Death Scripture

Chapter 822 - Pursuers

Chapter 822: Pursuers

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

In the main tent, the whole situation was a huge mess. Countless messages were pouring in from the frontlines. There was both good and bad news, and sometimes they were contradictory and couldn’t even provide the actual location of Luoluo’s army. The generals had various diverging opinions, constantly arguing with each other. Shulitu stayed relatively collected, but he didn’t know whose advice he should take.

Duodun and his companions had come in and were standing besides Shulitu, watching on indifferently.

The moment Gu Shenwei and Fang Wenshi entered the tent, they were besieged by those contentious generals. Just as the Second Consort had predicted, whenever a crisis arose, the Dragon King was more popular than a prince who had never fought any battles.

Shulitu was so relieved by Gu Shenwei’s entrance that he passed command of the army to the Grand Mentor almost immediately.

Gu Shenwei naturally took over the Norland army without a single word of opposition. Duodun seemed to firmly believe that he was just a guest here, and he didn’t say a word to the contrary.

The first thing that Gu Shenwei did was to order everybody to stop offering him their arbitrary suggestions. All the soldiers who brought back news were ordered to make their reports again. Then, all of the messages were reclassified by time and location, and all the outdated and obviously exaggerated news were tossed out.

Half an hour later, the overall situation had been made roughly revealed.

When Luoluo had first led his army to attack the Royal Court, Shulitu’s forces of more than 100,000 troops had been waiting there for him. The two sides had clashed multiple times in small skirmishes, but there weren’t any large-scale battles. Then, as winter drew near, Luoluo had retreated, while Shulitu had sent part of his army to the south. At that time, everybody had believed that the earliest the war would potentially start again was during next year’s transition period between spring and summer.

But after having resting for a period of time and reorganizing his forces, Luoluo had unexpectedly led his army to start advancing southwards. In their march, they had already crushed the Central Plains army, which had been stationed in the eastern part of the Western Regions, with an unstoppable momentum. After eliminating the threat behind them, Luoluo’s army had then immediately started advancing westwards. They had arrived at the Royal Court half a month ago, and surrounded the 50,000 Court Attendants troops who had been guarding the Khan’s mausoleum.

News of what happened next were all disordered and unreliable. Some said that the Court Attendants Army had been wiped out and that there was now a large-scale project to excavate the mausoleum in progress. Others said that the two sides hadn’t engaged yet and that they were still waiting to confront each other. But every piece news agreed that an unknown number of Luoluo’s troops were rapidly progressing towards Heaven’s Pass, and that they would arrive in ten days at the latest. The scouts who had brought news from the frontline were so close to the enemies’ vanguards that it seemed as if the vanguards were actually chasing them.

Although the details remained unknown, Luoluo’s strategy was very clear. He wanted a quick war, and that required him to destroy Shulitu’s main forces during the last season that was still suitable for fighting. Only in this way could he take control of most of the grasslands.

Shulitu’s decision to send part of his army to the south to spend the winter had become an irreversible blunder.

Fang Wenshi had been paying extra attention to the reaction of the Central Plains, but there was hardly any news from that front. Most of the Central Plains’ armies were stationed in their own territory and only a few of them had been in the Western Regions. Additionally, Luoluo had started the war without any advance declaration. So, the Central Plains armies were unable to organize a counter-attack anytime soon, and the coming winter would soon become an impassable obstacle.

All the authority that Gu Shenwei had gained during the past half year was being put to the test. Though the generals acknowledged him as a commander-in-chief, they didn’t believe that he was a match for horsewhip Luoluo. This insecurity led them to start arguing with each other just moments after being quieted by Gu Shenwei.

“We can’t fight this war. Luoluo would have made all the necessary preparations before coming. We should take evasive action. That way, we can just wait for the first snow to defeat our enemies for us.”

Most people held this opinion, and this was also the tactic most commonly used by the Norland cavalrymen. However, there were various suggestions on where they should retreat to — Heaven’s Pass, the Xiaowan Kingdom, and the Naihang Tribe had all been suggested. Besides those destinations, some people had even recommended that they should keep going westwards to wherever they pleased.

