Chapter 93 - 93: Gruesome Feast
“You wouldn’t dare!” were the only words that came out from the mouth of the Sheikh as Ludwig finalized his words.
Sigils spread out from Ludwig’s falling form, hunting and seeking connection with the dead. Finding a whole pile of them wrapped around the willow tree, the sigils seemed to go on an overdrive. They spread and spiraled then overflew on the ground rushing toward the tree. Once they reached it, the sigil manifested grandly like a massive circle around the tree. Each corpse awas ffected and each corpse marked.
Ludwig’s wide grin grew even more, “DIE!” the Sheikh roared as he flung his chain at Ludwig.
The broken looking body seemed on the cusp of shattering if it were to take another hit, but that was only what the Sheikh could see from where he stood, Ludwig was hale and healthy but for the missing arm. He grabbed the chain that was coming his way although with one hand, he still managed to overpower the Sheikh albite for a short time.
In that moment when they were both tugging on the chain, a notification appeared in front of Ludwig.
[Your affiliation with Deus Necros further eases the process of the summoning]
[You have called forth {Zombie} x 31]
[Warning, your current wisdom and charisma is too low to control the {Zombies} they will consider you an enemy if you are spotted.]
The tree itself was packed full of corpses, but they were now all affected by Ludwig’s sigils. The curse gave them a new lease on life, albite corrupted, tainted, and altered. They lived on in death. Crawling their way out of the tree. The tens of women that were defiled and murdered before came back with a vengeance.
Their bones crackled and their necks twisted as they all corrected their sights onto the man who had killed them.
“Enjoy the error of your ways,” Ludwig said and yanked the chain one last time, making the Sheikh tumble forward.
Just as he fell forward, he tried to stand up, but the first of the zombies rushed him immediately.
Ludwig was surprised. These weren’t the normal Zombies he expected, and they weren’t the slow-moving ones that a child could outrun. No, these women were fast as hell. They immediately reached the Sheikh and began tearing at him.
The Sheikh roared out in pain and agony, though not all the corpses had been affected by Ludwig’s spell since he just didn’t have enough mana, but the vast majority had already been cursed with the curse of Undeath. And they wanted nothing but revenge.
The first few zombies latched onto the Sheikh’s feet, grabbing them with both hands and teeth as they began tearing at his flesh.
Wails of pain and agony escaped the Sheikh’s mouth as he was being torn alive. And what was worse, is that he wasn’t dying.
The ritual was still in full-blown service. His flesh which was torn and consumed soon recovered only for another Zombie to tear it once again.
The cheeks of his face were ripped, his neck was slashed and gouged out, and his eyeballs were pulled out and crushed under the rotting teeth of the zombies only for more to emerge.
He desperately tried to shake the zombies off of him, only for them to pin him down even more aggressively, feasting on his innards, his liver, and heart. They tore and ruptured, crushed and severed, ripped his arms apart and his legs off, only for it to grow again, putting him in an endless circle of pain and agony. An agony that was not going to end, as the corpses on the tree that weren’t affected slowly lost pieces and parts of them for the Sheikh.
“Please! MAKE IT STOP!” he would scream only for his mouth to be ripped apart.
He would try and crawl away with hands missing fingers, only to be dragged back. The power behind the zombies was inhumane. They had no limit on the amount of force that their muscles could exert. And thus, for a normal human, they were no different than cardboard.
Ludwig watched with a still heart- though he had no heart- as the man was slowly falling to insanity. He didn’t even have the power to swat away the zombies that were slowly consuming him. He couldn’t fight back, and even when he tried to call the chain to his side, all he would receive is the rage of the Zombies that enjoyed a feisty and struggling prey.
Blood continued pooling on the floor, while the Sheikh was losing his life, slowly but surely, even his pained voice began decaying and was replaced with a hoarse moan of contorted anguish.
The corpses on the tree soon became no more as the zombies had consumed the Sheikh more than a dozen times over. Only then did the Sheikh’s body finally let out as he was completely torn apart and rendered to nothing but broken bones, an empty husk that had nothing in it but filaments of flesh and bloodied tendons.
[You have completed the Sudden Quest!]
Approach the Ritual Tree to receive the information needed for you to learn about the Gluttonous Death. Make
Approach the remains to obtain the Soul Shackles.
Approach the remains to obtain [Emerald Mana Stone]
You have obtained [Corrupted Soul]
The zombies soon realized that the ‘food’ was gone, yet their hunger for human flesh was never satiated.
They stared at each other with bloodied mouths and hands, asking for more.
Ludwig realized that he was going to be their next meal, after all his charisma was sadly still too low for him to control these Zombies.
And just as he feared, one of the Zombies noticed him, a broken human, wounded and injured beyond what anyone should to be called alive.
An easy meal.
More Zombies noticed that, and they all began walking slowly toward him as if gauging the enemy.
[You are in a hostile environment!]