D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1590 Eavesdropping Again Part 1

— Hunter —

Hunter and Meg left the room soon after to look for additional information. Something they would later realise though, was that there wasn’t really enough rooms to accommodate all of the people in stasis. Not even close. Which begged the question, why bother with so many pods? What was the point?

It made them start to wonder about a few other things including if the pods were even original aspects of the facility. Considering Corela’s had some upgrades they were clearly capable of working on them for some time, perhaps still were.

That didn’t come up immediately though. First they made their way around. The first group they found was a set of four in the garden. It wasn’t all relevant, but they learnt during the conversation that the three boys were, Strek, Fonze, and Grelk, with their lone female companion being Sephy. Though based on how everyone used “Sephy’s” name it seemed to be a nickname of sorts.

The others might be as well, though Strek was mentioned before.

A lot of what they talked abut was nonsense, or rather nothing relevant. What they’d been up to, how the food was the other day. Small talk while they all worked here in the garden. Very few of the plants here seemed edible and at the moment the group was weeding the rose planter though they’d been moving around throughout the day.

It was clear this was meant to be a nice park area rather then a place for growing food. Some of the trees did produce edible fruits though.

The most interesting bit of information came when Fonze asked, “Did they make a decision about that weird crystal we found?”

“Pretty sure it’s a foot,” said Strek.

Fonze shrugged “I don’t really care what it is or what they do with it in the end but Ben has been up my ass about making his decision,”

“I thought that was Grace’s job,” smirked Sephy, “Are you trying to home in on that sibling relationship? Add yourself a bit of filling for that sandwich?”

Fonze coughed on his spit, slipping and nearly sliding forward into the bush at the joke. The other to laughed at his misfortune. “Eurgh, why would you even say something like that? I do NOT want to be involved in that gross mess,”

“I dunno… they are both hot,” said Grelk with a shrug.

“Yeah you would Grelk. Clearly that line is cursed when it comes to incest,” grumbled Fonze.

“Hey, technically speaking you’re more closely related,” started Grelk.

“Yes, yes, according to all the official documents you’re only their second cousin but everyone knows your father is a cuck,” pointed out Fonze.

“I mean… he clearly gets off on it and has never been shy about admitting it. Everyone knows, I don’t get why they pretend” added Sephy.

“Why are you like this!” grumbled Fonze. Sephy gave him a look. “Yes, I do get that I set you up for that one, but I wasn’t trying to! It’s just what everyone says!”

“Yeah, and he does get…” started Sephy only for Fonze to bop her on the head with his free hand.

“No, I’m talking about all of your bawdy jokes! You were like this even when you were five!” insisted Fonze.

Sephy shrugged, “Look, there aren’t that many of us but there’s still quite a few. When I was little I’d do it because I didn’t understand but the adults would all either laugh, or get very uncomfortable which was quite fun. Now I do it because it keeps me unique and also because it’s been hardwired into my brain. I don’t think I could shake the habit even if I wanted you know?”

Fonze sighed, “Ok, look just… you know what I’m not going to give you another in. Ben really has been annoying about getting support this time around and I’m wondering if you guys had ideas or know when it’s going to be sorted out,”

“We’ve been talking about it after dinner… but nobody really wants to compromise…” admitted Strek.

“I’m happy to put it off,” said Grelk with a shrug. “Honestly? The whole thing is kinda scary. Nothing… nothing has ever really changed here for as long as I can remember and honestly I bet our parents have forgotten a lot about the one major event that’s happened here. I mean, if there’s been more we weren’t told about them, and I wonder how many times that’s happened.

“This might be OUR one big event… and I’m pretty content to put it on the backburner. Nobody knows what it means, and sure we’ve let it sit for days without doing anything but we could probably let it sit there for years before we’re forced to make a decision. I mean, I don’t think the archives have anything about stuff getting in… but it might have been supressed last time it happened,”

“What if it’s a hibernating tentacle monster just waiting to break out and attack us in our sleep? I mean, we only put it behind some flimsy glass. Or… or what if it’s an alien super virus that’s already leaked into the vents?” offered Sephy with a grin.

Grelk undercut her mischievous suggestion by saying, “Remember this was once a research lab for hazardous biological materials. If it WAS an alien super virus I’d bet alarms would’ve been sounding for a week. They took that shit seriously Sephy, and the fact that we still have so much stuff around here being maintained?

That means it’s all still working and the alarms would be pretty close to the top of that list,”

“Look… Sephy’s disturbing imagery aside do you really think it’s a good idea to just sit on this?” asked Fonze.

“I’m sure you’d rather sit on something else,” added Sephy. Fonze hit her lightly on the head again. “Hey, you’re gonna give me brain damage if you keep that up! Why I might be stuck like this!”

“It’s too late then,” said Fonze, Strek and Grelk all at once with absolutely zero hesitation.

Sephy pretended like she’d been shot in the heart and fell backwards into the dirt, uncaring of the fact she was wearing a white shirt. “Urgh, my own friends! Turned against me like this!” Sephy coughed out as she let some spit dribble from the side of her mouth for effect.

“You guys are no help,” said Fonze with a sigh.

“Hey you said it too,” added Strek.

“Look I just… maybe Grelk is right and this is the ‘big event’ of our generation and it could wait a while… but do we really want to be known as the guys who sat on their asses and just let it go?” asked Fonze.

Grelk shrugged, “I mean they haven’t even got passed the Corela argument so I really don’t expect anyone to decide anything any time soon,”

“Where DO you stand on that anyway? You skipped those meetings.” asked Fonze.

“Eh… I’m sort of torn. Corela has done a lot for us, probably more than any of us know… so I have a lot of respect for her. If it was just a matter of, ‘do I respect her enough to ask for advice’ then the answers is yes. I want her around to chat with us…

“But dammit Sephy has a point. What if the thing is dangerous? I don’t know that it’s likely but I could never forgive myself if something we did was the reason for Corela dying. Doesn’t matter if it’s the pod failing, or the crystal becomes an issue or if the ceiling just collapses in on us. I don’t want her going down with us… but god we could use her advice right now. Like always,” answered Grelk.

“Not concerned she’d be annoyed?” asked Strek. “I mean, she’s known as a grumpy old woman and we’re waking up from the best nap anyone’s had in like a hundred years. She… the last time she was up was not a good time,”

Grelk shrugged, “Eh I’ve seen enough movies to know she’s just playing up the role… or at least that’s what it seems to me. I think we’ll NEED her to make a proper decision but I don’t really know what that says about everyone. Maybe we’re all just scared. Once she’s up and about things WILL change. Even if we destroy the whatever it is… the implications alone will change things.

Putting it off continually makes it seem like less of a crazy thing but waking Corela is like admitting it’s a big deal,”

“So you do support waking her up then?” asked Fonze.

Grelk rolled his eyes. “Fonze? I have no idea what I support. This whole thing is a mess and… no you know what? Yes. Yes I DO think we should wake her up but I’m too scared to put my vote where my mouth is alright?

I don’t want to be the one to push things along and take that weight on myself ok?”

Fonze flinched back, “Sorry… I just…” Fonze glanced at Sephy who had sat back up at some point and was grinning, clearly waiting for it. “Not gonna say but you know?”

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