Death... and me

Chapter 2954 So Be It

2954  So Be It

Roan was taken aback by the sudden question. Even Rean almost choked on his food back at the restaurant, catching the attention of quite a few people before smiling apologetically.

Roan quickly calmed down, though. "What kind of question is that?"

Karev waved his hand. "There is no need to keep the facade. Besides, I'm not here to capture you or cause you trouble either... as long as you cooperate, of course."

Roan looked deeply into Karev's eyes and could see the guy was certain of his words. "Let's say I am. Is that a problem?"

"That depends," Karev continued. "You have a real Werdlem Stone, so you are within the laws of the Werdlem Empire. I can't do anything to you just because you came from outside. However, I can make your life harder, especially when you join the Lincae Sect."

"That smells like a request," Roan understood the blackmail. "But first, why would you ask if I'm someone from outside? There has to be a reason behind it. If you answer that, perhaps I won't mind considering your wishes."

"Seems fair," Karev then took out an octagonal object from his Spatial Ring and threw it at Roan.

Roan caught the thing, and as soon as he did, it began to emit a feeble red light. "What is this?"

"Seems like you came from even further away than I thought," Karev began to explain. "Otherwise, there is no way you wouldn't know about it. In any case, this is a Planetary Energy Detector. You see, every planet has its own traits of Spiritual Energy, so those born on those planets carry these traits."

Roan didn't need to hear it anymore. "So, when someone who wasn't born on that planet approaches this thing, it begins to shine with red light. Is that it?"

"Pretty much," Karev nodded. "Satisfied?"

Roan pondered a bit. "Can I keep it?"

Karev didn't mind. "Sure. Although it is a little expensive, I can get another one. However, you will have to accept my request."

"That will depend on the request," Roan didn't store the detector.

Karev finally started to speak his real intentions. "I don't know what you are doing on this planet. However, once you are done, I want you to bring me away with you. And don't pretend to be a kid, even though your bone age seems to be from one, I don't believe it."

Both Rean and Roan found that request quite unexpected. Of course, Roan had to inquire more. "I'm indeed not a kid. However, you can see that I'm nothing but a Core and Soul Fusion Realm cultivator, right? What makes you think I have any power to leave this planet? Perhaps I got here by accident." Well, that was more or less what happened since neither Rean nor Roan wanted to come here.

"I won't lie," Karev continued. "Your cultivation did put a lot of doubt in my mind. I could tell your brother also wasn't from this planet, but I let him leave exactly because of this. But in the end, I decided to give it a shot. Let's make a deal. You accept my request and bring me away, and I will give you this." Right after, Karev threw a bracelet to Roan.

Roan analyzed the item and shared his memories through his connection with Rean. 'No doubt there is a circuitry formation inside, and it seems the energy oscillation type,' Rean spoke. 'As to what it does, I would need to take a better look once we have time.'

Roan heard that and returned his attention to Karev. "What is it?"

"Do you remember the traits of Spiritual Energy every planet has I mentioned?" Karev was certain Roan would be interested. "This bracelet can simulate exactly those traits on your body. Just wear it, and it will make you look like someone from our planet instead."

Roan narrowed his eyes. "Very well, I'm interested... if you have two of them."

"I do," Karev already expected that. "Will you also accept my request?"

"I can do it," Roan spoke like it was a trivial request. "However, you will have to wait for a while. Even if everything goes to plan, it would be a few years before we can leave. And it won't matter if you hurry me or not since the methods to get out are not available yet."

Karev took a deep breath. "Very well... but how do I know you will keep your word?"

Roan snorted. "You don't. First of all, it is not like I trust you either. However, as long as you don't cause me trouble, I will come back. Besides, I'm pretty sure you have put your own tracker inside this thing, have you not?"

"That's up to your imagination," Karev answered with a smile. "In any case, I can be of help... a lot. I'll leave you with my CD number. You can call me at any time. There have to be some things a Transition Realm expert like me can do that you can't with your cultivation at the moment."

"Since you offered, there is indeed. I'm in need of an item called Solomel Root. It seems like it can only be found in the extreme north regions," Roan didn't lose the opportunity. "Do you think you can get me a batch? I might as well add that if you do, you definitely won't regret the result of what I will use it for."

"Solomel Roots?" Karev wasn't an alchemist, so he wasn't very familiar with herbs. Nonetheless, he accepted the request. "As long as it isn't anything ridiculous, I can give it a try."

"That's fine," Roan didn't mind. "Even if you don't get the roots, I will have to go and get them myself anyway. I'm just trying to save time."

"So, do we have a deal?" Karev asked one last time.

"Seems like it," Roan confirmed. "By the way, you are a Transition Realm expert, aren't you? There are other inhabited planets in this Solar System. If you wanted, you could travel there on your own, couldn't you?"

"That's not far enough," Karev shook his head. "I want to leave this Solar System. Otherwise..." He stopped there. "Forget it. Just keep your side of the deal."

Roan didn't insist either. "So be it."

And as always, any Golden Tickets and Stones are welcome. ;)

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