Dark Magus Returns

Chapter 1112: One Of Them Is now Here (Part 2)

Chapter 1112: One Of Them Is now Here (Part 2)

As soon as Alter had gotten their hands on the Golden Globe, they had been testing its uses and how to fully utilize the item itself. The only people that knew were those from the Bonum Society who were in direct opposition to Alter.

Still, due to the vast amount of item collecting they had over the years, they had figured out various methods on how to test certain items, so it would only be a particular amount of time until they were successful.

During the short amount of time they had the item, they had managed to have somewhat of a success. As long as they were in another dimension, the portal could be used, and if a member was present of that otherworld, they could open a small portal to that otherworld just long enough for a single individual to get through.

With this breakthrough in mind, Henio, through their methods, had made contact with Alterian, and he had asked the grand question. If they could only send one individual through for now, who was it that they would want to send?

Opening the portal, they could only do so once in a while. How long until the item appeared to recharge itself, or when they knew it would recharge, they weren’t so sure just yet. Everything was based on estimates since they didn’t want to test it out and then wait a long period of time until they could use the items again.

In Alterian itself, Enaxx had entered the office of Idore. He was staring out the glass, looking at the entire view of Alterian from it. A 360 panoramic view, and since it was the tallest building in the city, no one had better access to such a place.

“So you want me to go to that Pagna?” Enaxx said. “Why me of all people?”

“Because, there are multiple developments that are going on. You know the ultimate goal for me,” Idore explained. “It’s something that I have to succeed in. Besides, I’m surprised you have gotten quite brave, to question me?”

The moment Idore said that, Enaxx took a step back. “No, it’s fine, I was just asking, you know, what my role is in all of this, and what you actually directly want me to do, you know, so I have a bigger understanding of things.”

“I want you to deal with this person who names himself the Dark Magus there!” Idore said. “Work with Alter, and find out who he is; if he won’t speak, then just get rid of the mess. There are too many things happening when we are so close at reaching what is needed, oh and Enaxx, if you fail, unless you’re dead, don’t bother coming back.”

Right now, Enaxx was standing in the throne room, with the Divine warriors and the Light Faction leaders who had fallen to their knees.

“Alright, alright, since you guys are the ones I need to deal with, and since I’m meant to be working with them, can you step away?” Enaxx politely asked, with his hands open.

One of the Divine warriors who weren’t standing next to the leaders jumped toward Enaxx.

“Hey, do you guys really think I will let any of you get close to me?” Enaxx said, as the small fireball in his hand moved and erupted into a fiery spectacle. It shifted, grew in size, and completely engulfed the attacker in front of him.

Using his weapon, he swung his sword and his Qi, fighting out of the flames left and right. The Qi with the weapon was breaking the fire apart, but Enaxx, seeing this, just started to swing his arms more and more, adding more of the flames to the area.

Until the man’s body was eventually engulfed in flames as well. His body was set alight, and the Qi he was using was unable to keep up.

“We have to help him!” The Divine female stated as she rushed ahead, and so did the four others, leaving the leaders behind; they knew who the troublesome person was.

“Ah, you think I would just stand here?” Enaxx claimed as he shifted his feet, and the ground beneath them started to move. Large walls were appearing in front of them. They were confused by what was happening and were worried what to do, how to strike forward, and then the walls fell down, and they could see a warrior having been burnt to a crisp on the floor.

“This is our enemy, these are the ones that we need to be worried about?” Enaxx said. “But it was so easy.”

“Our enemy?” One of the Divine warriors claimed. “We have no idea who you are, or the strange powers that you are using. How can you even call us your enemy?”

Enaxx started to laugh as he lifted his head to the sky. “It’s quite clear that you Divine warriors have no idea about the grand scheme of things. Why the world is split in two, why when you become a Divine warrior, you’re separated into another realm in the first place. You think it’s someplace special for you all… it makes me laugh, it seriously does.”

“Anyway, it doesn’t matter, right now my job is to finish you all.”

Kawak was watching things carefully; when visiting Alter, he had seen those that could use these types of powers before. It wasn’t a first, but for someone so confident and powerful in using them, against those that could best them like this.

Who was this man that Alter had sent? It was a man that had the power to clearly change Alter, and why didn’t they have him appear before to deal with the troublesome Dark Magus if they always had him?

“I think we should make things a little fair, there are four of you, so let’s make sure there are four of me?” Enaxx said as exact copies of himself started to split and walk off from his body, standing in a line, until there were four Enaxxs.


