Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 612 - Naval Battle

Chapter 612: Naval Battle

The overall design of the ships of this world, especially the large ships, were relatively close to the Spanish sail ships in Chen Rui’s impression although they included magic elements. The main firing equipment was the main cannons at the front and back as well as several rows of side cannons.

The 2 undead ships that emerged from the water appeared on both sides of the dark element ship, sandwiching it. The corresponding side cannon doors opened together, and rows of black cannons quickly stretched out. “Boom boom boom…”

With such a close distance and such violent cannon attacks, if it were a naval battle on the earth, this round of violent bombing was already issuing a death notice to the dark element ship. However, this was the Demon Realm. After the dark element ship suffered a few shots, the hundreds of diamond-shaped objects on both sides that seemed to be decorations began to swell quickly, forming 2 huge crystal protection wings like 2 shields. The next cannon bombing of the undead ships only left a lot of cracks on the wings. They were unable to defeat this layer of protection.

After a round of cannon attacks, the side cannons of the 2 undead ships stopped the cannon attacks due to the cooling of the cannon energy crystals. At this time, the protection wings split into a diamond shape and quickly retracted the ship body, then both sides of the dark element ships’ 6 cannon doors shot at the same time. Wisps of dark golden lights enveloping the black electric lights shot toward the enemy’s ships.

The 2 undead ships did not have the special protection capabilities like the dark element ships. Meanwhile, the power of the dark element ships’ cannon attacks was quite astonishing which was far better than the general side cannons. Even the Devil’s Snare Ship was inferior to it. The debris flew as the 2 enemy ships were torn apart.

The body of the undead ship on the left was the most severely damaged. The ship’s body was almost completely torn apart. Many undead sailors were broken into pieces in the cannon attacks, and many fell into the water. The whole ship began to sink at a speed visible to the naked eye. The ship on the right was slightly better. It dragged its remaining body obliquely to slam toward the dark element ship in an attempt to perish together. It was just that those enemies were dead creatures manipulated by a mysterious necromancer, so there was no morale at all. There was no fear or heroism at all.

The dark element ship’s side cannons once again showed great power. The undead ship was bombarded as it approached and it nearly collapsed. The diamond-shaped protection wings on the side changed again and turned sideways. It turned into a huge blade and cut straight into the broken body of the undead ship. With the momentum of the ship sailing forward, it gave the undead ship the final fatal blow.

Chen Rui was stunned to see this scene: Transformation? Cybertron? It does have the vibe, right?

The shattered undead ship followed the footsteps of the previous ship. The undead sank to the bottom of the sea before they had time to jump out for melee combat.

The scene where the dark element ships quickly defeated the undead ship proved the strength of the dark elementals’ ship. Even the Devil’s Snare Ship could only be envious of the “Cybertron” functions. However, Chen Rui was not in the envious mood now because an undead ship had emerged in close distance from the side and rear of the Devil’s Snare Ship. If he hadn’t ordered the left full rudder urgently just now, the tail of the ship would have been hit by the undead ship.

Countless ropes were swayed from the mast of the undead ship. Strings of figures hung on it and leaped toward the Devil’s Snare Ship using the inertial power. The deck of the Devil’s Snare Ship shook and swayed slightly. Dozens of figures had landed; all of which were craggy bones. Most of these skeletons were very different from what Chen Rui saw from Guradam. They were basically the skeletons of the sea tribe, and many of them were the naga tribe. Those multi-armed snake skeletons made Strena’s eyes red. With a shout of grief, she led the nagas tribe to face them.

These nagas should all be the victims of the sea sacrifice. Although they were not high combat power groups, the naga tribe was a fighting tribe after all. Their strength had basically reached the Higher Demon which was stronger than the skeleton nagas. After days of training by Strena, both their mental outlook and overall combat capability had greatly improved. In addition, equipped with the sophisticated weapons and armors provided by Chen Rui, their combat power was far from greater than the previous Black Sea sacrifices.

Under the command of Strena, the nagas formed a half-moon battle formation and rushed toward the invading undead nagas. The special snake body coordination ability and sea combat ability made them basically not affected by the swaying deck. When the half-moon formation launched a sharp cold light, the skeleton army was shattered. These undead soldiers who had jumped over were quickly cleared out. While Strena was eliminating the skeletons, Chen Rui had quickly ordered the sandmen to control the Devil’s Snare Ship to pull apart the distance. Those undeads who tried to help by jumping over with the rope fell into the water.

