Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 1214 Way Back?

Chapter 1214 Way Back?

Just half a minute ago, Davis was unfortunate enough to be found by the Lightning Elemental. He then tried his luck and sent a soul transmission to the Lightning Elemental while the trio became emotional and unperceptive of their surroundings for a short time. While listening to their conversation to know their vulnerabilities, he had used this advantage to contact it.

"Don't make a sound... You know, I can free you from them..."


The Lightning Elemental made a question mark with its black strand of lightning, causing Davis to go wide-eyed. He was astonished by its intelligence as he mused that it was asking him how. Besides, it used signs to communicate with him so the trio below wouldn't notice.

However, he didn't know how to convince it. By the looks of it, he knew they must've restrained it, but he didn't know how other than to ask. He took a small breath before he sent a soul transmission again.

"If they're restraining you, nod once, and if you are not, nod twice..."

The Lightning Elemental instantly nodded once as its round spherical body swayed down before coming up.

"Alright, if you want to be helped, come closer... I won't harm you..."

Davis narrowed his eyes as he saw it slowly move towards him. He tried relaying his intent, and it seemed to understand but, wasn't it awfully cooperative for a grown Lightning Elemental...?

Could it be that it was tortured for a long period of time...? Or was it lying...? He couldn't use his Heart Intent on a Lightning Elemental. Would it even work on it in the first place?

While Davis pondered over these doubts that popped up in his mind, it finally neared and maintained a distance of two meters.

Davis's brows were narrowed as he remained careful.

"I'm going to help you now, so don't be scared. Come a bit closer and let my soul sense enter your spirit sea. If you're okay with it, nod once. If not, go back and stay quiet."

The Lightning Elemental didn't do anything as it just hovered while it seemed to be contemplating on his words before finally nodding after a few seconds. It then closed the distance a bit.

'If this is the distance, I'm sure that they wouldn't notice...' Davis considered the possibilities of him being found out.

He first conjured a strand of soul sense covered with Fallen Heaven's death-like energy and saw that no one had a reaction to it. He had it concealed, so it made sense, but if he used it to envelop himself or anything, it would surely cause minute undulations that would allow them to notice.

In fact, Davis knew that if they weren't emotional, the magical beast woman who was called Zanna would've already found him by now. He inwardly sighed before he pointed at the Lightning Elemental.

No matter what, he had to at least try since these three didn't seem to be bad people as he listened to their conversation. They can cry for their loved ones despite being Ninth Stage Powerhouses. Besides, he was extremely interested in that emaciated tree and its viridian sphere-like fruit.

"Don't resist and don't be scared..."

The Lightning Elemental shook, and its black strands of lightning around it faded, revealing a faint silhouette of a humanoid figure.

Davis blinked, but he didn't let its figure bother him. His soul sense reached its tiny humanoid spirit, and just before his it made contact, its body began to tremble.

'Oh no...'


The Lightning Elemental shook and closed its path to its main spirit body, cutting Davis's soul sense, which didn't really do him any damage but made Zanna notice instead!


Viridian strands of lightning erupted below as it glowed, causing Davis's scalp to turn numb!

"Wait! We mean no harm!"

He jumped out of Nadia's concealment, and Nadia canceled it before she flashed beside Davis, wanting to protect him as her undulations began to quietly surge. Her hair stood on end while her claws were taut, ready to protect her master even if she had to sacrifice herself from taking the enemy's attack by herself by shielding Davis with her body.

Her golden eyes shone with immense resolve at this moment as she kept herself ready to unleash her species soul technique at a moment's notice!

Zanna's viridian eyes appeared confused before they went wide, "You... You are the duo we met on that island thousands of kilometers away from here!"

Her astonished expression only stayed for up to a second before it receded as she glanced at the emaciated tree. Her gaze returned to Davis and the others before her viridian eyes shone.

"Fools! It would be best if you two hadn't come here, but you have only yourselves to blame!"

Davis was done waiting as he had them locked on with Fallen Heaven as he smiled. He lowered his hand as it was too late for them to unleash any moves against them as he only needed a single thought to kill them right now.

Needless to say, he was planning on using Mival to land a sneaky attack on Zanna but nevertheless, he already had an inkling of how things would play out.

His lips moved, "You know..."

"Zanna, let them go." Mival abruptly interrupted, causing both Davis and Zanna to be taken aback. He was none other than the demi-human man with a furry ear and a viridian tail.

"But!" Zanna appeared hesitant.

