Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 725 - Empress


The moonlight in the sky gradually turned purple.

Her Majesty Empress stood on the balcony, leaning on the railing with both hands. Her beautiful and deep black eyes looked down at the little sparks down the mountain as she seemed to be in deep thoughts.

The cool breeze blew, and gently flicked her black hair and large robe backward, revealing the perfect outline of the body; moving with calm serenity.

“Liliz, are you here?” The empress’ voice sounded, and her tone was extremely pleasant-sounding, revealing the tranquility of ancient wells.

“Yes, Your Majesty.” The blue-robed woman under the steps bowed and responded. Just now she saw the empress immersed in the thoughts, so she didn’t interrupt her.

“Has the intel of the Jergal Fortress come?”

“There is no new intel yet. The first general is very calm, even when we were in a decisive battle with the Fallen Angel Empire previously. However, his movements in the dark have not stopped. After we have signed the alliance agreement with the Fallen Angel Empire, Broc executed several people for the crime of collaborating with the enemy. These people include his confidants and undercover agents sent by us. It is likely to eliminate some traces. For now, we don’t have much evidence to bring him down.”

Liliz thought for a while and added another sentence, “Broc was seriously injured last time for unknown reasons, and now half of his body is made of mechanical materials. His true strength is likely to surpass the average Demon Overlord.”

“His personal strength is nothing to be feared.” The empress shook her head, “What I’m afraid of is the Fire Blade Legion that he has. The Fire Blade Legion is the largest legion of the empire, and its combat power is extremely powerful which is enough to match the elites of the Bloody Empire. Elite troops. I want to take back this strength completely; it must not be buried in his hands. Broc is the first general who supported the military system reform that I implemented, plus his prestige in the army, it’s really hard to do anything openly. My intention of putting up the pretense of attacking the Fallen Angel Empire this time is also to lure the snake out of the hole, but this ‘snake’ is really calm.”

“Even so, with the implementation of the military system reform, Broc’s control over the army is declining. It is only a matter of time before getting rid of him. However, the safety of Sir Frentz and Madam Medilu… After the last secret rescue operation failed, it aroused Broc’s vigilance instead. I’m afraid it will be very difficult to sneak into the fortress again.”

The empress nodded slightly, “‘Waiting’ is certainly a stable way, but it is inevitable that there will be many unexpected situations. Unfortunately, with the current situation, this is the most appropriate way. As for the uncle’s side, don’t act rashly for the time being.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Liliz showed hesitation, “1 more thing…”

“Just say it, Liliz, you are my most trusted confidant. There are no outsiders here, so you can speak up.”

Liliz lowered her head and said, “It is Prince Vigelsa who has admired Your Majesty for many years. He wants to use me to explore Your Majesty’s intent…”

“Vigelsa? Except for a face and the status of the prince obtained via war, what else does he have? Unpresentable cleverness?” The empress sneered and did not conceal her contempt in front of this confidant, “When I was a princess, he used various means to get me. Even when I was in internal strife, he did not hesitate to use his forces to threaten me. He already failed at that time, let alone now!”

“I know Your Majesty hates him, but in terms of identity and status, Vigelsa is currently the most suitable candidate.” Liliz sighed while showing a serious expression, “Your Majesty has been alone for many years, and there should be a prince consort. This is not only Your Majesty’s private matter but also a major matter of the entire empire. The Dark Shadow Empire needs an inheritor.”

“I understand.” The empress gave Liliz a faint look, “I know what I’m doing and what I should do. Don’t explore this kind of matter in the future. No matter what method you use, I only need 1 result – let that guy give up completely.”

“Liliz understands.” Liliz bowed respectfully. This Your Majesty was not only the No. 1 beauty of the Demon Realm, but also the No. 1 sage. With the empress’ sober mind, she didn’t think she needed too much advice.

“What’s going on in the Fallen Angel Empire?”

“I’m about to report to Your Majesty. According to the latest intel, 3 notable events have occurred in the Fallen Angel Empire. The first thing is about the marriage of Empress Shea. Empress Shea announced that she will be married in 2 months. The prince consort is naturally the mysterious Aguile. This incident was greatly opposed by the Lucifer Royal Family and the elder families. It is said that Her Majesty said, ‘I will only choose him to be my prince consort. If you object, you will all be the biggest sinners once the empire has no legal inheritor’. The authenticity of this sentence has yet to be examined, but it is an indisputable fact that the huge economic interests in Empress Shea’s hands played a decisive role in suppressing all the opposition.”

“She is a good opponent, and I like her words.” The empress smiled. Even though she was wearing a veil, one could still feel the peerless style of that smile.

Liliz then began to report the second incident, “The Mechanic Association of the Fallen Angel Capital is recently requisitioning a large area of ​​land for its relocation plan. There should be some special actions, but I have not found out exactly what it is now. However, the Fallen Angel Empire’s Mechanic Association started a new scroll learning research department. Several mechanic masters of our empire have carefully studied the scrolls brought back by the intel agents and found that the efficiency is far better than ordinary magic scrolls, and the materials are very special. According to Master Anderson’s analysis, those materials should come from the human world.”

