealed space within half a year, and Ezekiel Alstreim heaved a sigh while he had no choice but to wait and see. Davis had given himself more time compared to what he had given to Ancestor Dian Alstreim and Ancestor Tirea Snow, so there was an extra month for him to maneuver.

There was still time for the one year to end from the time he asked Ancestor Dian Alstreim and Ancestor Tirea Snow to wait for reinforcements. Fortunately, it seemed like that the Yantras or the Flowing Mist Sect hadn't made a move yet, at least on the surface.

Yes, he had had first went to the Lightning Sea to recollect memories of what had happened on the other side, also intending to return. However, once he confirmed that everyone was still safe, he really wondered if returning was okay...

He mused if he should return and enjoy the company of his wives or concentrate on breaking through to the King Soul Stage? After all, the whole point of his training session was to break through to the King Soul Stage, but in terms of prowess, he was already comparable to Mid-Level King Soul Stage Experts.

Was there any point in further strengthening himself when he had reached his goal?

On one side, he felt danger, and on the other, he felt incredibly horny while also wanting to enjoy their company as he missed them. Both of them seemed extremely tempting that Davis's heart couldn't easily decide. As he couldn't decide, he came to this place to see if he could do anything about them.

Now, here he was, an innocent woman holding onto him as if he were her hope.

Nevertheless, watching her cling on to him made him remind Isabella as she had also cast an unbelievable trust in him, not falling prey to the misunderstanding of the Earth Dragon Immortal.

'Isabella still hadn't returned yet... What's taking her so long, mhm?'

Davis narrowed his eyes, feeling that she could have met with danger, but it was highly unlikely in the Grand Sea Continent unless the Earth Dragon Immortal or the two other Fire and Ice Phoenix Immortals harmed her.

But then, his eyes suddenly widened.

'Mhm!? Could it be that she's trying to enter the Martial Overlord Stage?' Davis recalled that they had exchanged words of which one of them would be stronger when they meet again.

A smile appeared on his lips as he began to look forward to it.

'Once I enter the King Soul Stage, my prowess would skyrocket, and in return, I can passively suppress even Law Rune Stage and Martial Overlord Stage Powerhouses if they do not possess a Peak-Level King Soul Stage Cultivation.'

He nodded his head as he felt that he should use the remaining three months to enter the King Soul Stage, but he also felt that the sooner he reached it, the better it would be as he could return to see Evelynn and the others soon.

'Hehe, just you wait, Isabella... I'll show that even if I can't reach your cultivation base, I can at least suppress your soul...'

Davis embraced Niera Alstreim back as these thoughts flashed past his mind. He patted her head and ran his fingers through her silky blonde hair.

"Don't worry... I presume myself to be a man of my word, and you didn't do anything wrong but remained true to your heart. You can only influence people above you to do what they were already hesitant about. You can't change them if they were of another mind, Niera."

Niera Alstreim raised her head, moisture covering her purple pupils as it shone like a jewel. She looked at him, her lips becoming wanting to say something, but she instead closed her eyes, appearing as if she was waiting for something.

Davis wasn't clueless that on realizing her intent, he leaned and took her lips, sharing an innocent kiss as he gently held her. Her soft rosy lips were like herself, sweet and innocent. At this moment, he inwardly determined himself and decided that she was his and his alone.

Nevertheless, before their kiss could turn into something wet and make him feel horny, Davis moved his head back and looked at her mesmerizing eyes that opened to look at him. The ripple in her purple pupils displayed affection, which he still couldn't understand how she came to love him other than musing that he was her fantasy.

"Wait for a few months as I have a breakthrough to make..." Davis kissed her forehead as she gently spoke, "Once I finished my breakthrough, we would be all out of here in no time."

His tone and the care he had shown were enough to melt Niera that she lowered her head and meekly sounded.


The vague emotion of love which was irking her heart, now became more and more clear that content smile couldn't help but appear on her face!

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