Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 1211 To The Core Region?

Chapter 1211 To The Core Region?

Two pairs of viridian eyes stared at Davis and Nadia. They appeared to have frozen from the sheer pressure they felt, but it wasn't like that, as both of them chose not to make any moves that might incite the other party to heavily injure or kill them with a flick of their hand.

Both Davis and Nadia knew that they could not afford to offend them.

The flying boat didn't stop as it seemed to chase the Mid-Level Emperor Grade Lightning Elemental. The two Ninth Stage Powerhouses didn't seem to make any moves either as the flying boat entered back into the gray fog while they left from Davis and Nadia's sight.

However, Davis saw that the man slightly cast an amused smile at him. At that moment, he prepared for attacks, but nothing came at him. He gulped as he began to breathe again while he felt Nadia's muscles relax, her fur becoming soft.

"I know, Nadia. You retreated and stayed quiet to protect me..."

He caressed her with his hands, making her calm down as he soothed her raging emotions. It was like she wanted to battle to prove that she would not cower in front of Ninth Stage Powerhouses.

"Master, I am weak..." Her shoulders drooped.

Davis furrowed his brows before he smiled, "Don't worry. I'll help you mutate to Emperor Rank Species."

"Mhmm..." Nadia hummed in agreement.

However, it did not seem like that there was much excitement behind her voice, but Davis was too confused to notice that Nadia herself didn't think that she had much of a hope to mutate a third time. She felt that it was too nigh impossible to do so.

'What the actual fuck!? Didn't that man have anthropomorphic features like those furry ears and tail? He's a half-human and a half-beast!? A demi-human!?'

Davis thought he would see one at Dual Lotus Manor Territory, but he ended up seeing one here in the very unlikely Alstreim Family Territory.

'I finally met a person of the Fey Race...' Davis pursed his lips and shook his head in amusement.

Humans who had absorbed too much magical beast blood but didn't die and turned into a successful half-beast, half-human was called demi-humans. However, Davis also saw that they were categorized into something called the Fey Race. From an old record in the Dual Lotus Abode's Passion Library, he learned that the Fey Race consists of the offsprings from two different races, mainly the human race and the magical beast race.

That's why this half-human, half-beast man was also categorized as a character from the Fey Race.

However, as far as he knew, magical beasts and humans couldn't have offsprings together. Perhaps, they could before the Fifty-Two Territories came about, but he didn't know for sure.

Nevertheless, Davis didn't think he would meet a demi-human here of all places. He simultaneously thought about the woman with the same viridian eyes and long hair. She was a charming beauty with alluring facial features, but he could sense that she gave the vibes, the aura of a magical beast when she radiated her undulations.

A half-human and a half-beast hybrid, a magical beast, and the unidentified black-haired woman. He didn't know why that black-haired woman was being carried away and also couldn't tell what she was due to the distance covering them, meaning that he couldn't tell if that sleeping beauty was a human, a fey, or a magical beast, making him further confused.

However, he understood one thing.

That fey race man and the magical beast woman were somehow related since they seem to have the same viridian-colored eyes and hair, conceivably a byproduct of their bloodline. Perhaps, that man extracted blood essence from that magical beast woman when he was a human before managing to become a half-human, half-beast existence.

His confusion ended up resolving in two seconds before his lips moved.

"Nadia, follow them."

Nadia moved forward to quickly catch up as she enshrouded herself and Davis in darkness, concealing themselves in the process. If any beings were viewing them right now, they would have seen them literally fading away from their eyesight.


However, she seemed to hold doubt towards his command.

"Don't worry. We're just going to follow them." Davis consoled, "We have to at least try to get the Lightning Elemental somehow..."

"But master... They were chasing it. We won't have a chance against those two ninth stage powerhouses." Nadia sounded worried, obviously for Davis's life.

"It's fine. We are not going to battle them but just follow them with your concealment. As long as you don't go near them, that viridian-haired woman wouldn't be able to perceive you even if she's a magical beast. As for the man, I'm not sure since I don't know how a demi-humans' cultivation system works, but if anything, I'll be damned if his soul is at the ninth stage as well."