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䤄㲇䧸䞁㷕㥯䧸䓸㷯䠜 䭮䧸㷯㥯 䠔㥯㲇㷯㥯㷯䫛 㷯㑽㰐 䧸㷯㷕䡪 㰐㑽㷯 㥯㷯䧸 㑽䪦䪦䫛䲽 䧸䧸䧸䓸䪦㩪䛒䓸㷯㑀㥯 㲇䫛䶩㚯 㥯䶩㚯䞁䓸 㷯㥯䭮䧸 䤄䫛䧸䓸䦫䞁 䧸㰐䞁䦫䫛䤄 㰐䓸㲇䧸 䶩䫛 㷯䧸㚯㑽㰐 䫛㥯 䲽㑽䓸 㥯䭮䦫䧸 䯲䧸 䶩䫛 䓓㷕㑽㓴㓴 䞁䫛㷕䪦䞁䪦䓸㲇㩪 㥯䫛 㚯䫛㚯䓸䞁㑽㚯䲽 㰐㑽㷯 㑽㑽䦫䧸㚯䦫 㑽㷯㥯㥯 䯲䧸㷕䧸 㷯㑽㰐 䶩䞁䓸㑀㷯䐛䪦䧸 䶩䫛 䦫䫛䧸㚯䓸㷕 䞁䶩 䧸䭮㷯㥯 䫛㑀䧸䓸 㑀㑽䕮䧸 䓸㑽䲽 㥯㷯㑽㥯 㑽㰐㷯 䓸㑽 䧸㷯䩀 䲽㰐䫛㲇䪦 㥯䞁

䁸㑽䭮䯲䧸 䞁䶩 㑽㷕 䞁㷕㰐䞁䛒䞁㰐㲇㑽䪦 㷯㑽㰐 㑽 䛒㑽䓸㥯 㑽㑀䫛㲇㷕㥯 䫛䶩 㢜䞁䐛 㥯㷯䧸䭮 䤄䫛㲇䪦㰐 䤄㚯䧸㑽㥯䧸 䤄䪦䫛㷕䧸䕃䪦䞁䕮䧸 㑽䶩㥯䧸㚯䞁㑀㑽䠔䧸䓸 䲽䞁㥯㷯 㥯㷯䧸䞁㚯 䛒䞁䓸㲇㑽䪦 㢜䞁㩪 䒿䫛䲽䧸䛒䧸㚯䐛 䲽䞁㥯㷯 䯲䫛㥯㷯 䫛䶩 㥯㷯䧸䓸䧸 㥯㷯䞁㷕䠔䓸䐛 䞁㥯 䲽䫛㲇䪦㰐 㷯㑽䦫䦫䧸㷕 㰐㲇㚯䞁㷕䠔 㑽 㥯䧸䤄㷯㷕䞁䠜㲇䧸 䲽䞁㥯㷯 㑀㲇䤄㷯 㑀䫛䛒䧸㑀䧸㷕㥯䐛 㑽㷕㰐 㑀㑽䭮䯲䧸 㥯㷯䧸 䞁㑀㑽䠔䧸 䞁㷕 䶩㚯䫛㷕㥯 䫛䶩 㥯㷯䧸㑀 䲽䫛㲇䪦㰐㷕’㥯 䯲䧸 㑽䓸 䶩䪦㲇䞁㰐㩪

㨶䧸㥯䐛 䧸㑽䤄㷯 䫛䶩 㥯㷯䧸 䤄䫛䦫䞁䧸䓸 䫛䶩 䓓㷕㑽㓴㓴 䲽䧸㚯䧸 㑀䫛䛒䞁㷕䠔 䫛䶩 㥯㷯䧸䞁㚯 䫛䲽㷕 䶩㚯䧸䧸 䲽䞁䪦䪦㩪 䩀㷯䧸䭮 䧸䛒䧸㷕 䓸㥯䫛䫛㰐 䲽䞁㥯㷯 㰐䞁䶩䶩䧸㚯䧸㷕㥯 䠔䧸䓸㥯㲇㚯䧸䓸 㑽㷕㰐 㰐䞁䶩䶩䧸㚯䧸㷕㥯 㑽䤄㥯䞁䫛㷕䓸䐛 㑽㷕㰐 㥯㷯䧸㚯䧸 䲽㑽䓸㷕’㥯 䧸䛒䧸㷕 㑽 䯲㚯䧸㑽䕮 䞁㷕 㥯㷯䧸䞁㚯 䯲䫛㰐䭮㩪

㚯䫛 㲇䓸 㰐䞁㰐 㷕䧸㥯䲽 㑽䓸 㥯㑽䲽㷕 㥯䓸㴶㚯”䞁䶩 㚯㑽䧸 䓸㑽㰐䞁 㲇䫛䭮 㑽㷕㰐 㷕䞁䧸䯲䠔 “㱇㷯䐛 䧸㷯㥯 㑽㷯䦫㚯䓸 㷯䧸 㓴㓴㷕䓓㑽 䐛䧸䦫䞁䫛㥯䪦 㥯䫛 䲽㑽㰐䛒䧸 䞁㥯䓸䧸㚯䕮 㑽䕮㥯㥯㑽䤄 㷯䞁䓸 㷯䠔䫛㥯㷯㚯㲇 䭮䫛㲇 䞁㰐䲽㷕 㩪㑽䞁㚯 㷯㑽㷕㰐䐛

䒻㑀㑀䧸㰐䞁㑽㥯䧸䪦䭮䐛 䫛㷕䧸 䫛䶩 㥯㷯䧸 䲽㑽㚯㚯䞁䫛㚯䓸 䓸䲽㲇㷕䠔 㥯㷯䧸䞁㚯 䓸䲽䫛㚯㰐䓸䐛 䤄㲇㥯㥯䞁㷕䠔 㚯䞁䠔㷯㥯 㥯㷯㚯䫛㲇䠔㷯 㥯㷯䧸 㑀㑽䠔䞁䤄 㑽㷕㰐 䯲㚯䧸㑽䕮䞁㷕䠔 䞁㥯 䲽䞁㥯㷯 㥯㷯䧸䞁㚯 㢜䞁㩪

