Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 625 - Body Of Light Blessing]’s Mutation! Chen Rui’s Strange Decision

Chapter 625: [Body Of Light Blessing]’s Mutation! Chen Rui’s Strange Decision

“Demon who walks in darkness and evil accept the baptism of this light faith!” Dark Dragon Emperor Rodriguez’s left eye shone a bright light. Because the power gap was too great, Chen Rui and Dodo didn’t even have the power to resist. They were shrouded in light in a split second.

Covered by the light, Dodo closed his eyes tightly in fright. His transformed hands hugged his onion head tightly. However, after a few minutes, the imaginary pain did not come.

The slime opened his eyes secretly and found that the seemingly terrifying light actually surrounded it. To be precise, it surrounded his master. It seemed that his master’s body was experiencing some strange changes.

“The level of power of this light element can’t actually convert you demon? With such a strong willpower, you really deserve to be a guy who has passed the 3 tests. Unfortunately, I still can’t control the origin fragment of the dark element. Otherwise, in my double-sided kingdom of light and dark, you should be the strongest believer in the dark side…”

Rodriguez’s sounded a little surprised. A white cube appeared in the pupil of his left eye. It was the origin fragment of the light element, “Since you are the first believer in my new kingdom, then I will give you a special honor. The stubborn dark believer shall become the most pious believer of the light with the baptism in the light of the origin fragment of the light element.”

The white cube slowly flew out, scattered into leaf-like light spots, and wrapped Chen Rui and Dodo who couldn’t resist.

Dodo instinctively felt the terrifying power of the light leaves. Once he was wrapped, perhaps even his most basic soul consciousness would be erased. At this critical juncture of life and death, the strong desire to survive finally stimulated the slime’s hidden potential.

As a result, Master Dodo burst out his strongest talent which was … eating.

The onion-head turned into a huge mouth. The light leaves nearby were sucked into the big mouth as it chewed desperately.

——The taste of the light leaves is too unpalatable. It is not comparable to master’s superb aromatic millet wine; it is not as good as purple berry wine and black grape wine; it is even worse than the worst-quality blended fruit wine on Lane 5 in the 30th block of Dark Moon City, but I will die if I don’t eat it. It is just like when I was forced to eat the flesh and blood of the giant dragon that made people… Uh, slime trembled in the black rainforest.

The light leaves exploded immediately in the big mouth. After eating, it continued to explode in the stomach. For a while, it shattered away, but Dodo’s immortal body fully played his role. The exploded onion body immediately regrouped, and he desperately devoured the light leaves again.

During this process, the slime gradually adapted to the “taste” of the light leaves with his miraculous “mouth”. He also began to truly digest the power of the light leaves as he swallowed faster and faster. Although it could not be absorbed within a short time, he could at least eat it first.

“Oh? A slime with the Dragon Power Essence’s breath… as well as devour ability and immortal body? Is this still a slime?” Dodo’s performance surprised Rodriguez as he began to re-examine this lowly microorganism whom he had disregarded all this while. When his mind shifted, the slime and Chen Rui were separated by an intangible power. The slime, who had been fully engaged in eating, did not notice this change. He still used a huge mouth to desperately devour the light leaves around its body.

Most of the light leaves were concentrated on Chen Rui. Without Dodo, he was quickly wrapped in the light leaves to form a light cocoon.

The light cocoon flashed with a dazzling light. The purest light element power tightly wrapped Chen Rui in it. This was a special baptism technique that Rodriguez stole and improved from the priests of the Light Divinity Temple. It could transform some stubborn non-believers into devout believers.

The holy dragon could not activate this secret technique, but with the origin fragment of the light element plus the attached soul power, it should be a breeze to transform Chen Rui, a “demon” with the strength of the Demon Emperor, into a light believer.

1 hour later, the slime at the side was still devouring the light leaves, but the light cocoon that wrapped Chen Rui was still shining with no signs of stopping.

Rodriguez was surprised when he saw that the light cocoon began to rotate uncontrollably from slow to fast. Moreover, the dazzling light on the surface became thinner and gradually translucent. The human figure in it was faintly visible. Part of the human body seemed to be wiggling strangely.

“Origin fragment of the light element…… My soul power is depleting? Impossible!” Rodriguez’s voice revealed a rare panic, “Stop!”