There were also some generals who insisted on fighting. “What are you afraid of? Luoluo’s army has traveled such a far distance that they must be in a terribly fatigued state. By comparison, our troops are well-rested. How can we lose? With Prince Duodun’s 70,000 cavalrymen, the Dragon King’s several hundred thousand troops, the young king’s almost 100,000 men, and the Naihang Tribe’s 100,000 soldiers, the total number of our troops is well over 300,000. If we flee with this advantage, will we ever have the nerve to come back here again?”

The bad news came in one by one, and the idea of an army 300,000 strong soon became a wishful dream. While the generals were arguing, one piece of positive news had come in: the Naihang Tribe had broken camp and retreated — Zhe Su would rather bear the shameful reputation of dishonesty and disgrace than kill King Rizhu’s son.

This news threw the tent into greater disorder as everyone exclaimed, “The Naihang Tribe’s going to take Luoluo’s side! I knew it! Zhe Su’s so-called negotiations were nothing but a con. He tricked us all.”

If the Naihang Tribe had really taken the enemy’s side, Shulitu’s army would have no choice but to flee.

But Gu Shenwei would rather believe that Zhe Su wouldn’t do such a thing. “Quiet. I’d like to say something!”

The Dragon King’s orders still held authority. All of the generals shut up and watched him attentively. Yet, Gu Shenwei cast his eyes onto Liman.

Standing beside Duodun, Liman said, “The Naihang Tribe will not take Luoluo’s side. They probably just retreated to defend themselves.”

“Can you guarantee that?” a general immediately questioned. “Zhe Su’s your father, but look at what Duo Ercha did. Is the Naihang Tribe still trustworthy?”

“I’ll bring Naihang Tribe back,” Gu Shenwei suddenly said.

Silence reigned throughout the tent.

“Tha- That’s not possible,” another general blurted out. “I don’t mean to be disrespectful, Dragon King, but-”

“But we’ll never find out if we don’t try.”

The generals had already lost their will to fight. Gu Shenwei knew that all his plans for the Western Regions depended on him keeping this army around, so he was once again forced into taking risks.

“I’ll go and chase down the Naihang Tribe’s cavalry. Shulitu will stay here and take temporary command while the military counselor assists him. My suggestion is that we should fight, and if we have to retreat, the Xiaowan Kingdom is our best choice. There are large amounts of provisions there, enough for the whole winter.

“But it seems that the Xiaowan Kingdom can’t hold-” A general started talking, but stopped halfway when the Dragon King’s gaze landed on him.

There was a lot of additional difficult work to do if they wanted to convince all of the generals. Gu Shenwei had to leave that to Shulitu and Fang Wenshi.

Duodun had been silent throughout this entire discussion. Compared to those volatile generals, it was this prince that Gu Shenwei was worried about the most. Fang Wenshi shared the Dragon King’s concern and nodded at him, indicating that he would be on guard against the prince’s insidious tricks.

Gu Shenwei was walking towards the door when a voice suddenly rang out from behind. “I’ll go with you, Dragon King.”

Liman unexpectedly stepped forward as he said, “Maybe I can convince my father.”

Duodun stared at him with a severe look. Ignoring it, Liman faced the crowd and said, “The Dragon King’s right. I’m afraid that we have no choice but to fight this war. If we let Luoluo win without a fight, then all the other tribes on the grasslands will soon surrender to Luoluo. If that happens, then the situation will truly become irreversible.”

These words were mainly meant for Duodun. Liman bowed to his master deeply and then quickly walked out to catch up with the Dragon King.

Long Fanyun had already readied 500 guards and the Flame Foal for departure.

“You stay here,” Gu Shenwei said to the guards as he took the reins and mounted the horse. The 500 guards wouldn’t help him get the Naihang Tribe back.

Long Fanyun was startled as he advised, “This is too risky, Dragon King.”

Gu Shenwei lowered his voice and replied, “Stay here and keep the young king and the counselor safe.”

“Yes,” Long Fanyun reluctantly answered.

“I’m your bodyguard. I have to go with the Dragon Kin.” Tie Linglong was already mounted on another horse.

“I’m a bodyguard, too. So I also have to go with the Dragon King.” Han Fen got on her own horse a little later than Tie Linglong, though she seemed like she was about to go on a sightseeing tour.

Gu Shenwei gave his consent to the two of them. “You two follow Liman and protect him.”

“Dragon King, you can’t go alone-” Tie Linglong had barely finished her remark when the Flame Foal dashed forward. Normal horses could never catch up to it.