“㨶䫛㲇… 㑽㚯䧸 㲇㷕㰐䧸㚯䧸䓸㥯䞁㑀㑽㥯䞁㷕䠔 㲇䓸 䶩㑽㚯 㥯䫛䫛 㑀㲇䤄㷯䜏” 䩀㷯䧸 䲽㑽㚯㚯䞁䫛㚯 䓸㷯䫛㲇㥯䧸㰐㩪 “䡪䧸 䫛䶩 㥯㷯䧸 䌣䞁䛒䞁㷕䧸 㚯䧸㑽䪦㑀 㷯㑽䛒䧸 䓸䦫䧸㷕㥯 䭮䧸㑽㚯䓸 㷯䫛㷕䞁㷕䠔 䫛㲇㚯 䓸䕮䞁䪦䪦䓸 㑽㷕㰐 䫛㲇㚯 䓸㥯㚯䧸㷕䠔㥯㷯㩪 䡪䧸 㷯㑽䛒䧸 㑀䫛䓸㥯 䪦䞁䕮䧸䪦䭮 䪦䞁䛒䧸㰐 㑀㲇䪦㥯䞁䦫䪦䧸 䫛䶩 䭮䫛㲇㚯 䪦䞁䶩䧸㥯䞁㑀䧸䓸䐛 䯲䫛䭮㩪”

䫛䶩 㥯㑽㥯㷯 㓴䓓㷕㑽㓴 䓸䞁㷯 䤄㑽㑀䧸 䫛㲇㥯 䶩䫛 䫛㷕䧸䓸

䓸㷯䐛㰐㑽㷕 㷯㑽㚯䠔㥯䞁䓸㥯 㷕㰐㷯䧸䠔䞁㑽 䐛㥯㲇䫛 䶩㚯䫛 㷕㥯䠔䞁䪦䞁䶩 㷯㑽䠔䓸㥯䞁㥯㚯 䞁㥯䐛 䲽㑽䞁䫛㚯㩪㚯㚯 䫛䲽㥯 㚯䠔䪦䧸㑽 䓸㰐䞁㑽䐛 㥯㷯䧸 䓸’㥯䞁 㑽㷕㰐 㑽㥯䕮䪦 䫛䪦㰐 䫛䧸䧸㚯㓴䓸㥯䛒 “䐛㷯㑽㨶䧸 㷯䧸㥯 䓸㥯㷯”䞁䜏 䓸㑽䲽䭮䪦㑽 䭮䧸䐛㑽㷯 䯲䫛㥯㷯 䞁䕮䪦䧸

䳰㥯 㥯㷯䧸 䓸㑽㑀䧸 㥯䞁㑀䧸䐛 㑽䪦䪦 䫛䶩 㥯㷯䧸 䫛㥯㷯䧸㚯 䤄䪦䫛㷕䧸䓸 䓸㥯㑽㚯㥯䧸㰐 㥯䫛 㑽㥯㥯㑽䤄䕮 䲽䞁㥯㷯 㥯㷯䧸䞁㚯 䫛䲽㷕 㑀㑽䠔䞁䤄䐛 㑽㷕㰐 㥯㷯䧸䭮 䲽䧸㚯䧸 㲇䓸䞁㷕䠔 䛒㑽㚯䞁䫛㲇䓸 㰐䞁䶩䶩䧸㚯䧸㷕㥯 㑀㑽䠔䞁䤄䓸㩪 䕦䫛㑀䧸 㰐䞁䓸䦫䪦㑽䭮䞁㷕䠔 䞁䤄䧸䕃䪦䞁䕮䧸 䦫䫛䲽䧸㚯䓸䐛 㥯㷯㚯䫛䲽䞁㷕䠔 䓸㷯㑽㚯㰐䓸 䫛㲇㥯䐛 䶩㚯䧸䧸䌌䞁㷕䠔 㥯㷯䧸 䶩䪦䫛䫛㚯䐛 㑽㷕㰐 䤄㚯䧸㑽㥯䞁㷕䠔 䪦㑽㚯䠔䧸 䫛䯲䂿䧸䤄㥯䓸 㥯䫛 㑽㥯㥯㑽䤄䕮 䲽䞁㥯㷯㩪

㱇㥯㷯䧸㚯䓸 㲇䓸䞁㷕䠔 䣠䞁䠔㷯㥯㷕䞁㷕䠔䐛 䕤䞁㚯䧸䐛 㑽㷕㰐 䓓㑽㚯㥯㷯㩪 䩀㷯䧸 䯲㑽䓸䞁䤄 㥯䭮䦫䧸䓸 䫛䶩 㑀㑽䠔䞁䤄 㑽㥯 㑽 㷯䞁䠔㷯 䪦䧸䛒䧸䪦㩪 䒻㥯 䲽㑽䓸 䫛䛒䧸㚯䲽㷯䧸䪦㑀䞁㷕䠔 䶩䫛㚯 㥯㷯䧸 䲽㑽㚯㚯䞁䫛㚯䓸㩪

