Dark Magus Returns

Chapter 1052: Finally Hurt

Chapter 1052: Finally Hurt

Raze was stuck fighting against his opponent, Mosak, and although he hadn’t suffered any major injuries in the fight so far, mainly due to his revitalized body along with Belil’s Qi, it was a battle he could see himself on the path to losing.

He was using far too much Qi in the fight and yet wasn’t doing any significant damage. Still, there was one thing that had worked so far-the Dark Edge Sword Arts. Even now, the Dark Edge Sword Arts, a combined creation of Belil and the Dark Faction founder, were having an effect.

The fifth formation was the only technique so far that had managed to scratch Mosak. If that worked, then the only thing Raze could truly rely on right now was more of the Dark Edge Sword Arts formations.

Lifting his sword into the air, Raze began the motions of the only other Dark Edge Sword Art formation he knew at the moment-the sixth formation.

“The 6th Dark Edge Sword Art formation: Dusk Wing Strike!”

The sword was raised above Raze’s head, pulsating with Qi flowing through the weapon. The energy began to form images at the sides of the sword as it pointed toward Mosak, with its flat side facing him.

The Qi started to form ethereal dark wings at the edges of the blade. The energy swirling around didn’t form solid images, but the faint shapes of wings still appeared near the weapon.

Then the Qi spread further, flowing through Raze’s body and emitting out from his back. Just over his shoulders, the energy formed two small wings. They weren’t black but a dark orange in color.

“These techniques are always strange…” Mosak said, bending his knees and gripping his spear tightly, preparing for what was to come. “Techniques are usually just a single movement, a burst of energy, or a specific strike, but these seem to completely change the way the user fights, making it difficult for me to adapt.”

Mosak tightened his grip on the spear, and a pulse of energy spread through the area around him. The Qi continued to swirl around his body as he waited for the next move.

“I won’t be stopped here!” Raze shouted. The strange Qi over his wings twitched, and he accelerated across the field, leaving a trail of energy lingering on the ground.

Mosak’s power pulsed outward, but Raze’s form darted right through it. In a flash, Raze slashed his sword across Mosak’s chest, making a clean cut before Mosak could position his spear to block.

Mosak’s pulsating energy activated, but Raze had already exited the immediate area, appearing on the other side of the battlefield. Now at a distance, Raze began swinging his sword several times in the air, sending lines of Qi aura shooting forward.

Mosak spun his spear rapidly, blocking each of the attacks. The blows were heavy, forcing Mosak’s feet to shift on the ground repeatedly.

‘These attacks… it’s almost like external Qi. Is he producing it through this sword formation?’ Mosak thought. He stopped spinning his spear as the barrage ceased, only to see Raze high in the air.

Raze dove down fast, striking Mosak hard, though the attack was blocked. Before Mosak could counter, Raze was already out of range and back in the air. He began diving repeatedly, attacking from different angles at incredible speeds, constantly pressuring Mosak.

‘He can stay in the air as well… It’s making it difficult for me to use my techniques on him or to best him in hand-to-hand combat like before. This is getting tougher than I expected.’ As Mosak processed this, he gripped his spear with both hands, blocking another attack from Raze. The force of the blow pushed Mosak across the ground, sliding him back at least a hundred meters. It demonstrated the sheer power of Raze’s form as he quickly lifted into the air again before Mosak could unleash his pulsating power.

“If you’re going to be annoying and stay in the air like that, then I’ll just have to take out the entire sky!” Mosak declared. He held his spear tightly as Qi glowed through his entire body, spiraling around the weapon.

Circular formations of Qi formed around the spear as Mosak tracked Raze in the air. He didn’t need to aim precisely-this attack would strike regardless.

Mosak hurled the spear into the air, and as it ascended, the Qi rings around it began breaking off. Each time a ring broke, the spear grew in size. After the third ring shattered, the spear had become gigantic, nearly covering the entire sky.

Hurtling at incredible speed, the massive spear struck Raze directly, knocking him out of the sky.

The sheer size of the spear made it difficult to see the damage it caused, but from the ground, Beatrix had been watching everything unfold. As the spear disappeared, breaking apart into the sky, a momentary golden light illuminated the area. Then, she saw Raze falling from the sky.

His arms were limp by his sides as he plummeted, eventually crashing hard onto the ground. “Well, I think that’s the end of that. It took more Qi than I would have liked,” Mosak said, noting the wounds on his forearms and the cut across his chest. “I think I’d better check to ensure he’s really been defeated.”

Raze groaned, feeling a deep wound in his stomach. He pressed his hand over it, trying to lift his body. The attack had done far more damage than he anticipated, and he wasn’t sure he could stand.

“Crap… Mosak’s heading this way… and I’ve used everything. Nothing has worked,” Raze thought, grunting in pain. Despite his condition, he knew he had to rise. He didn’t want things

to end here.

Mosak smiled as he approached but suddenly stopped. Right in front of Raze, a man had appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

Both Mosak and Raze were stunned as they saw Zon standing between them. The question on Raze’s mind was clear: “How did he appear so suddenly?”

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