There was not enough time, and speed was the only thing Gu Shenwei cared about.

The scout outside the camp gate pointed in the rough direction that the Naihang Tribe had left in. When he realized that it was the Dragon King who was asking him, he was stunned.

The Flame Foal rushed ahead at full throttle. It was unaware of its rider’s mood and was just thoroughly enjoying the raw act of running.

Riding on the horse, Gu Shenwei was thinking about how the best way to convince the Naihang Tribe to return. He couldn’t demand that Zhe Su kill Duo Ercha anymore, but the Second Consort would forever bear a grudge against Duo Ercha because of the previous event. After knowing her secrets, Gu Shenwei didn’t bear any resentment towards her.

Maybe it was because he had already agreed to meet all Zhe Su’s previous conditions and was willing to allow the Naihang Tribe to be largely independent. Even though this was completely against the previous Khan’s will, Gu Shenwei didn’t care at all.

What concerned him the most was that Zhe Su might still refuse to stay even if all his requests were approved. This was because from the Naihang Tribe’s perspective, both remaining neutral and taking Luoluo’s side were better alternatives.

He had to think of a good reason to convince Zhe Su that it would be in his best interest to help the Dragon King.

When dawn broke, Gu Shenwei could finally see the Naihang Tribe’s army in the distance. In the meantime, he was stopped by the cavalrymen who were bringing up the rear.

“I’m the Dragon King. I need to see general Zhe Su,” Gu Shenwei yelled out.

“Ha, this dumbass said that he’s the Dragon King?” a centurion asked scornfully. “Call your giant roc down here and I’ll believe you.”

Dozens of soldiers surrounded Gu Shenwei with fully drawn bows.

“State your true identity or we’ll shoot.”

“Sorry.” Gu Shenwei couldn’t summon the red-crowned giant roc at will.

“For what?” the centurion asked in confusion.

Gu Shenwei abruptly leaped off of the Flame Foal and pounced onto the centurion a dozen steps away — he was indeed reminiscent of a giant bird.

Several arrows shot at him all at once, but Gu Shenwei dodged them all.

Before the centurion could react, Gu Shenwei was already standing behind him on the horse’s saddle. With one hand pressed against the centurion’s helmet and the other holding a saber, Gu Shenwei’s fierce position deterred the other cavalrymen from shooting again. Then he mobilized his internal Qi and loudly yelled, “Zhe Su, the Dragon King wants to meet with you!”

His voice rang for over ten miles. All the men around were shocked, no longer doubting that this sickly-looking man was the Dragon King.

The Flame Foal arrived, and Gu Shenwei returned to its back before saying, “Sorry.”

The centurion’s face was just as pale as the Dragon King’s now. He signaled the other cavalrymen to put away their bows. “It’s- It’s okay. Now we know that you really are the Dragon King.”

The centurion designated some other soldiers to be the Dragon King’s guide and they started galloping towards the army ahead of them. When the Dragon King and the others were far away, the centurion was still looking into their direction. He then shamelessly said to his soldiers, “Did you see that? I survived the Dragon King’s attack.”

Zhe Su and a large number of guards intercepted the Dragon King and his escorts. The look on his face was as stiff as a stone.

“Whoever you are, stop!” a general beside Zhe Su ordered. At this moment, the two sides were about 40 to 50 steps away from each other. Hundreds of guards had drawn their bows or angled their spears forward; every soldier here was on guard against the Dragon King’s potential move.

Gu Shenwei opened his arms, indicating that he held no hostility towards them. Then he loudly reprimanded, “Are you a despicable man who goes back on his word?”

Zhe Su’s face, which originally looked like stone, now looked like black iron — it wasn’t the Dragon King’s place to talk to him like this.

While Gu Shenwei was provoking Zhe Su, the situation in Shulitu’s main tent had changed drastically after the Dragon King’s departure. Duodun finally spoke up, and convinced a considerable number of generals with his words. “The Xiaowan Kingdom’s a very small country. How can it hold 100,000 troops? Heaven’s Pass has both the Shule Kingdom and Jade City behind it, is highly defensible and almost invulnerable, and has convenient access to supplies — is there a better alternative for passing the winter?

Fang Wenshi and Shulitu’s disagreement was drowned out by the generals’ noisy approval.

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