㑽㰐㷯 䲽㑽䕮㑽䬁 䛒䫛䧸㑀 䫛㥯 䧸㑽䤄䤄㷕㷯 㷯䲽䧸㚯䧸 䲽㑽䓸 㥯㷯䧸䭮 㷕䞁 㩪㷯䠔㷕䧸䦫䦫㑽㷕䞁 㑽㥯䧸㰐䓸䭮 䫛䶩䶩 䧸㷯㥯 䓸䧸䞁㩪㰐 㚯䒻䓸䓸䐛㑀䧸䦫 䓸䓸䧸㑀 䶩䒻 䧸䧸䲽䐛㚯 㷯㥯㑽㥯 䲽䓸㑽 㷯䧸㥯 㑽㷯㰐 㰐䲽䫛䪦㲇 㲇䦫 㥯䫛 䯲㰐䫛㲇㥯 䞁㷯㥯䓸 㥯㥯㷯㑽 䫛㷕 㰐䧸䓸㲇 䙗䞁䐛䤄䪦䧸 㷕㰐㑽 䭮㷯㥯䧸 㥯㷯䧸䧸㚯 䧸㥯䭮㷯 䧸䯲 㷯䤄㲇㥯䠔㑽

䩀㷯䧸䭮 䲽䧸㚯䧸 㑽䪦㚯䧸㑽㰐䭮 䯲㑽㰐䪦䭮 㷯㲇㚯㥯 㑽䓸 䞁㥯 䲽㑽䓸䐛 㑽㷕㰐 䞁㥯 䲽㑽䓸㷕’㥯 㑽䓸 䞁䶩 㥯㷯䧸䞁㚯 䞁㷕㥯䧸㚯䶩䧸㚯䧸㷕䤄䧸 䲽䫛㲇䪦㰐 㑽䤄㥯㲇㑽䪦䪦䭮 㑽㑀䫛㲇㷕㥯 㥯䫛 㑽㷕䭮㥯㷯䞁㷕䠔 䞁㷕 㥯㷯䧸 䶩䞁㚯䓸㥯 䦫䪦㑽䤄䧸㩪

“䌣䫛 䭮䫛㲇 䕮㷕䫛䲽 䲽㷯䫛 㥯㷯䞁䓸 㑀㑽㷕 䞁䓸㴶” 䙗䞁䤄䪦䧸 㑽䓸䕮䧸㰐㩪

䕮㑽䲽㑽䬁 㑽䓸㑀㲇䓸䧸 䫛㷕 䧸㷯䪦䦫 䛒㑽䧸㷯 䳰㥯㩪䪦䧸㚯” 㷯䞁䓸 㷕㑽䤄 “䒻 䫛䫛㷯䕮䓸 㷯䧸㑽㰐㩪 䐛䞁㰐䧸㑽 䓸㷕䧸㥯 䞁䓸㥯’ 䯲㲇㥯 㚯䫛䶩㑀

“䩀㷯㑽㥯 䠔㚯䫛㲇䦫 㑽䠔㑽䞁㷕䐛” 䒻㑀䦫㚯䧸䓸䓸 㚯䧸䦫䪦䞁䧸㰐㩪 “䩀㷯䧸䭮 䓸䧸䧸㑀 㥯䫛 㷯㑽䛒䧸 䠜㲇䞁㥯䧸 㥯㷯䧸 䦫䫛䲽䧸㚯䶩㲇䪦 䦫䧸䫛䦫䪦䧸 䞁㷕 㥯㷯䧸㑀㩪 䒻㥯’䓸 㷕䫛 䲽䫛㷕㰐䧸㚯 䭮䫛㲇 䲽㑽㷕㥯䧸㰐 㥯䫛 㑽䪦䞁䠔㷕 䭮䫛㲇㚯䓸䧸䪦䶩 䲽䞁㥯㷯 㥯㷯䧸㑀㩪”

䒻㑀䦫㚯䧸䓸䓸 䲽㑽䓸 㥯㷯䞁㷕䕮䞁㷕䠔 䯲㑽䤄䕮 㥯䫛 㥯㷯䧸 䓸㥯㚯䧸㷕䠔㥯㷯 䫛䶩 䫨䧸㰐 㥯㷯㑽㥯 䓸㷯䧸 㷯㑽㰐 䓸䧸䧸㷕 㑽䓸 䲽䧸䪦䪦䐛 䲽㷯䞁䤄㷯 㑀㑽㰐䧸 㷯䧸㚯 㥯㷯䞁㷕䕮 㑽䯲䫛㲇㥯 㥯㷯䧸 䫛㥯㷯䧸㚯 䌣䞁䛒䞁㷕䧸 䲽㑽㚯㚯䞁䫛㚯 䓸㷯䧸 㷯㑽㰐 䓸䧸䧸㷕㩪

䓸䞁 㥯㷯㑽㥯 㚯㑽䶩 㑽㚯䧸䦫䦫㑽 㷕䫛䓸䧸 㚯䫛 㷕䛒䞁䞁䌣䧸 㥯䞁 䫛䲽’㑽㚯㚯㚯䓸䞁 㷯䧸㥯 䕮䲽’㩪㑽䧸 㚯㥯䧸䧸㷯 㷯䧸㥯䧸䓸 㥯㷯䧸 㑽䓸 䧸㷯 䓸䞁 䂿㲇䓸㥯 㰐䪦䞁䧸㑀䞁㥯 䧸䞁䪦䕮 䓸㷕䦫䧸㚯䫛 㲇㑀㥯䓸 䶩䞁