"Nonetheless, I think they are not chasing the Lightning Elemental."


Nadia became taken aback.

Davis's expression was solemn, "They are following it. If you ask me what makes me think so, then that Lightning Elemental's movement was leisurely but also looked restrained, no, it was more like as if it were bound to something, perhaps tied to them."

"Despite being a Mid-Level Emperor Grade Lightning Elemental that can easily see through concealment and auras, it should've flown away as soon as it sensed those Ninth stage Powerhouses. Still, it didn't and even looked as if it were dancing."

"Something about this strange situation just doesn't make sense, so I think I'm right... In any case, this is just my speculation, and I don't want to put our lives in danger for mere speculation. If you want us to return, just say the word, Nadia."

"I understand..." Nadia echoed, and at the same time, the grey fog at the end parted as they caught sight of the flying boat's silhouette.

"That's it, Nadia. Maintain this distance! We can't let them find out."

Davis warned, but it was not needed as it was Nadia who knew the best. She matched her pace with the flying boat, speeding up a bit when she lost sight and slowing down if she neared them a bit.

Davis and Nadia noticed that the extinction lightning had become thicker in density and prowess as they followed. The way they were going, it looks like they would soon step into the Dark Thunder Island's core region.

Davis's expression became somber, 'Do I have to abandon following them now...?'

He became reluctant.

The concealment worked perfectly amidst this dark grey fog, so why was there a need for him to give up on the Lightning Elemental even though it was important to his Essence Gathering Cultivation, not to mention that it would successfully improve his comprehension of the soul to the very peak of the Supreme Soul Stage as a matter of fact.

As he hesitated, some time passed.

Davis noticed, 'Strange, the black lightning bolts are still at the seventh and the eighth stage...'

He narrowed his eyes for a while before his eyes widened, 'Damn! So I'm traveling at the edge between the inner region and the core region!?'

At first, he almost routed the entire region as he went around, traveling in an irregular clockwise direction, so he could still tell his location, but after following them, he got lost.

Due to the fog, he had no idea where he was going, so he could only use the prowess of the black lightning as a mark to find which region he was at, and perhaps Nadia knew where she was as she had her doppelganger as a landmark.

He couldn't help but ask as he realized this fact.

"Nadia, where are we on the island...?"

Nadia informed him, which directly confirmed his hypothesis.

From the south, Davis, Nadia, and Sophie entered the Dark Thunder Island. He left her in the south outer region before making his way to the inner region. From there, he began an irregular clockwise sweep in finding treasures. He knew that he arrived at the west, the north, and the east.

But he was unable to complete the sweep as he had encountered the Lightning Elemental and the two Ninth Stage Powerhouses before deciding to follow them.

Now, if Nadia's words were right, they were traveling from southeast to the northwest of the island. They were indeed traveling at the edge between the inner region and the core region.

As they pursued them, ten more minutes passed, and they started to notice that the black lightning's density and prowess started to thin out, becoming weaker and weaker.

'Shit... We're already near the west outer region. At this rate, we're gonna head out of the Dark Thunder Island...!'

"Nadia, gain more distance. The fog is starting to thin out."


Nadia obeyed, and her dark wings began to flap slowly compared to before as she slowed her pace of the pursuit. Soon, they entered the outer region before making their way towards the Dark Thunder Island's western shore.

Davis hesitated only for a second before he revamped his plan again.

"Nadia, once they're out of the fog, don't pursue them anymore. Let them gain a fair amount of distance from us before proceeding to tail them above the sea if possible."

Nadia nodded her wolf head, "But what about Sophie...?"

Davis frowned as he considered what to do about her before he made his decision in a moment.

"She will stay here on this island until we return. However, if you and I encounter danger or get separated for any reason during this time, then take her back safely to the Alstreim Family with your doppelganger no matter what!"

"Yes, Master!"

Five minutes later, the grey fog receded, and a vast sea came into their view, causing them to stop within the fog as they saw the flying boat and the Lightning Elemental head towards the west.

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