The Devil’s Snare Ship quickly turned the ship around. The side cannon doors opened, and rows of special cannons appeared.

Because the improved magic crystal cannons consumed a lot of energy and had a long cooling time, they were not equipped in the side cannons of the Devil’s Snare Ship, but Tetenis also took pains to design. This side cannon was a 3-barreled cannon which was similar in appearance to the revolver machine gun of Chen Rui’s other world. When it was launched, it rotated to shoot in turn which was equivalent to an automatic 3-shot. When the third cannon was launched, the first barrel had been basically cooled by the magic circle and magic crystal. It shot in 3 stages in 1 round, and it could quickly restart the second round. When the “excess” heat accumulated to a dangerous level, then only it must stop to cool down for a long period of time.

Although it was inferior to the dark golden energy of the dark element ships in terms of power, the launch frequency of the 3-barreled cannon was very fast. The continuous damaging power was particularly terrifying. It could quickly destroy the enemy equipment and combat power.

As soon as the side cannons of the undead ship were opened, the 3-barreled cannon of the Devil’s Snare Ship began to fire. In the sound of the bombing, dozens of huge holes appeared on to the undead ship immediately, and these holes were still increasing and expanding rapidly. Soon, the ruined undead ship sank.

The 3 dark element ships had finished off their opponents. The power of the cannon especially in the main ship where the Dark Elemental King was located was especially fierce. It had destroyed the enemies who wanted to approach to attack without Hegel making a move.

Just after taking a breath, the thunder suddenly flashed in the sky, and it began to rain heavily. The rain not only interfered with the battle to a certain extent, but the most important thing was that the sight and the power of the cannon were affected. More than a dozen undead ships appeared in the nearby sea.

The dark element ships at the front were attacked from both sides. The protection wings on the left were completely shattered. A large undead ship released planks with hooks to buckle the dark element ships. One after another undead boarded the dark element ships via the planks and the ropes of the mast.

The commander on this ship was the elite dark elemental, Hesak of the early stage of the Demon Emperor. He ordered the dark elementals to charge toward the enemy. However, the strength of the undead on the large undead ship was significantly stronger than those destroyed by the Devil’s Snare Ship. It should be an advanced undead. Although the dark elementals were completely immune to the terror breath released by the undead, the “hate” characteristic of the dark elementals which drove the enemies crazy had no effect on the undead. Both sides got into a fierce battle for a while.

The combat power of dark elementals was much higher than that of the undead. But undead fights are not afraid of death at all. Moreover, the rain in the sky seemed to have a special effect on the undead as if their vigor had doubled for no reason.

When the battle situation was in a stalemate, the undead ship didn’t care about their own people who were still in the battle and directly launched a cannon bomb on the dark element ships. In this case, the dark elementals inevitably began to have more and more casualties. Hesak did his best to lead the dark elementals to kill all the undead that boarded the ship and destroy the large undead ship.

Hegel, who sensed the continuous death of the dark elementals, let out a furious roar. 3 black clouds floated out of the dark element main ship, covering the 3 surrounding undead ships. These 3 ships just launched cannon attacks on the dark element main ship, but they did not cause much damage to the target. The speed of the floating black clouds was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, they had already shrouded the 3 ships. Only the whirring and clashing sounds were heard endlessly. After a while, the black clouds gradually faded. The 3 large sea ships were burnt. They turned into black powder that scattered into the sea. None of the undead on the ship was spared.

In terms of status, the Dark Elemental King was exactly at the optimal stage which absolutely surpassed the Earth Elemental King who was still “digesting” the element imprint; in terms of the characteristics of elements, the offensiveness of dark elementals far exceeded the earth elementals who were good at defense. Furthermore, Elemental King was able to freely manipulate and launch origin power. He could send out terrifying attacks with every move, so Hegel’s combat power was still above Moore. He completely annihilated the 3 powerful undead ships in an instant.

The 4 ships cleared out these 10 undead ships with great difficulty. Both ships and sailors suffered some damages.

Chen Rui ordered the sandmen to bring the Devil’s Snare Ship closer to the dark element main ship. He gathered his power to ask the Dark Elemental King, “This is not the way to go. I don’t know how many enemies there are. Your Highness Hegel, can your spirit power penetrate into the deep sea to sense the traces of the enemy?”