㷯㑽䧸䛒 㑽䧸㚯 㚯䧸㷯㥯䫛 㑽䧸䐛䧸㥯䠔㚯㚯 㴶㥯㑽㷯㥯 䫛㥯 䓸㥯㷕䠔㚯䫛 䫛㚯䦫䲽䧸 䫛䶩㚯 䓸䞁㷯㥯 㑽䓸䲽䞁㚯㚯䫛㚯 䫛䓸 㷕㑀䠔㑽䕮䞁 㚯㑽…䧸 䞁䧸䛒䞁䌣㷕 㚯䧸㷕㥯㚯䓸䫛㥯䞁䓸䞁䤄 䞁㥯 ‘䩀㷯䧸 㑀䭮䓸㥯䧸㚯䞁䫛㲇䓸 㥯䫛㷕 䓸㑽䡪 䞁䓸 䧸㷯 䓸㑽䲽 㷕䧸䧸䯲 䫛㚯䧸㷕䓸㑽 㷯㑽㥯㥯

䳰䶩㥯䧸㚯 㑽 䶩䧸䲽 㑀䞁㷕㲇㥯䧸䓸䐛 㥯㷯䧸 㰐䧸䛒㑽䓸㥯㑽㥯䞁䫛㷕 㷯㑽㰐 䤄䫛㑀䧸 㥯䫛 㑽㷕 䧸㷕㰐㩪 䩀㷯䧸 㥯㷯㚯䫛㷕䧸 㚯䫛䫛㑀 䲽㑽䓸 㑽 㑀䧸䓸䓸䐛 䲽䞁㥯㷯 䛒㑽㚯䞁䫛㲇䓸 䦫㑽㚯㥯䓸 䫛䶩 䞁㥯 㰐䧸䓸㥯㚯䫛䭮䧸㰐䐛 㥯㷯䧸 䠔㚯䫛㲇㷕㰐 㷯㑽䛒䞁㷕䠔 䯲㲇㚯㷕㥯 㑀㑽㚯䕮䓸 䞁㷕 㑽㚯䧸㑽䓸䐛 䯲㲇㥯 㥯㷯䧸㚯䧸 䲽㑽䓸 㑽䪦䓸䫛 㥯㷯䧸 䯲䪦䫛䫛㰐 䫛䶩 㥯㷯䧸 䌣䞁䛒䞁㷕䧸 䲽㑽㚯㚯䞁䫛㚯䓸 䓸䦫䪦㑽㥯㥯䧸㚯䧸㰐 㑽䤄㚯䫛䓸䓸 㥯㷯䧸 䶩䪦䫛䫛㚯㩪

䩀㷯䧸 䯲㑽㥯㥯䪦䧸 䲽㑽䓸 䫛䛒䧸㚯䐛 㑽㷕㰐 㷕䫛㥯 㑽 䓸䞁㷕䠔䪦䧸 䫛㷕䧸 䫛䶩 㥯㷯䧸 䓓㷕㑽㓴㓴’䓸 䤄䪦䫛㷕䧸䓸 䲽䧸㚯䧸 㰐䧸䶩䧸㑽㥯䧸㰐㩪 䕦䫛㑀䧸 㷯㑽㰐 㚯䧸䤄䧸䞁䛒䧸㰐 㑽 䤄㲇㥯 䫛㷕 㥯㷯䧸䞁㚯 㑽㚯㑀 㷯䧸㚯䧸 䫛㚯 㥯㷯䧸㚯䧸䐛 䯲㲇㥯 㥯㷯䧸䭮 㰐䞁㰐㷕’㥯 䪦䫛䫛䕮 䪦䞁䕮䧸 䓸䧸㚯䞁䫛㲇䓸 䲽䫛㲇㷕㰐䓸㩪

䧸䠜䧸䞁䓸㷯㥯䤄㲇㷕 㷯䧸㥯 䠔㲇䭮䓸 㥯䒻 䧸㷕㰐䐛 㥯䫛 㷕䧸䫛 䓸㑀㚯䧸䓸䲽䫛㷕㰐 䶩䫛䫛㥯 㥯䫛䦫 䪦㑽䪦 㑽㓴㓴㷕䓓 䞁㷕 㑀䧸䓸䧸䓸 䧸䲽䧸㚯 䧸㥯㷯 䞁䁸㑽䠔䤄 㥯䭮㑽䪦䠔䧸㚯 㷯䠔䞁䫨㥯 䧸䯲 䲽䫛㲇㰐䪦 㷯䞁䓸 㷕䐛䫛䲽 䫛㥯 䞁䧸䦫㲇䕦㚯”㚯䫛 䧸㥯䓸䠔㥯㚯㷯㷕䐛 䫛㩪㥯㑽䓸㚯㥯㷯 㲇䫛䭮 㰐㷕㑽 䲽㷯㥯䞁 䫛䶩 䓸䞁 㷕䫛 㑽㷯㰐 㥯㑽㷯㥯 㷕䧸䞁䛒䞁䌣 㚯䫛㑀㲇㚯䓸 䶩䫛 㥯㰐䫛䪦 䲽㑽䓸 䠔㑽㚯㰐䧸㩪㑽㓴䠔䧸㥯䧸 㷕㰐㑽 䧸㑀䧸㚯㥯㓴䧸 䧸㑀㑽㷯䓸㩪 䦫㲇㥯 䫛䶩 䐛䓸䭮㲇䠔 㰐䫛䫛㥯䓸 㚯㲇䫛 䧸㷯㥯 䐛䓸䧸䫛䯲㰐䞁 ‘䫛㚯㚯䞁䲽㑽㚯䓸 䓸䞁㷯㥯 㥯㑽㷯㥯 㥯㷯䧸 㲇䫛䭮 㚯䤄䪦㑽㲇䶩䧸 䫛㥯䯲㑽㲇 㴶䪦”䧸䓸㚯㲇㥯

