D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1597 An Emergency Meeting

— Kamiko —

Everyone except Pip were all spread out in the kitchen watching the projected screen Corela had set up to help with the timing. Pip was set up outside and sitting on one of the tables. Not AT but on. Nobody cared enough to say anything. They just let the plan go through. “Attention all residents!

You are required for a mandatory emergency meeting in the mess hall. Please be prompt as the meeting will begin shortly with or without you,”

Despite what was being said the meeting was not mandatory and not everyone would be coming. They’d intentionally excluded the announcement from reaching all of the older generation and even locked the door to that room they were all… hanging out in to ensure that they wouldn’t be able to interrupt the meeting by accident.

It didn’t take too long for people to make their way inside. The first people to get there were Chasen and Ben alongside another two girls, one was presumably Ben’s… girlfriend. Kamiko tried to put the extra details out of her mind regarding that coupling. The other one, the one sticking closer to Chasen and with better fashion sense was probably Neom but Kamiko wouldn’t want to put money on it.

The next person to arrive was a guy that looked like he’d just rolled out of bed. This was because he was still wearing pyjamas and had made no effort to make them look neat or presentable. The top button was missing, the pants had a couple of small holes in them and he was currently drinking something that looked to be a radioactive green.

Kamiko wanted to think it was an energy drink… but it didn’t seem to be helping him.

Before anymore people could arrive Ben shouted, “What’s with the announcement Pipsqueak! You know you’re not supposed to call these without it being important. How did you even learn how? I know we certainly didn’t show you!”

While this was happening the tired guy slunk off to the back corner and pulled a small tablet from his pyjama pockets that unfolded into a small stand on a screen where he began to play some kind of FPS ignoring the argument.

Pip responded with a flat glare. “Firstly I read the manual you ass. I didn’t NEED you to show me how it was done, and secondly? I DO have important information so please take any seat you want and wait for everyone to arrive for the announcement,”

“Look Pipsqueak, if you just tell us what this is about we can all go back to what we were doing. There’s no need to drag whatever this is about on and involve the others. You even got Brook to leave his bedroom before nightfall! Such a cruel little girl,”

“Kindly fuck off Ben,” said the teen identified as Brook.

“I’m doing you a favour!” hissed Ben.

“No you’re not Ben. You’re trying to wave your cock around while asking me to pay for the mental scarring. Don’t involve me in this shit. Pip probably has a reason for this. I can get made at her for the prank later if it turns out to be nothing,” retorted Brook.

Ben looked ready to argue when the doors slammed open and in walked three muscled figures. One of them had a beatbox pumping out some dubstep as they strode into the hall like they owned the place. It was a set of twin girls and one boy, all dressed in tank tops and yoga pants.

They’d perhaps look scary if it wasn’t for the fact that one of the twins looked like she’d just woken up, and the other two didn’t look like they were exhausted. Kamiko thought it likely the messy twin had been sleeping… in workout clothes. Clean ones at least, but it was still a bit weird.

They all had great big smiles on their faces as they walked in as if nothing in the world could worry them. Some might have thought they were showing off or being overly cocky but Kamiko could see the real joy in their eyes that only got brighter when they noticed it was Pip who had seemingly called the meeting, what with her off by herself and tablet in hand.

They immediately pivoted to head over in her direction and Ben was too stunned to do anything but let them pass without comment.

They made it over to Pip and set up at the table she’d claimed for herself, though unlike Pip they’d actually sat down on the chairs instead of just taking up a position on the table like their youngest member. Once they’d sat down they even turned the music right down. It didn’t make it through the camera’s speakers anymore but Kamiko’s ears were good enough to barely hear it through the door.

“Are you bullying our adorable Pip? We might have something to say about it if you are Ben,” said the sleepy twin.

“Yup, can’t be letting the adorable Pip take an abuse from a bully like you,” agreed the sweaty twin. Neither of them had any heat in their words and big grins on their faces. Not only were they calm and joking but the slight twinkle in their eyes betrayed that they were doing this in part because it clearly pissed Ben off more than just getting angry at him.

“Musclehead One, Two, Boytoy. I see you’ve bothered to leave the gym for this,” grumbled Ben.

“Excuse me that’s MR Musclehead One to you…” said the sleepy twin.

“Wait no shouldn’t that be Mrs Musclehead?” asked the sweaty twin.

“Maybe but Mr Musclehead sounds a lot more intimidating don’t you think? Besides it’d be Ms Musclehead if we went that route cause neither of us are married,” explained the sleepy twin.

“No objection to Boytoy?” asked the sweaty twin. The sleepy twin just wiggled her eyebrows for a bit until the muscled guy sighed.

“Chen, Shen lay off the poor boy would you? He’s clearly just upset he can’t be off snogging his sister right now,” said they boy, leaving no real indication as to which twin was Chen or Shen.

“Fuck you Malt. Not all of us can bag twins,” said Ben.

“You do realise we’ve never fucked right?” asked the buff guy now identified as Malt.

Ben let out a long sigh, “Ah I see, it seems my estimation of your IQ was dreadfully high. I’ll have to correct this…”

“Nah Malty is just more interested in your ass then ours,” said the twins together.

Ben went to say something but the door opened once more, revealing the gardening crew of Sephy, Fonze and Strek. They’d taken the time to wash up and get the first off of them but their clothes weren’t completely clean leading Kamiko to correctly they’d finished up and come here after washing off a bit, likely with a hose in the gardening room.

They took one look at the sort of tense atmosphere and decided to move off to the side. Ben was still glaring daggers and the workout group, Chasen and Neoms, presumably, had moved off to a nearby table but had somewhat distanced themselves from the argument.

The other member of that group was sticking just behind him, and based on their similar, if remarkably more feminine appearance Kamiko was guessing that to be his… girlfriend.

As soon as Sephy had sat down she started whispering, or rather making her voice sound like she was while projecting it to the entire room. “What’s going on? Did Malt finally ask Ben for that threesome?”

“Hey I didn’t say anything about involving Hanny in it,” added Malt.

“Ah my mistake,” said Sephy with a sigh. “Does that mean I can’t film it? I know she’s a real exhibitionist,” Fonze smacked Sephy on the back of the head with his palm and she just let it push her forward before popping back up with no sign of pain or annoyance on her face.

Ben sucked in a deep breath before calmly stating, “I was just trying to tell Pip that it’s wrong to use the intercom and call for an emergency meeting,”

“Yeah I’m sure you were,” stated Strek.

“Yeah but everyone is here now, so no sense in holding up the meeting,” added Fonze.

“We’re still missing Church though,” said… Chen? it was the sleepy twin that spoke up.

“I’d bet they slept through the notification…” added Shen? with a sigh.

Which was of course when Church walked through the door. She looked, if anything, worse then Ben. She hadn’t bothered to put a top on and only wore a set of small panties. She was also… not blessed with well distributed fat stores, most of it sitting around her stomach instead of anywhere flattering. Her hair was a mess and the visible crumbs stuck in her hair was doing her no favours.

She moved her way over to Brook… only as she got close to Pip the younger girl whipped out a can she’d hidden in her bag. Church coughed and as the spray hit her in the face. “You stink Church. I know we were talking about not waiting for you… but you really need a bath,” Church just shrugged and made her way over to Brook once she recovered seemingly not at all worried about what just happened.

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