The empress was slightly shocked. She thought for a moment and asked, “How is Chen Rui of the Dark Moon recently?”

“That human has already resigned as a financial officer and stays in the lord’s mansion all day long. He only shows up occasionally. Athena claims that Chen Rui is seriously ill. Many people know this is just an excuse. The human should be secretly protected. This is probably related to our request for him as 1 of the conditions of the peaceful negotiation last time.”

“Perhaps it’s not that simple.” The empress frowned slightly, “He must be related to the many new things of the Fallen Angel Empire, but the strange thing is that we captured some humans who came to the Demon Realm, and they had not seen those new things in the human world. I once suspected that… he came from the legendary god realm, but now the appearance of these scrolls has overturned my suspicion. In fact, no matter which kind of guess, it isn’t enough to tell the truth. Let’s collect intel honestly. At present, the intel department has 3 focuses. First, Jergal Fortress, second, the Fallen Angel Empire and Chen Rui, and third, the battle situation of the Bloody Empire.”


“By the way, did you just say there is 1 more event about the Fallen Angel Empire?”

“This event has long been advertised on the Fallen Angel Empire’s ‘Empire Daily’. If Your Majesty has time, you can now turn on the magic television to have a look. It should be almost time.”

“Is it the battle ball match?” The empress asked. Battle ball had now become the most popular sport in the Demon Realm without any dispute. Every game was a full house. The television broadcasts also attracted a large number of viewers. Being able to watch the wonderful game from far away in the different empire not only brought huge economic benefits to the 2 empires, but the popularity of the battle ball also reinforced the physique and cohesion of the empire.

“No, the newspaper calls it a ‘concert’, and it also uses the words ‘intriguing’ and ‘far beyond expectation’. To be honest, this is the first time I have heard of this kind of thing.”

“We’ll know after looking at it.” The empress asked the maid to turn on the huge magic television in the palace. This was the best gift given by the Fallen Angel Empire’s Empress Shea. Whether it was the screen size or clarity, it was the best at present.

Currently, there was only 1 channel for magic television which was the Channel 1 of the Fallen Angel Empire. As soon as they turned it on, they could see a special scene.

Countless troops were attacking a small town. The sound of fighting in the smoke of gunpowder and the explosion sounds of magic crystal cannon were deafening. The soldiers and residents of the town had blocked one after another round of attacks with incredible willpower. The army was unable to conquer it.

These should be the effects created by water element magic which were similar to illusions, but very realistic.

On the screen, 10 days have passed. There was no support nor rest, only fighting to the death.

The last person in the town was fighting. A general, covered in blood, was standing on the line of defense with his last breath. The enemy troops took detours one after another and did not touch the standing corpse even if he had buried countless of their comrades.

All the sounds became silent, and the singing of a woman gradually became clear. In the grief and sorrow tune, there was a sense of unyielding and perseverance.

With the ups and downs of the singing voice, the scenes of the picture moved and switched constantly. One after another heroic and unyielding scenes reappeared. Liliz watched with emotions and tears in her eyes.

“Song of Essidor…” A thin mist rose from the empress’ serene black eyes.

The singing gradually became silent, and the touching pictures faded. The scene returned to reality. It turned out to be a huge stage in the center of the arena.

A pair of solemnly-dressed man and woman appeared on the stage. The woman spoke up through the magic speaker, “That was the ‘Song of Essidor’ personally sung by the lord of the Dark Moon, Madam Athena. Wales. The next 1 is ‘Castle in the Sky’ by Her Majesty Empress’ special guests, Ms. Adeline and Ms. Helen from the Dead Sea.”

The scene on the stage changed and turned into an endless sea. A girl with a snake body was sitting on the reef, plucking the strings of the golden harp. The elegant sound of the harp touched everyone’s heart as the surrounding sounds suddenly became quiet. A moving figure appeared in the sea in front of the reef, and began to sing with the sound of the harp.

This sound was ethereal and illusory like heavenly music which seemed to have a special magical power. Coupled with the sound of the harp, it resonated with the soul of every listener, and the dark shadows in the sky gradually became clear, revealing a castle floating in the air. It was simple, beautiful and full of incredible strength. The melodious singing carried the faint sadness of the past, but there was no lack of hope for tomorrow. This kind of emotion surrounded the castle and everyone’s heart. It did not fade for a long time.

When the singing ended, the audience was still immersed in the lingering sound.

“What song is this? Whose singing voice is this?” After a while, Liliz woke up like a dream, staring at the disappearing sky castle on the screen.

“The Dead Sea… that should be the singing of a siren, and the naga is playing the harp.” The knowledgeable Her Majesty Empress took a deep breath, “The wording of the newspaper is not exaggerated. This concert will be beyond expectation and extremely intriguing.”

TL: But what can a concert do except for economic growth?

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