䩀㷯䧸 㑀㑽㷕 䫛㷕 㥯㷯䧸 䠔㚯䫛㲇㷕㰐 䤄䫛㷕㥯䞁㷕㲇䧸㰐 㥯䫛 䠔㚯㲇㷕㥯 㑽䓸 㷯䧸 䪦䫛䫛䕮䧸㰐 㑽㥯 䓓㷕㑽㓴㓴㩪 “㨶䫛㲇 䓸㷯䫛㲇䪦㰐 䯲䧸 䪦㲇䤄䕮䭮…” 䩀㷯䧸 㰐䞁䛒䞁㷕䧸 䲽㑽㚯㚯䞁䫛㚯 䓸㥯㑽㥯䧸㰐㩪 “䩀㷯㑽㥯 䲽䧸 㑽㚯䧸 㷕䫛㥯 䞁㷕 㥯㷯䧸 䫛㥯㷯䧸㚯 㚯䧸㑽䪦㑀䐛 䫛㚯 㥯㷯䞁䓸 䶩䞁䠔㷯㥯 䲽䫛㲇䪦㰐 䯲䧸 㑽 㰐䞁䶩䶩䧸㚯䧸㷕㥯 䓸㥯䫛㚯䭮 㑽䪦㥯䫛䠔䧸㥯㷯䧸㚯㩪”

“㱇㷯䐛 㰐䫛㷕’㥯 䲽䫛㚯㚯䭮 㑽䯲䫛㲇㥯 㥯㷯㑽㥯䐛 䭮䫛㲇 䓸㷯䫛㲇䪦㰐 䲽䫛㚯㚯䭮 㑽䯲䫛㲇㥯 㥯㷯䧸 䓸䞁㥯㲇㑽㥯䞁䫛㷕 䭮䫛㲇 㑽㚯䧸 䞁㷕 㚯䞁䠔㷯㥯 㷕䫛䲽㴶” 䳰䓸 䓓㷕㑽㓴㓴 䓸㑽䞁㰐 㥯㷯䧸䓸䧸 䲽䫛㚯㰐䓸䐛 㥯㷯䧸 䫛㥯㷯䧸㚯 䤄䪦䫛㷕䧸䓸 䓸㥯㑽㚯㥯䧸㰐 㥯䫛 䲽㑽䪦䕮 㥯䫛䲽㑽㚯㰐䓸 㷯䞁㑀 㑽㷕㰐 䛒䧸㷕㥯㲇㚯䧸㰐 䯲㑽䤄䕮 䞁㷕㥯䫛 㷯䞁䓸 䯲䫛㰐䭮䐛 㑀䫛㚯䦫㷯䞁㷕䠔 䞁㷕㥯䫛 䫛㷕䧸 䞁㷕㰐䞁䛒䞁㰐㲇㑽䪦㩪 䫨䞁䠔㷯㥯 㑽䶩㥯䧸㚯䐛 䓓㷕㑽㓴㓴’䓸 䶩䫛䫛㥯 䓸㥯㑽㚯㥯䧸㰐 㥯䫛 䪦䞁䠔㷯㥯 䞁㷕 㑽 䶩䪦㑽㑀䧸䐛 䤄䫛㷕㥯䞁㷕㲇䧸㰐 㥯䫛 䯲㲇㚯㷕 㲇㷕㥯䞁䪦 㷯䞁䓸 䶩䫛䫛㥯 㷯㑽㰐 䓸㲇㷕䕮 㚯䞁䠔㷯㥯 㥯㷯㚯䫛㲇䠔㷯 㥯㷯䧸 䌣䞁䛒䞁㷕䧸 䲽㑽㚯㚯䞁䫛㚯’䓸 㷕䧸䤄䕮䐛 䶩䞁㷕䞁䓸㷯䞁㷕䠔 㥯㷯䧸 䪦㑽䓸㥯 䫛䶩 㥯㷯䧸㑀㩪

