Dark Blood Age

Chapter 101

Chapter 101: Chapter 101 Outside Jin Ling City

Duan Danian was hesitant. What he was doing involved a lot of risks. He only went outside the city when there were hazy shimmers in the sky, and he would return to the city before the sky got completely dark.

The thing he was scared of the most, were monsters. Although this place was very close to the city, the monsters didn’t really care about his location.

Another thing he was scared of was that the group they robbed had powerful awakened humans. Once those people started to fight back, he would suffer huge losses, so it really wasn’t worth it to fight against those people.

“Boss, we need to leave quickly, I’ll tell you in detail once we get back.” Sun Qian clenched Duan Danian’s arm and urged him to make a decision. Chu Yunsheng’s armour and sword skill had a huge impact on his understanding of the strength of awakened warriors back in Kun City, not to mention that this guy never hesitated to kill anyone. Sun Qian didn’t want to risk his own life to test this guy’s temper at all.

“Hey… Hey!… Sun… You… coward… Coward. B-Bo… oss… don’t… listen to… him… We got… ten… Brothers… How co… come… we… can not not… Kill him!” said the skinny stammer. Ever since Sun Qian joined his group, the stammer’s position in the bandit group has gradually declined, so he didn’t like this guy at all.

While Duan Danian was still hesitant to make a decision, one of his men, who was on lookout, suddenly shouted, “Boss, the troops are here!”

“Retreat!” Duan Danian immediately made a decision and said. The people in the military did not like others causing troubles, especially this type of activity. Their punishment would be very heavy. So Duan Danian didn’t want to be caught by them. “You guys are lucky this time! Otherwise. Huh!” he snorted, pretending that it was because of the troops, not because of the fact that he was scared of Chu Yunsheng.

Sun Qian’s face twitched a few times when he heard what Duan Danian said. Duan Danian should be the one, who felt lucky. However, since those people have never seen this guy’s fight before, no matter how he tried to convince them, they still would not believe him. ‘Maybe it’s time to quit this group, I don’t know if the thirteenth master is still recruiting people.’ Sun Qian thought secretly.

Zhao Shanhe sighed with relief, he was finally at ease after the bandits began to retreat. Although there were six awakened warriors in his group, everyone was more or less injured.

But he was surprised that a person in the bandit group knew of Chu Yunsheng. With just a few words, everyone could feel that the person was scared of Chu Yunsheng.

Huang Renkuan on the other hand felt so frustrated. Why was the name of a government official less useful than Chu Yunsheng’s name?

“I did not expect that you would have such a high reputation. It even scared the bandits away.” Li Yue had a weird expression on his face. Just now, he was about to betray this group and join the other group. In the past, he relied on Zhao Shanhe to help him to get to Jin Ling City, but now he was almost there, so he was no longer concerned about that. He did not want to be killed by those bandits just because of some stupid reasons, so the best option for him was to join them, but he didn’t expect that those bandits, who were not scared of killing people, were scared of Chu Yunsheng.

Chu Yunsheng took back the sword without answering his question.

“We need to hurry up. It is getting darker now,” he knitted his brow and tapped the shoulder of Chui Yuquan, who was still shocked and was not able to react.

Chu Yunsheng didn’t know why he was very anxious. This place was very close to Jin Ling City, but why were there bandits killing and robbing people here? Did it mean that Jin Ling City’s situation was not very good?

What about his auntie’s situation? Since the telecommunications broke down, he has lost contact with them completely. Before the Dark Age began, he had tried to explain everything to his auntie, but not only did they argue with each other so many times, but his auntie and his friends also tried to destroy the ancient book and send him to see the psychiatrist. If it weren’t for the fact that something had happened to his uncle, and his auntie needed to return to Jin Ling City immediately, Chu Yunsheng probably would have already lost the book.

He started to regret the decisions that he had made in the past. Why he didn’t arrive in Jin Ling city earlier, or why he didn’t prepare everything in Jin Ling City instead of Shen Cheng City.

However, he was not God, and the ancient book didn’t tell him that Jin Ling City would be safe. Originally, he thought that the government would protect Shen Cheng City, since it was one of the most important cities in the country. He even tried to convince his auntie to move over, but he didn’t expect it to be the complete opposite.

Although he did see the military actions, and it did show that the government tried to do their best to protect the city. However, there were too many monsters! They couldn’t defeat them at all.

No one knew that the outcome would be this bad, and that the monsters would be this strong.

Although he was almost there now, he was not at ease at all. Instead, he was even more scared. He was scared of losing his family.

Dozens of military tanks soon roared past them. Huang Renkuan learned his lesson this time. He didn’t try to use his job title to stop the tanks. There were probably many other state officials in Jin Ling City, so using his job title would be useless right now.

As they kept moving, the Jin ling City’s first defence line finally appeared in sight. The defence line was made by metal wires and a lot of broken cars. The ground was covered with artillery craters, monster bodies, and human bodies. Some areas were still ablaze, and they could see soldiers screaming in pain. It seemed like they had just had a fierce fight.

There were some newly built concrete cylindrical defence towers not far from them, and they were spread across the ground about one kilometer away from each other. Many of them were destroyed. Chu Yunsheng could vaguely see the military were organizing the soldiers to repair them.

At the same time, the hazy shimmer in the sky was slowly disappearing. All the refugees that came from everywhere around the country, started to increase their pace to pass the first defence line.

The military had a division specially assigned to guide those people how to go around the barriers and move towards the second line of defence.

But when Chu Yunsheng’s group approached the first line of defence, they suddenly felt the ground suddenly move violently! Chu Yunsheng was startled. With this magnitude, if it wasn’t the earthquake, then it left with only one possibility. It could possibly be the golden-shelled monster!

The quake started to become more and more violent. Lao Chui and others were shocked and stopped moving completely. Seeing this, Chu Yunsheng immediately shouted, “Run! Quick, run!…”

His shout immediately woke up everyone, and they all started to push forward. The group was instantly in disarray.

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