D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1624 Ambushing Corela

— Kat —

Kat was wondering just how much time and effort went into packing the storage rings. Originally, she thought it was just a standard package loaded up with a whole bunch of random things… but looking around at the pyjamas everyone was wearing? Well that raised some questions.

There was of course plain pyjamas made of nice cloth but otherwise nothing fancy… but those were not the pyjamas Kat chose to wear.

Instead, Kat found herself with a set of long sleeved black silk pyjamas punctuated by silver flowers that had a tiny chibi Memphis poking around them. Sometimes this, completely random, Memphis was diving into the flower, other times it was prowling around them.

Kat found six different poses for the Memphis and all were quite cute… but the silver was the same shade as her normal kimono and the Memphis had a very particular set of horns.

Lily was in her human form and had an outfit that was just as ‘bad’ with a whole bunch of books scattered around the place being held up by a chibi succubus in a black cloak. The chibi had red hair of course, and could be seen carrying a book, looking over the book, sleeping on top of the book, and a few other cute possess. Also adding up to six of course.

The real kicker though? It was Kamiko’s set. The base colour was the exact same shade of pink as her hair, and the chibi figure? Well it was a succubus with seafoam green hair, a stethoscope and of course doctors robes. The robes weren’t the nicest to look at on the pink background but the green hair stood out pretty obviously. It was obviously a chibi Nira.

“How much do you want to bet your mother had something to do with this?” asked Kat as she looked over Kamiko.

“Um… er… high? I’m going to say quite high. These… these are personalised obviously. Um… I… I thought this sort of thing wouldn’t be allowed? And I’m also not sure what’s going to happen to them at the end of things… because we’re going to give these rings back… but there’s no way they paid for personalised stuff of this quality. So… Mum must’ve gotten involved… or maybe Dad?

So do they get that money back? Or maybe the outfits? Did they even know we’d use them? Are we missing other stuff?” Kamiko just sort of let the words tumble out as she got more and more worried.

Kat slapped Kamiko on the shoulder, lightly of course. “Hey, don’t worry about it. I’m sure whoever it was knows what they were doing. At the very least they had to know enough to get the pyjamas into the ring after all. Though it does make me wonder if Meg and Hunter have their own sets…”

“I think it depends,” said Lily with a thoughtful look on her face. “Meg would certainly love the chance to do something like this for Hunter… but she didn’t know about the mission beforehand. Of course it’s entirely possible that she has her own set of fancy pyjamas alongside a set for Hunter in HER storage ring. It really depends on if Meg knew about it before she was sent along.

Of course regardless of that, it’s possible that Nira added them anyway after the fact. Though… what’s the chance she knows about Meg?”

“Um… if Mum is really in charge of medical overwatch then she’d have access to the files on Meg and Hunter. I’m not sure if something like ‘Is obsessed with Hunter’ would be IN Meg’s files but if so, then Mum definitely would’ve seen it,” added Kamiko.

“Does that bother you?” asked Kat.

Kamiko shrugged, “I’m still really close with Mum and I haven’t even considered getting a place of my own. She can be a bit overbearing sometimes… but honestly? With all the issues I had with Aslena when I was younger the fact I KNOW she loves me is a great comfort. Even if she’s not the best when it comes to discipline I’ve never doubted that she loves me.

So… if she wants to embarrass me a bit that’s fine,”

Kat gave Kamiko a brief hug and then set off. There were other things she was tempted to ask, but now wasn’t the time for that. Now as the time for a ‘heist’. It didn’t take long for the group of three to meet up with the workout crew and gather the blankets again. Once they had everything in hand, they left straight for the mess hall.

Kat glanced inside and noticed that Meg was inside by herself. She was just looking around, and gave a slight nod to indicate she’d noticed Kat’s gaze… but Hunter was absent. Church and Brook were missing… but probably sleeping. Brella and Corela where still there of course, but if anyone else was hanging around Kat couldn’t actually see them.

There was only so much she could see through the small windows in the door after all.

Kat gave one last glance at the team before nodding when Lily pulled out the sign and walked right in. Kat spread her aura out and concentrated it on Corela. Perhaps there was a subtle way to do this… but Kat had no practice with that, and they weren’t exactly trying to keep things quiet.

Which meant it wasn’t really a surprise when Corela whipped her head around to glare at them… only for that glare to morph into a major dosage of confusion as she saw the workout crew come in from the door all smiles alongside Kat, Lily and Kamiko. The fact they were all wearing pyjamas wasn’t helping that confusion.

Corela glanced around and saw Meg who had managed to change into a set of pyjamas while Corela’s back was turned.

Meg was now wearing a white silk set of pyjamas with a sleepy looking black snake that had it’s own night cap complete with puffy ball at the end. Kat wondered if that had been a special prepared for the trip… or if Meg simply had those pyjamas as one set of demonic attire. *Remind me to check out how many outfits I can have at some point. I haven’t checked in on that since I was still Rank 2.

It’s probably more than one now.*

[It’s definitely more than one now.]

Aside from Meg, there was Brella of course, with Fonze and Grelk sitting by themselves and just sort of gaping at the seen before them. Corela saw that nobody was freaking out and tried to say something but the relaxing aura was getting to her. Perhaps if she hadn’t insisted on avoiding sleep this entire time. Perhaps if she’d rested a bit more after exiting the cryo-pod.

Perhaps if she’d been eating properly instead of the occasional snack… perhaps if she’d just taken it a bit easy when it came to her work? Well then she might’ve been able to ‘fight’ back better.

As it stood though? It only took a few moments of confusion for that combination of relaxation and fatigue to catch up with her. Corela’s limbs could no longer support her weight and she started to flop down. Brella gently caught the dragon lady and guided her into the chair…

Only for Kat to come up and wrap Corela up with the holey blanket. She was swiftly captured by another layer soon after and soon Corela was completely cocooned with minimal hope of escape. Oh sure she could’ve muscled her way out or cast a spell to burn the cloth or something but she was too tired to try and wouldn’t want to hurt the workout crew anyway.

Brella just giggled the entire time. “I suppose you’ll be taking her away for some rest then?”

“Mrugmh, nerdssm remntd” tried Corela.

“Yes, you DO need rest,” insisted Brella. “The fact you’re still awake is a surprise but that’s nothing new. Just accept it, and take a proper break,”

“Bt meh rseash” attempted Corela. Her mouth wasn’t gagged or anything, she was just too tired to properly conceptualise and form the words. If you had a good idea of what she was saying you could puzzle it out, and the translation ability the demons had was working well enough to get the impression… but it did sound rather funny.

“You’re not five, heck you’re not even five hundred. Suck it up and rest,” said Brella firmly.

Pip was laughing heartily at this, the younger girl was struggling to stand and had to lean against the nearby table to keep herself up. Seeing the overly serious Corela like this was really funny and well worth doing even before you added in the fact this was to help the stubborn woman.

The rest of the workout group was fairing similarly. They weren’t laughing quite as hard, but Malt and the twins were greatly amused at seeing Corela like this. They made a note that going forward, this would be the go-to punishment for people staying up past their bedtime.

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