Dark Magus Returns

Chapter 779: The Bonum Society Origin

Chapter 779: The Bonum Society Origin

The Bonum Society was in complete disarray. Several of the steel walls that had withstood the test of time since the society’s inception had been destroyed. On top of that, the training

room was practically unusable.

Thankfully, half of the facility that remained untouched could still be used for operations. Either way, it wasn’t too much of a big deal to the group, and Amir made sure everyone knew that. Saʀᴄh th NovlFre .t website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.

Currently, one of the large open, unused rooms was being used for a meeting. Inside, it had the remnants of a classroom-a large chalkboard at the back and several seats for those in attendance.

In the time since Amir had run the place, it had never been used as a classroom, which was why it hadn’t been used until today.

Raze, along with everyone else, was seated in their respective chairs, while Amir and Olag stood on either side of the chalkboard, each with a piece of chalk in their hand.

“To understand the goal of the Bonum Society, we first need to explain things that some of you might already know, while others may only have a basic understanding,” Amir began as he drew a round object representing a planet and wrote the word “Pagna” underneath it. “I’m sure you all know that Pagna is the world we currently live in, and with the opening of other dimensions, we have learned that there are other worlds and other planets.”

“However, these dimensions that open up on Pagna only link to dimensions with civilizations that have long been lost. There is no sign of life on them other than that of beasts,” Amir continued to explain.

The others nodded in agreement, listening carefully.

“However, this isn’t exactly true. There are dimensions out there, dimensions that open up temporarily, allowing civilizations to sneak into Pagna, and these people are known as Otherworlders.”

“So, people from other worlds, huh? What a unique name,” Liam joked. “So I’m guessing Anna and Zon-these two are from another world, right? That’s why they can do different things.”

“Correct, and I’m sure you might know there are other Otherworlders out there,” Amir said, placing his hand on his chin.

“In fact, let’s go from this. I’m sure you’ve all heard of the organization called Alter, right?” Amir asked.

Mantis was the one who answered. “That strange group that does favors for the clans. If they have a problem that can’t be solved, then they’ll solve it. But Belil made it so none of those guys could ever step foot in the Demonic Faction.”

“Really?” Raze replied, turning to Mantis, who was behind him. It was the first he’d heard of this; he just knew there weren’t many in Alter.

“Yeah… I think there was a falling out a long time ago, and Belil ended up killing a bunch of them. If he ever found out they were in the place, he would kill them,” Rayna added. “I don’t know much of the details because it happened a long time ago in the Demonic Faction.”

“Right, but I’m sure as Raze and Anna will tell you, since both of them are members of Alter themselves, that it’s all a front,” Amir explained. “That’s how they want to be viewed by the several clans out there, but there’s a reason for them doing this. Anna, would you like to explain what Alter actually is to the rest of them, or at least what they tell you?”

Anna already knew what Amir was insinuating, that even the goal of what Alter told them was false as well. It wasn’t as if she never thought that was the case, but she still couldn’t shake the feeling that just because the Bonum Society was another group fighting against them didn’t mean they were good either.

Regardless, she gave out a sigh and went on to explain. “Alter is a group for Otherworlders. There are three main goals of Alter. One, to find other Otherworlders and bring them together. Two, to stop the use of Otherworlders’ power in Pagna. And third, to gather powerful artifacts and stop them from being used.”

“Gather powerful artifacts? How long has this group existed?” Alba asked.

“A very long time,” Anna answered. “At the moment, Alter has a number of powerful artifacts that could eliminate entire clans if a normal citizen got their hands on them. So they’re sealed away at the Alter base.”

“So are all Otherworlders just part of this big group then?” Reno asked. “They come together and gather items. Is Zon a part of them as well?”

“No,” Zon replied. “Alter does not know of my existence. There are many Otherworlders out there who are in hiding. I’m sure Raze was the same when he first came to Pagna. With his skills, he perhaps could have avoided them as well. If I were to take a guess, he joined them on purpose.”

Everyone’s eyes turned to Raze. It was expected that he, too, was an Otherworlder.

“Because I thought I could use those items myself,” Raze stated. “Anyway, it’s not important. From your words before, you make it sound like that’s not Alter’s real goal. One thing I do know is they told me that you are the enemy.”

Olag couldn’t help but let out a loud laugh when he heard that.

“Oh, I feel sorry for those that have been sucked in at Alter,” Olag stated. “The truth is, we don’t know what is up with those guys at Alter-why they are gathering so many Otherworlders and so many artifacts-but we can take a good guess that it’s not good, and that’s because they have made us the enemy.”

“I mean, of course they have,” Anna stated. “You are after strong artifacts yourself, are you not?”

“No,” Amir replied. “In fact, let me ask you another question. Everyone who isn’t from Pagna, raise your hand.”

Raze lifted up his arm, as did Zon, as did Anna. This was the expected result until they looked right in front of them and saw Amir and Olag raising their hands as well.

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