Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 1232 - Entrance Found?

Chapter 1232 - Entrance Found?

Davis became rather enamored and curious by the idea that he felt the immediate impulse to try provoking it with Fallen Heaven's death-like energy, but he also understood that it could be a stupid move on his part if it leads to something untoward happen.

For example, the lightning becomes fearful but instead strikes him down as it recognized him to be a threat. At that moment, he couldn't even laugh or cry cause the chances are that he would die. As he stood and pondered like a sage while rubbing his beardless chin, he watched the strands of lightning flicker dully, making the words, [Blazing Thunderlight Kirin] appear extremely compelling to him, making him feel that it was undoubtedly a vestige of an Immortal Inheritance.

'Well, if the death-like energy ends up making it feel provoked, what if I can placate it using Fallen Heaven's life-like laws...?' Another outrageous thought popped up in his mind, instantly causing him to abandon the former thought.

Davis felt that using life-like laws to soothe it would be advantageous than using death-like laws to provoke it. He inwardly nodded in approval to his own thoughts, taking a deep breath as he prepared himself.

"Well, Nadia, stay back. I don't want you to get caught up in what I'm going to do..."

"I refuse..."

After watching him gazing at the words of lightning all this time, Nadia understood his intent.

Davis turned to look at Nadia's stubborn golden eyes. He wanted to tell her that she could die, but he felt that it would make her more willing to lose her life for him, making him shut his mouth up. He let out the deep breath he had taken and moved.

"Then don't die..."

Nadia blinked before she followed him.

They arrived at the far end, where the words of lightning floated above the lava, causing Davis to feel a tremor in his mind as well as a prickly feeling that constantly made him feel like his skin was tearing apart. However, he noticed that nothing happened to his body, making him relax, but that sensation didn't disappear, causing him to frown.

"No wonder Nero Alstreim told me to not even near it... It is clearly dangerous, but wait, if the effect is like this, did they even try disturbing these lightning strands?"

Davis felt like they did not try out of fear, but who knows? One of them might have sacrificed themselves for all he knew to even fully comprehend that it was dangerous. After all, the world never lacked idiots or greedy people wanting to attain the Immortal Inheritance before anyone could have a chance or opportunity.

Throwing out these useless thoughts, Davis raised his hand, and a pure white light surged out of his palm as it touched the strands of lightning.


It flickered, causing Davis to jump back in retreat while Nadia appeared in front of him to shield him. Davis's eyes went wide but realizing that it didn't garner a negative reaction from the strands of lightning, he inwardly sighed as he looked at Nadia.

"Nothing even came out to attack me... why did you jump in front of me?" Davis uttered with a bit of exasperation as he couldn't scold her.

"I will be Master's shield!" Nadia growled as her entire fur stood on end.

Davis shook his head, seeing that she was scared and yet, still put her body in front of him to protect him. Even he was scared for that single moment, but it made his heart warm to see her put her life in danger for him.

These strands of lightning could be considered a near Immortal-level threat if he wanted to exaggerate, and yet, know that she might die, she still protected him. He reached out his hand and rubbed her head to calm her down and soother her psyche.

"As expected, my secret healing technique doesn't garner a negative reaction, so stand back and watch this tim- no, keep an eye out for people, Nadia. Immediately warn me if someone comes here, okay?" Davis suddenly spoke.

Nadia's stiff body relaxed as she felt his warm hands and listened. Realizing that it didn't attack them, she nodded her head as it didn't seem to be dangerous as far as she had seen.

Davis floated forwards and hovered in front of the strands of lightning again. He raised his hand, and this time, the pure white light of energy surged out in mass as he invoked Fallen Heaven's white tendrils. His soul force was being consumed by it while the pure white energy began to encase the strands of lightning gently.


Lightning began to flicker, but they remained the same, displaying no signs of being provoked as they stayed silent as if remaining at peace. Even the initial ferocious aura that emanated from them couldn't be felt as Davis watched those lightning strands in utter astonishment that he couldn't help but smile because he could feel that its aura had begun to rise!