“Didn’t you call me Hegel just now?” The Dark Elemental King sneered. The dark elementals’ hatred of petty things made Chen Rui complain in secret for a while, but the king still gave the answer, “This sea area is weird, My spirit sensing is limited to within 100 meters, and it is constantly disturbed by some kind of external force. I can feel that the location of the origin fragment should be relatively close. Perhaps it is in this Nether Sea, but I can’t sense the specific location. Most probably it is affected by the power of a certain powerhouse’s kingdom.”

The origin fragment is in the Nether Sea? Chen Rui thought. He took out the treasure map and shouted, “Dodo!”

The slime, who had been hiding and turned into a banner in the mast observation deck during the battle, immediately “resurrected”. He squirmed down from the mast. Before landing, his voice suddenly trembled, “Master, front, front…”

Large areas of unusual undulations began to appear in the distant sea. As expected, one after another undead ship emerged from the water. 10, 20… and more. In the blink of an eye, at least hundreds of ships appeared, and the number was still increasing.

This was no longer a mere trifle, but a huge fleet of the undead. Based on the kind of combat power just now, Chen Rui was definitely not an opponent. If the enemy ships fired altogether, the 4 ships could be blasted into honeycomb briquettes. Even if powerhouses such as Chen Rui and Hegel could escape by chance, just by flying was not sustainable on this endless sea where there was no land at all. The sinking of the ship basically declared failure and death.

There was also a mysterious territory kingdom powerhouse in the Nether Sea. It would likely be difficult for even the Dark Elemental King to survive, let alone the nagas and ordinary elementals. Chen Rui had the last choice that was to use the [Star Gate] to escape back to the Deep Blue Palace of the water elementals. However, that would mean he gave up all his companions who were fighting together here, and he also gave up the only hope of curing Isabella.

The undead fleet formed a fan shape and began to move toward this side. The speed was not very fast, but it gave people a kind of terrifying pressure as if watching death approaching. Before the huge ship, countless small ships carrying lots of soldiers were released. The target was naturally the 4 ships on Chen Rui’s side.

These sampans were obviously used for melee combat missions. It seemed that the enemy still had an attempt to capture them alive. In this situation, Chen Rui couldn’t cope with it no matter how quick-thinking he was. At this time, Hegel’s voice reached his ears, “Help me delay! At least 10 minutes!”

Chen Rui had no time to ask or guess what Hegel would use to solve the immediate crisis. Since they were in the same boat now, they could only trust each other. He immediately commanded, “Main cannon ready!”

The magic crystal cannon at the ship’s head immediately began to gather energy. Following Chen Rui’s command, a strong white beam of light was launched. Although the distance of the undead fleet was far beyond the normal range of cannon attacks, the cannon of the Devil’s Snare Ship couldn’t be described by the word “typical”. The undead ship at the front was shot by the white light and was torn apart by terrifying energy in an instant.

Wherever the light beam went, the sailors and facilities all turned into particles and dissipated. The light beam did not stop after destroying the undead ship. It swept to the next ship, but its power was obviously weakened. It only cut the ship into half, but it also made the ship lose its balance and gradually sink into the sea.

This attack destroyed the 2 large ships of the enemy. It stood to reason that the morale of the other party should be greatly weakened. Unfortunately, those were undead. There was no panic, no fear, no mood swings, but just dead silence as they continued the rhythm of coming forward.

In the small battle just now, the Devil’s Snare Ship did not use the main cannon due to the distance of the attack. This improved magic crystal cannon surprised Hegel slightly, then he continued to prepare.

“Turn the ship! Prepare the main cannon at the tail of the ship!” Chen Rui commanded loudly. Although the momentum of the attack just now was astonishing, the cooling time of the main cannon was the biggest flaw. Once the opponent’s huge fleet approached the range to use cannon attacks, then the Devil’s Snare Ship had only 1 end, the disaster of extinction.

Just as the Devil’s Snare Ship was turning around, Chen Rui saw that the 3 damaged dark element ships already gathered together, emitting a strange light. He didn’t know what were they preparing.

I hope Hegel really has a surprising way to win. Now time is life, I must persist for 10 minutes.

Chen Rui gritted his teeth, “Second mate, pay attention to the rudder. Immediately fire the main cannon at the tail after turning the head of the ship! The side cannon deals with the approaching sampans! Strena, prepare to attack with me!”

TL: What Hegel is preparing? Can he demolish the fleet in an instant?

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