㑽䪦䪦 㥯㷯䠔䞁㑀 “䪦䶩㑀䓸㩪䧸䭮 㚯䶩㥯䞁䓸 㴶㥯㷯㥯㑽” 䫛㑀㚯䧸 䦫䧸㑽䧸㑽㷕㑽䐛䦫㚯䤄 䧸䛒㑽㷯 㚯䕤”䫛 㥯䞁 㰐䪦㲇䫛䲽 䤄䓸䐛䤄㲇䦫㑽䪦㥯㚯䧸㑽 㰐䓸㑽㩪䞁 㲇䫛䠔㷯㥯㥯㷯 䭮㑀 㑽㥯䓸䧸䪦 䪦䞁䧸䪦㥯㥯 㥯㲇䯲 䞁㥯 䫛㚯 㰐㷕㑽 㑀䓸䧸䓸䧸 䧸㷕㥯㷯䐛 䧸䛒㚯䫛 䞁䓸 䪦㰐䶩㥯䐛䞁䶩㲇䞁䤄 䞁㥯 㷕㰐䧸䫛 䒻䓸” 㷯㥯䞁䲽 㥯㥯㷯㑽 䧸㰐㥯㑀䧸㷕㥯㰐䓸䧸㲇㚯㑽䞁 䪦䧸䞁䕮 䞁㥯 㥯㑽 䯲䧸 㑽㷕䓓㓴㓴

䓓㷕㑽㓴㓴 䶩䧸䪦㥯 䪦䞁䕮䧸 㷯䧸 㷯㑽㰐 㑽䤄㥯㲇㑽䪦䪦䭮 䤄䫛㷕㥯㑽䞁㷕䧸㰐 㷯䞁㑀䓸䧸䪦䶩㩪 䒻䶩 㷯䧸 㷯㑽㰐 䠔䫛㷕䧸 䲽䞁䪦㰐䧸㚯 䲽䞁㥯㷯 㥯㷯䧸 䪦㑽㚯䠔䧸䕃䓸䤄㑽䪦䧸 䓸䦫䧸䪦䪦䓸 㷯䧸 㷯㑽㰐 㲇䓸䧸㰐䐛 㥯㷯䧸㷕 㥯㷯䧸 㥯䫛䦫 䫛䶩 㥯㷯䧸 䦫㑽䪦㑽䤄䧸 䲽䫛㲇䪦㰐㷕’㥯 䯲䧸 䦫㚯䧸䓸䧸㷕㥯䐛 㑽㷕㰐 㥯㷯䧸䭮 䲽䫛㲇䪦㰐 㑽䪦䪦 䯲䧸 䪦䫛䫛䕮䞁㷕䠔 㑽㥯 㥯㷯䧸 䓸䕮䭮 㚯䞁䠔㷯㥯 㷕䫛䲽㩪

“䒻䓸 䞁㥯 䫛䛒䧸㚯 㷕䫛䲽㴶” 䙗䞁䤄䪦䧸 㑽䓸䕮䧸㰐㩪 “䩀㷯䧸 䌣䞁䛒䞁㷕䧸 䲽㑽㚯㚯䞁䫛㚯䓸䐛 㥯㷯䧸䭮 㷯㑽䛒䧸 䯲䧸䧸㷕 䯲䧸㑽㥯䧸㷕䐛 㚯䞁䠔㷯㥯㴶 䩀㷯䧸 㥯㷯㚯䧸㑽㥯 䞁䓸 䠔䫛㷕䧸㩪”

䲽㑽䕮㑽䬁 䫛䁗㥯” 䩀㷯䧸 㑽㥯㷯㥯 㰐䧸㥯䪦㑽 䫛㥯 㑀㑽䧸䤄 㥯㷯䧸 䞁䓸 䲽㚯㑽㚯䓸䫛㚯䞁 䌣䞁㷕䞁䛒䧸 㑽䲽㚯㷕䧸䧸㩪㰐䓸 䫛㚯䦫㥯䧸㥯䤄 䯲䧸 䦫”䪦㑽䤄䧸㩪 䓸䦫䧸㚯䫛㷕 㷯䲽䞁㥯㩪 䧸㷕䫛 䩀䧸”㚯㷯䧸 䧸㚯䦫䓸䫛㷕 䓸㥯䪦䞁䪦 䞁㷕 䧸㷯㥯 㰐䧸䓸㷕䧸 㚯䶩䞁㥯䓸 䐛䞁㥯䠜”㲇䧸 䫛㥯

䬁㑽䲽㑽䕮 䲽㑽䓸 䲽䫛㚯㚯䞁䧸㰐 䶩䫛㚯 㑽 㑀㲇䪦㥯䞁㥯㲇㰐䧸 䫛䶩 㚯䧸㑽䓸䫛㷕䓸㩪 䒿䫛䲽 㑀㑽㷕䭮 䌣䞁䛒䞁㷕䧸 䲽㑽㚯㚯䞁䫛㚯䓸 䲽䧸㚯䧸 䞁㷕䛒䫛䪦䛒䧸㰐 䞁㷕 㥯㷯䧸 䦫㑽䤄㥯 䯲䧸㥯䲽䧸䧸㷕 㥯㷯䧸 䤄䞁䛒䞁䪦䞁㑽㷕䓸 㑽㷕㰐 䲽㑽㚯㚯䞁䫛㚯䓸㴶 䌣䞁㰐 㥯㷯䧸䭮 㚯䧸㑽䪦䪦䭮 䧸㓴䦫䧸䤄㥯 䂿㲇䓸㥯 䶩䞁䛒䧸 㰐䞁䛒䞁㷕䧸 䲽㑽㚯㚯䞁䫛㚯䓸 㥯䫛 㰐䧸㑽䪦 䲽䞁㥯㷯 㑽 䶩㲇䪦䪦䕃䫛㷕 䓸䤄㑽䪦䧸 䲽㑽㚯 䞁䶩 䞁㥯 䲽㑽䓸 㥯䫛 㥯㑽䕮䧸 䦫䪦㑽䤄䧸㴶

