Deus Necros

Chapter 69 - 69) Nice

The two soon returned to the infirmary, finding Kassandra seated on the edge of her bed, her expression a mixture of annoyance and relief as a staff member handed her a discharge note. Her hair, still faintly matted with traces of mud, betrayed her recent trials.

“How are you feeling?” Ludwig asked.

“Like the dead,” Kassandra quipped, though a smirk tugged at her lips. “Everything hurts, but I’ve had worse. So, when are you two leaving for Rima?”

“We were about to head there now,” Hoyo said, nudging Ludwig playfully. “But this guy said we should wait for you.”

“Me? Why?” Kassandra raised an eyebrow, her tone skeptical.

Ludwig shrugged. “You looked like you wanted to go earlier.”

Kassandra blinked, caught off guard. “I…” She hesitated, but before she could continue, Hoyo jumped in.

“Have you ever been to a Mage Masquerade before?”

“Not really,” she admitted, brushing a stray strand of hair from her face. “I’ve heard about them, though. Their caravan moves all over the country. People talk about how amazing they are—magic shows, enchanted goods, even fortune tellers. And then there’s the rule about masks. You can’t enter without one.”

“Exactly!” Hoyo said, grinning. “That’s the beauty of it. Nobles and commoners mingling together without all the usual societal garbage getting in the way. No status, no titles—just people enjoying themselves. And if someone tries to pull rank, they’re banned for life. It’s one of the few places where the rules are actually fair.”

“Sounds like a fun place,” Ludwig mused. “But how far is Rima from here? We don’t exactly have carriages waiting for us.”

“Just follow me,” Hoyo said with an air of confidence. “We’ll get there in less than five minutes.”

Ludwig frowned. Nothing near the academy was that close—not even the Black Tower, which was nearly an hour’s walk. But he decided to keep his concerns to himself for now and followed Hoyo.

Kassandra, meanwhile, grimaced and glanced at her reflection in the infirmary window. “Can you guys do me a favor? Head out without me for now. I need to clean up first. I think I still have mud in my hair from the dungeon, and they didn’t let me return to the dorms after we got back.”

“Sure,” Hoyo said with a resigned sigh. “We’ll wait for you at the Last Adventure Inn. Don’t take too long, though.”

“I’ll be there in an hour,” Kassandra promised, already heading toward the infirmary’s small washroom.

Hoyo groaned the moment she was out of earshot. “An hour? More like four. You realize this, right?”

“It’s just an hour,” Ludwig said, shrugging off Hoyo’s theatrics.

“Oh, Ludwig,” Hoyo said, clapping a hand on his shoulder. “You sweet, naive soul. When a girl says ‘an hour,’ what she means is ‘I’ll show up eventually.'” He laughed, leading Ludwig toward the central building of the academy.


The central building’s first floor was abuzz with activity, a steady flow of students streaming through a massive arched doorway that pulsed faintly with magic. Ludwig noticed most of them moved in pairs or small groups, their chatter filling the air with excitement.

As they stepped through the doorway, Ludwig’s breath hitched. The chamber beyond was enormous, easily the size of the academy’s entire dining hall. Twelve grand portals, each radiating distinct magical auras, stood arranged in a circle around a central orb of shimmering light. The orb pulsed rhythmically, sending waves of energy rippling through the air.

Runes and glyphs swirled around the orb, shifting and rotating in intricate patterns that seemed to defy logic. Ludwig found himself drawn to the spectacle, his eyes tracing the arcane symbols as they flowed seamlessly into one another.

[You have witnessed the intricacies of spatial magic, a true testament to mastery.]

+1 Wisdom

Hoyo nudged him with an elbow, snapping him out of his trance. “You good there, buddy?”

“It’s… quite… incredible,” Ludwig said, his voice barely above a whisper.

“First time seeing a teleportation hub?” a staff member asked as the two approached. The man was middle-aged, his robes neatly pressed, though his expression betrayed a hint of boredom.

“Yeah,” Ludwig admitted.

The staff member chuckled. “Names and destination?”

“Hoyo Drak and Ludwig Heart,” Hoyo said confidently. “We’re heading to Rima.”

“Ah, the Mage Masquerade,” the man said, his demeanor brightening. “A fine choice. Not many students are heading there this year. Most of the nobles are returning to their estates for the weekend.”

“Good riddance,” Hoyo muttered under his breath, earning a laugh from the staff member.

“Gate number seven,” the man said, pointing to a glowing portal on the far side of the chamber. “Enjoy the festival.”

The two walked through the gate, and in an instant, the world around Ludwig shifted.


Ludwig stumbled slightly as they emerged into a sunlit city square. The contrast to the dark, somber halls of the academy was staggering. The square was alive with energy—vendors shouting their wares, children darting between stalls, and a cacophony of smells wafting through the air. Spices, roasted meats, and sweet confections mingled into an intoxicating aroma that made Ludwig’s stomach rumble.

The buildings surrounding the square were a mix of stone and timber, their brightly painted facades adorned with banners and lanterns. Magic was everywhere—floating candles lit the pathways, illusionary creatures danced above the crowds, and enchanted instruments played lively tunes without visible musicians.

“Welcome to Rima!” Hoyo said, throwing his arms wide. “The heart of life outside the academy. Take it all in.”

Ludwig’s eyes darted from one spectacle to another. A fire-breather exhaled a plume of green flames, earning cheers from a gathered crowd. At another stall, a vendor sold shimmering crystals that changed color when held. A pair of short-statured, definitely not human men with long beards and burly muscles argued good-naturedly over the price of a potion, their voices rising above the din.

“It’s… overwhelming,” Ludwig admitted.

Hoyo laughed. “Give it a minute. You’ll get used to it.”

As they moved deeper into the square, Ludwig couldn’t shake the feeling that this city held more secrets than it let on. Rima was alive, vibrant, and utterly captivating.

He allowed himself to be swept up in the moment, following Hoyo as they made their way toward the Last Adventure Inn.

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