The light cocoon did not stop, but it changed more rapidly. Finally, a figure broke out of the cocoon. Behind this figure was a pair of wings condensed with light.

“[Body of Light Blessing]?” Rodriguez’s golden left eye had dimmed. His face was full of disbelief, “No! It should be called [Body of Light Glory] now! You… you are actually a human!”

Just as the Dark Elemental King didn’t expect that the Dark Dragon Emperor’s real body was a light element giant dragon, Rodriguez didn’t expect that the “demon” he baptized with the origin fragment of the light element was actually a human. He even had the [Body of Light Blessing] that could only be born by the purest light bloodline!

Sir Holy Dragon couldn’t wait to give himself a slap in the face if his claws were still there- Using the origin fragment of the light element to “baptize” a human with [Body of Light Blessing] was just like gifting a big tonic of the devil fruit to a great demon stuck in the bottleneck.

If Rodriguez wanted to kill Chen Rui, he would not exert so much effort. It was because his kingdom was broken, and he urgently needed believers to rebuild it, so the purpose of activating the origin fragment of the light element this time was to “transform” Chen Rui.

Therefore, under the intense “baptism” of the origin fragment of the light element that used Highness Dark Dragon Emperor’s precious soul power, Chen Rui’s [Body of Light Blessing] finally mutated and became the rarest [Body of Light Glory].

Even in the purest light bloodline, [Body of Light Blessing] was one of the rare bloodlines in a million, and [Body of Light Glory] was the rarest existence among the [Body of Light Blessing]. In the entire human world, there were only a handful of people who had the [Body of Light Glory]. These few people included the highest controller of the Light Divinity Temple, Pope Glorious.

[Body of Light Glory] would reduce and absorb the damage of light element far better than the [Body of Light Blessing]. The effect of launching a light element attack or receiving the aid of the light element would be doubled. It also had a special restraining effect on dark creatures.

If Chen Rui went to the Light Divinity Temple now, he would definitely be regarded as a “rare animal”. It should not be a problem to be a high level priest.

Rodriguez hurriedly kept the dim origin fragment of the light element. He was in disbelief, “How can you be a human with [Body of Light Blessing]? Whose believer are you? Raphael? Gabriel? Or… Michael?”

Chen Rui himself did not expect such an accident to happen. He was still surprised as he felt the new changes in the body. The [Body of Light Glory] was not for nothing. Whether it was his current physique, power or spirit, they had all undergone sublimation-like qualitative changes as if they had been reborn.

Since Chen Rui’s upgrade was an evolution of the Super System, it was different from ordinary demons. So this kind of sublimation was ‘external’. Although the ‘internal’ evolution had not really come yet, it was equivalent to having an optimal ‘development platform’. As long as he could break through the existing bottleneck and reach the next level of evolution, the impact would definitely far exceed the usual advancement.

Meanwhile, Rodriguez had gone from horror to frustration as he roared, “Damn it! No matter who you are a believer in, you are destined to be annihilated today!”

Only the Light Elemental King could freely use the origin fragment of the light element. Rodriguez had comprehended for hundreds of thousands of years, but he could barely control it with the light attribute power of the holy dragon. Now the holy dragon only had a trace of remnant soul, and Chen Rui’s [Body of Light Blessing] had almost exhausted his soul power attached to the origin fragment of the light element. He had suffered irreparable loss. He was naturally infuriated as he went for wool and came back shorn.

The destructive breath in the kingdom prospered and escalated to an extremely berserk level in the blink of an eye. This was not the ‘baptism’ just now. Even if Chen Rui had the [Body of Light Glory], he couldn’t take this blow. Chen Rui’s mind turned sharply. In an instant, he had already made the most important decision.

While Rodriguez thought, the terrifying destructive power had completely wrapped Chen Rui into it. He had no doubt that the body and soul of this ant would be completely annihilated within a second.

However, something that shocked Rodriguez happened again. The destructive power that was enough to annihilate the Demon Overlord in an instant had no effect on this ant with only the Demon Emperor level. To be more precise, it was incredibly “devoured” by the opponent’s body.

This is definitely not the function of [Body of Light Glory]!

Rodriguez stared closely at the figure whose wings had turned blood red. He felt that this hateful ant seemed to become a different person. What shocked him the most was the trace of breath that this person emanated— Destructive breath!