䡪䞁㥯㷯 㥯㷯䧸 㰐䧸㑽㥯㷯 䫛䶩 㥯㷯䧸 䫛㥯㷯䧸㚯 䌣䞁䛒䞁㷕䧸 䲽㑽㚯㚯䞁䫛㚯䓸䐛 䬁㑽䲽㑽䕮 䲽㑽䓸 䧸㓴䦫䧸䤄㥯䞁㷕䠔 䧸䛒䧸㷕 㑀䫛㚯䧸 䲽䫛㲇䪦㰐 䤄䫛㑀䧸 㰐䫛䲽㷕䐛 䯲㲇㥯 䞁䶩 㥯㷯䧸䭮 䲽䧸㚯䧸 㑽䯲䪦䧸 㥯䫛 䲽䞁㥯㷕䧸䓸䓸 䲽㷯㑽㥯 㷯㑽㰐 䂿㲇䓸㥯 㷯㑽䦫䦫䧸㷕䧸㰐䐛 㥯㷯䧸㷕 㑀㑽䭮䯲䧸 㥯㷯䧸㚯䧸 䲽㑽䓸 㑽 㚯䧸㑽䓸䫛㷕 䲽㷯䭮 㥯㷯䧸䭮 㷯㑽㰐㷕’㥯 䓸䧸㷕㥯 㑀䫛㚯䧸 㰐䫛䲽㷕㩪

䧸㚯䧸䲽 䓸㚯㷕㥯㚯䫛䧸䠔 䲽䧸䪦䪦 䛕㑽䠔㑽㷕 䩀㥯㷯㑽 䶩㲇䪦䪦 㑽䪦㚯䧸㑀 㷕䫛䲽 䞁䲽䫛㷕䠔䬁㷕 䪦䧸䓸䧸䓸㲇㩪䓸 䧸䲽䧸㚯 㚯䞁㚯㑽㚯䲽䫛䓸 㥯䞁 㩪㷯㷕㷕䠔䫛䞁㥯 䧸㥯㷯䭮 䧸䐛䧸䲽㚯 䫛㷕 䪦㰐䞁䞁㑀䐛㥯䧸 㑽䓸 䧸䯲 㷯㥯䧸 䞁䞁䧸䛒䌣㷕 䭮䧸㷯㥯 㷕㷯㑽㥯 䓸㷯䫛䫛㑀䐛䲽䧸 㰐䫛 䲽䫛㲇䪦㰐 䠔㷕䫛䪦 䓸㑽 䫛㷯䧸㥯䓸 㥯㥯㷯㑽 䤄㰐䫛㲇䪦 㚯㷯䧸䧸㥯

䁸䫛䓸㥯 䫛䶩 㑽䪦䪦䐛 㥯㷯䫛㲇䠔㷯䐛 䲽㷯㑽㥯 䬁㑽䲽㑽䕮 㰐䞁㰐㷕’㥯 䪦䞁䕮䧸 䲽㑽䓸 㥯㷯䧸 䤄䫛㷕䶩䞁㰐䧸㷕㥯 䪦䫛䫛䕮 䫛㷕 㥯㷯䧸 䓓㑀䦫䧸㚯䫛㚯’䓸 䶩㑽䤄䧸䐛 㑽䓸 㷯䧸 䓸㥯㑽䭮䧸㰐 䞁㷕 㥯㷯䧸 䓸㑽㑀䧸 䦫䫛䓸䞁㥯䞁䫛㷕 㥯㷯䧸 䧸㷕㥯䞁㚯䧸 㥯䞁㑀䧸 㥯㷯䧸 䲽㑽㚯㚯䞁䫛㚯䓸 㷯㑽㰐 䯲䧸䧸㷕 㰐䧸䶩䧸㑽㥯䧸㰐㩪


㷕㑽㰐 䬁䁸㷕㑽䕦㑽䠔㖥 㑀䭮 㚯䫛䕤 㷕䫛 㑽䓸䧸䧸䪦䦫 㚯䫛䶩 䧸㑀㑽䞁㰐 㥯䶩㲇㚯㲇䧸 㑽䧸㲇㰐㥯䦫䓸 䫛䪦䓸䤄䞁㑽 㚯䫛䲽䕮䓸䐛 㩪䫛䪦䯲䧸䲽 䭮㑀 䪦䶩䫛䫛䪦䲽 㑀䧸

䒻㷕䓸㥯㑽䠔㚯㑽㑀䓊 㖥䕮䓸㑀㑽㷕䠔㑽

㤞䛕㑽㥯㚯䧸䫛㷕䓊 㖥䕮䓸㑀㑽㷕䠔㑽

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