Chapter 1658 It's Snow Right
— Kat —
Kat kept quiet as they approached the camps alongside the road. Quite a few heads turned in their direction but most just looked, not making any moves to approach. There was some discussion about what their appearance meant in regards to the river but with Julyn not looking all that happy they could guess the answer.
Despite this, someone eventually did approach. A taller figure with some muscles on them pealed off from a group of four. He had a large claymore on his back, good muscle definition and wasn’t wearing any sleeves. Lily pointed out the idiot was just showing off because he had thick woollen gloves on and was shaking slightly. “Ah, Julyn! How are we meant to protect you if you run straight into danger,” said the man with a smile.
“Erbert, I do believe the contract states that you are to protect the caravan and the supplies within it FIRST. I also happen to recall that there was a specific provision in the contract for if I got killed because I chose to participate in the fighting, and that as long as the goods were delivered in your stead you would be paid,” snapped back Julyn.
“Ah, but how can I allow such a lovely maiden like yourself to fall prey to… whatever those creatures are behind you,” said Erbert.
Julyn sighed, “I’m not sleeping with you. You are not charming. I do NOT care how cold it is. Please stop,”
Erbert flinched back, “Ah you wound me signorita! I simply wish to continue gazing upon your charming visage! I would never try to insert myself into an unwanted scenario! I always ensure that I am, VERY, VERY wanted. Besides, if it makes you more comfortable I can invite my fiancé along,”
Julyn looked over Erbert’s shoulder and threw up three fingers, like somebody at a rock concert. Judging by Julyn’s glare and the smug looks on the adventurers faces it was probably a rude gesture, “You’re no better Merice! Keep your boyfriend in check!” hissed Julyn.
Merice stepped forward a bit apart from the group that had been standing behind Erbert and flashed her own grin., Unlike her fiancé she was wearing proper clothes for the weather… and as soon as she spoke Kat realised she was in good company with Erbert. “Ah, how you wound me. I would never restrict the freedom of my beloved! As long as he is willing to have me tag along for most of the adventures I will happily be by his side! Oh, and that’s FIANCE please. We even got one of those fancy rings for each other to make it official,”
*Hmm… it’s hard to tell but I think Julyn actually enjoy this.*
[What? What are you talking about? She seems annoyed and I would say these advances are rather unwanted.]
*Right… see I thought that as well but it’s all in Julyn’s eyes. They’re practically shining and her scowl looks rather forced. I don’t know if she enjoys the flirting, or the ability to properly grumble at this lot without getting in trouble. Notice that the other adventurers hanging around just look amused? I bet this is a common argument… and I doubt they’d keep rehashing it if the people involved weren’t having fun.*
[Hmm… I still don’t really see it but alright I guess.]
While Kat had been talking with Lily the conversation had continued back and forth a few times before Erbert eventually asked, flicking a hand at the newcomers to the group, “So they got some way to cross the river for us?”
Julyn shook her head, “Not for us I’m afraid. Well… maybe. They’re demons so if you want to try and pay them to help out you can but I suspect they’re all strong enough to just jump across,”
Erbert scratched at his chin a few times before looking the demons over, critically and quickly discounting Lily as just an adorable pet. Luckily he wasn’t any enemy. “Hmm… don’t really know much about demons. I know they work for the church on occasion… but strong enough to jump the river? Can they do it carrying a person?”
Meg cut in before Julyn could, “Yes but we can’t carry too many people at a time and the carts might be a bit much considering we’re jumping a river. Now, while this has been entertaining we’re here now to examine the snow blocking the road to determine if we’ll be doing anything to remove it, or simply going around it,”
Erbert chuckled, “You’ll be climbing sheer cliffs and monster infested burrows there’s no way…” Erbert paused. “You’re serious about that?”
Meg shrugged, “We simply play in different leagues. Nothing on this mountain can threaten us,”
Erbert shrugged back, “Well if that’s what ya want to do I suppose I won’t keep you. Never let it be said that Erbert kept a woman wanting. If she WANTS to leave I’ll be sure to show her the door as soon as she asks,”
Meg chuckled a bit as she turned and headed for that snow drift, “I’ll be sure to keep that in mind… now Kat would you be a dear and fly up to see just how large this blockage is? Removing a bit of snow is one thing but if it’s a few kilometres that’s another… sound g-good?” Kat felt her brain almost stutter for a moment when Meg rolled the g. In that one moment she got the impression Meg was telling her to take Hunter up with her when checking.
Which was weird. Meg hadn’t said anything about it, and there was nothing in the words or Meg’s posture that implied… well anything really. It was all casual but… Kat would swear up and down that she was told to grab Hunter as well.
[No I heard it to. It was weird. I think Meg managed to shorten ‘Take Hunter with you’ into just that one little sound with the G]
*Hunter did mention that something along those lines was possible… but how am I meant to take her? Not only can I not see her or tell where she is but I’m not sure if she’s too heavy.*
[Well why not say something ‘true enough’ that hopefully gets your point across? Meg probably knows.]
I guess…
Kat thought for a few moments, even utilising her demonic energy to make it seem like she was answering swiftly to stave off any interest from the others. “Um… I don’t mind but I’m a bit worried that… the winds will be a bit much,” said Kat. It was the best she could think of and was apparently true enough.
Meg waved a hand back at Kat. “I can assure you that despite the difference in appearance the… winds both here and in the forest are much closer then you’d think. I’m quite sure that you’ll be fine,”
Kat nodded at that. “Right, well what about finding my way back? How far do you want me to go? I wouldn’t want to lose people.” Awkward wording but it probably worked?
Meg replied, “Eh… just fly up and try to keep the camps within your sight. If you can’t see the end even then it’s probably not worth trying to clear it. I’m sure you can work it out,”
Kat nodded again even if the message was much less clear. “Alright then,” *
Lily can you stay back with Kamiko?*
[Sure. I can see what you’re worried about and while I’m not all that concerned myself I don’t my hanging out with Kamiko. It will keep me out of the chill winds at least. I might be able to deal with the cold somewhat well, likely due the demonic energy I have being so closely attuned to your cold fire… but at the same time it still IS a bit chilly for me.]
*Glad that works out then.* Find your next adventure on empire
Eventually they got to the blockage itself… and Kat could now see there was actually someone in the snow. Just… casually hanging out there mostly covered. Only their head was free and even then it was mostly just their face. “Oh hey there! I’m just meditating a bit on the ice, trying to work out how long it’ll take to clear and stuff. What are you all here for?”
Kat opened her mouth, and then closed it.
I… I have no idea what to think of this so I’m just not going to.
Kat moved off the side as she said, “Well I’m just about to fly up and see how long the snow goes…”
“The snow goes far,” intoned the snow guy or gal. Their voice didn’t really give it away and there body wasn’t visible to help work it out.
Kat didn’t have anything to say in response to that… helpful statement. Instead she passed Lily off to Kamiko with a short, “Please watch her for me,” and stepped off to the side, with her arms behind her back. Kat waited for a good twenty seconds before obviously bending down to show she was about to kick off, and launching herself up into the sky soon after. Hopefully Hunter had gotten the message.