"It's fine... This fruit is the last of it." Mival shook his head, "There will be no more after this, and it wouldn't possibly regrow after it dies... Besides, we don't kill children unless they have done something extremely wrong."

"Children...?" Zanna became confused as she cast a glance at Mival.

She could've sworn that she sensed Supreme Soul Stage undulations from this person at that minute moment. Could it just be her imagination?

'Am I still reluctant to say goodbye to Alia...?' She became crestfallen because she thought her emotions were getting the best of her.

Mival nodded his head, "Look at him, he is at the Law Manifestation Stage, and his blonde hair in this region denotes that he is an Alstreim Family's youth. It's obvious he used that Dark-Winged Twilight Wolf's concealment prowess to follow us."

He harrumphed, not feeling well to be interrupted at an important moment like this. Nevertheless, he didn't want Alia to experience this before she dies. All he needed was peace at that moment so he could send her off before having time for himself.

"Brat, go back to your Alstreim Family. You are not even at the Seventh Stage, and yet you're going to get your companion killed!"

Davis was still taken aback. Was he really going to be let go of just like that?

"Companion...?" However, his lips twitched.

Nadia was addressed as his companion and not his magical beast mount, but he could understand that when he looked at Zanna, who seemed to be one of his two wives from what he heard.

But, was it because this man seemed to view magical beasts as an equal race and not an inferior race? He didn't know.

Mival sneered while looking at Davis's expression, "Do you really think King-Tier Magical Beasts would bend to someone's will? Perhaps but you definitely can't! Not with your current strength! They can only be soothed and placated while it's their choice if they chose to stay with someone or not. You're merely lucky... wait..."

"Dark-Winged Twilight Wolf...?"

Mival's expression experienced a slow change as he stared at Nadia before it became shocked.

"Didn't Dragon Queen Isabella, who's currently staying in the Alstreim Family, was also said to have one!?"

He turned to look at Davis in an instant, "Brat, what's your relationship with the Dragon Queen!?"

"Uhh..." Davis became hesitant as it showed on his face. Part of his consciousness was listening to their conversation, so he mused that he knew their needs at this point and felt like he could take advantage of them.

Thousands of thoughts ran in his mind before he felt things wouldn't go awry if he revealed his fake relationship.

"Yes, I'm one of the subordinates of Dragon Queen Isabella, named Alchemist Davis. So any attacks against me will be considered an offense towards the Dragon Queen, and therefore, you three will become an enemy of my Mistress, and my Mistress already knows about you all since her magical beast mount is with me."

Mival's expression changed as his viridian eyes became cold, "Brat! You think you are in any position to threaten me?"

"Uhh..." Davis awkwardly chuckled, "I guess not..."

He didn't want to stretch his might more than it was required.

"Mival, I think we should capture this brat and trade him for the Million Emerald Vines Calamity's nectar if that Dragon Queen doesn't give us."

Just before Davis was about to open his mouth again, intending to initiate a trade, Zanna interrupted with a solemn expression.

"Alia is more important to us, and we can't let this chance go..."

Mival's fists clenched as his face began to warp. He became immensely tempted as he thought the same even before Zanna prompted him. His conscience didn't let him from killing the young ones, but when push comes to shove, screw that!

In any case, he was just capturing Alchemist Davis. Once he thought of it like this, he took a step forward.

"Fools! I will not allow you to face danger because of a dying woman!" Alia's hoarse voice echoed, causing both Mival and Zanna to become stiff.

"So what if you manage to save me with that damned nectar that will enable me to reach the Martial Sage Stage? We would still be hunted by her mysterious background and die a tragic death! I will not allow something like that to come to pass!"

"Alia!" Zanna screamed, her eyes becoming moist, "Are you telling us to watch you die for real this time!? There won't be a next time for you to even tell us something like this!"

Alia's old face possessed wrinkles. She giggled as she possessed a carefree smile, "Dummy, there will be next time. You think of the present while I think of the future, so believe me when I'm saying that I will be meet you two once again. I need you two to be alive at that moment, so don't go provoking a character that you shouldn't provoke unless we absolutely need to..."

Zanna turned away as she held her tears back while Mival's fists loosened as his shoulders relaxed.

Alia smiled at them before she shot a glance at Davis and Nadia.

"Child, I want you to just leave with the Dark-Winged Twilight Wolf, but since you're here, I doubt you would be able to find your way back."

Davis's brows narrowed, "What do you mean...?"

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