Although it was a trace of breath, the destructive power contained in it was more refined than what the Dark Dragon Emperor had now. No! Even at my optimal state back then, there is no such “pure” destructive power! This is simply… the most original power of “destruction”!

“What a puzzling move,” The strange figure said, “It’s so unexpected! He actually gave up the control of the body on purpose? Want to watch in safety whilst we fight then reap the rewards when both sides are exhausted? Or does he want to lend my power to avoid annihilation? This is not his style. Besides… he should know that after I come out this time, he will never regain control. Not only that, I will completely annihilate his will and become the real and only controller of this body.”

Rodriguez had recovered from the astonishment, and he said contemptuously, “Is it the [Manifestation] illusion similar to the mirage? It seems that you still have a little trick. Unfortunately, an ant is always an ant. In the face of absolute power, any illusion is just a ridiculous trick!”

“You have to figure out 2 things first.” Chen Rui blinked his blood red eyes as he looked at the holy dragon with interest, “First, don’t pretend to be dismissive of things that are outside your knowledge. This will only further show your ignorance and cowardice; secondly, don’t simply call others ‘ant’. You will know your pitiful position right away.”

“Damn ant!” Rodriguez raised his hand at Chen Rui, and waves of intangible trajectories immediately rippled near Chen Rui. Wherever the trajectories passed, the space was no longer undergoing ordinary distortions, but shattering. The cracks contained extremely terrifying destructive power. Everything close to it would be crushed and devoured.

Chen Rui, no, it should be Shura instead. He turned a blind eye on these space cracks as he walked slowly like he was strolling in the courtyard. He seemed to be adapting to the blood-colored wings behind him.

Rodriguez’s pupils contracted as could not believe everything he saw— I have activated [Destructive Kingdom]’s strongest annihilation power. Even Demi-God could hardly resist this immense power. This ant actually completely ignored them as if it is just a few gusts of breeze.

“You are just a trace of the remnant soul that barely reaches the Pseudo-God and possesses a fragmented kingdom of destructive power. To me, you are the ant.” As Shura yelled, there was already a pair of black hideous armor on his body. His spirit power skyrocketed. As he waved his hands at the cracks in the space, the cracks actually went back toward Rodriguez.

Facing a counterattack that was only a Demon Overlord level, Rodriguez instinctively felt a sense of crisis. He put away his disdain as his figure flicked and appeared in the distance. This kind of space shift was a means of the kingdom. It was by no means comparable to mere teleportation. The actual distance was thousands of kilometers away. However, those cracks actually ignored the limit of distance. They penetrated the space and surrounded him tightly like a vortex.

Rodriguez tried to move several times, but he still couldn’t get rid of the ‘vortex’. Not only that, the cracks also exuded strange devour power, pulling out traces of his soul power.

“Impossible! This is my kingdom!” Everything in front of him had completely deviated from Rodriguez’s knowledge. It was impossible for this human, who should only have the strength of Demon Overlord at most, to have this kind of unimaginable ability even with the [Body of Light Glory].

“As I said, you will find your pitiful position very soon.” Shura showed a wicked smile and appeared in front of Rodriguez in an instant, “From the power level, I’m really insignificant in front of you even if you’re just a trace of the remnant soul; but from the perspective of origin power, you are the real ant!”

If Rodriguez had half the strength back then, then he could easily resolve Shura’s power no matter how strange it was. The problem was that he now only had a trace of soul left, so his power was greatly reduced. The origin fragment of the light element was regarded as a nutrient by the other party. The origin fragment of the dark element was originally out of control. It was even used to seal the Dark Elemental King this time. The only destructive power available was completely restrained by the other party, so he was really helpless.

The most terrible thing was that if this continued, this trace of remnant soul would be completely sucked by the weird power sooner or later. He would be truly annihilated by then.

This fact made the Dark Dragon Emperor’s heart frightened. There was no sense of pride at all. Being annihilated by such a weak existence is too shameful- Body! As long as there is a body, at least I can save my soul from annihilation now!

Suddenly, the holy dragon’s eyes brightened. His gaze was fixed on the slime who was desperately devouring ‘the light leaves’ beside him.

TL: Dodo, your final task, digest that soul 😏. Can Chen Rui evolve successfully inside the Super System to get back his control?

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