That meant there was a possibility of a spirit or, in this case, a soul slumbering within it!

Davis couldn't help but gulp as his eyes widened, 'This is presumably the Blazing Thunderlight Kirin's Remnant Soul that welcomes the trialist or activates after something had happened, and perhaps, I can forcefully awaken it this way instead of finding the entrance as a test or something...'

However, he became sullen, hoping that it wouldn't disqualify him for using another method to awaken it or treat him like the Earth Dragon Immortal did after finding that his soul had quite the age discrepancy with his body.

He could only hope and deal with their sense of right and wrong since the inheritance belonged to them in any case. Nevertheless, he hoped the worst-case scenario doesn't happen, that the inheritance owner doesn't kill him out of rage for wrongfully awakening.

However... this was all speaking in the sense that if the Immortal Inheritance still remained. If it had been inherited by someone long ago in the ancient times, as Nero Alstreim speculated, he could only go to a corner and lament that his luck had come to an end.

Time passed as Davis kept up the nerve-wracking, exciting healing process, but the more time passed, the more he noticed that the rate that its aura was increasing was slower, but not. To him, even though it might seem like a significant increase, anything at the ninth stage or above might be more than something he could appropriate into levels.

He frowned, feeling like that he wasn't getting anywhere like this as an hour passed by again. This made him feel incensed as well as exhausted as his soul force had dropped to a mere twenty percent.

Davis dropped his hands and uttered an exhausted sigh, 'F.u.c.k, this is tiring out...'

The way it seemed, he now knew that he wouldn't be able to awaken it anywhere today. He appeared back to Nadia's place and sat down as he began to refine the low-level soul essences to restore his soul force.

He started regaining his soul force, and as time passed, Nadia suddenly uttered.

"Master, people are coming..."

Davis opened his eyes and saw that Nadia looked in the direction of the mid-zone. He began to wonder why many people were coming out once as he began to feel their undulations before he stood up and began to act like a youth who was exploring the place.

Soon, fourteen people appeared at this place while Davis seemed to turn as he looked at them in shock.

"Oh? Who are you? I've never seen you here before..." The man who appeared at the very first spoke in a suspecting tone.

Davis appeared to cautiously look at them in return before he uttered, "I'm Davis Alstreim. Ancestor Ezekiel Alstreim saved me today in the outskirts after that spatial crack swallowed me..."

"What? You're from the other side!? Oh my, I want to ask you so much about what happened in our Alstreim Family all these years-"

"Hey!" Another man interrupted, "You know this isn't the time for that..."

The man who got excited seemed like he had been poured a bucked of cold water over his head. He couldn't help but sigh, "I know, I know..."

He pointed at Davis and laughed, "Brat, I reserved you first! Keep that in mind!"

After that, he left while the man who berated him looked at Davis in a complex light before he spoke, "I reserved you for the second slot..."

People walked past him as they opened their mouths.


"... Fourth..."



"Hey, I reserved his time fifth!~"

"No, it was me!~"

Davis's brows twitched as he looked at these Elders fight for his time as if they were reserving time for a p.r.o.s.t.i.t.u.t.e or something. Fortunately for them, he knew that they wanted to know what happened to the Alstreim Family in all the time that had passed, the events that happened in these sixty years or so.

It was almost time, and it looks like they were all probably called to participate in his welcome party.

'Well, it might be a little soon, but I guess it's time to head back...' Davis mused as he didn't want to be found acting suspiciously. That wasn't for the best.

After these young-looking Elders left, he signaled Nadia to enter his soul sea before he made his way above. The moment he came out of the narrow pathway, the atmosphere became quite noisy and boisterous, but contrary to his expectations, everyone seemed to be at their edge as he noticed their worried expressions.

He couldn't help but grab a shoulder of a passerby as he asked, "What happened?"

That person had a happy yet nervous expression on his face, answered, "Friend, it seems like a mysterious magical beast has annihilated the Infernal Lightning Palace's Experts!~"

"Uhh~ You don't say..." Davis uttered with a blank expression on his face.

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