Daily life of a cultivation judge

Chapter 715 Leaving the deer mountain range (5)

Chapter 715 Leaving the deer mountain range (5)

Fang Wen was the next to leave along with administrator Mo Guang with the latter leaving to help Fang Wen familiarize herself with the post. Yang Qing would meet them later when the official from the Administration department arrived to formalize and complete the handover to Fang Wen.

Haishi, Bolin, Luo Meili, and Su Jinjing left an hour later after Meifeng made them repetitively promise to keep in touch with her and if they could, to visit her when they could. Finally, only Gu Xing and Yang Qing were left.

“Don’t put on that face..” Yang Qing said with a soft smile as he saw Meifeng with a fragile look with tears just about to fall.

“Must you leave? You could stay..” she weakly said with an imploring look though she quickly looked down with a guilty look.

Yang Qing looked to Gu Xing for help who conveniently pretended she was discussing something of importance with the diamond beetle. Yang Qing didn’t know why but other than him, the diamond beetle seemed to have struck a connection with Gu Xing, and her with it.

“I can’t, Meifeng as much as I would want to stay, there are things I need to do, things that I left, friends and family to check on, promises to keep, and expectations to meet. It would be hard for me to just abandon all that..” Yang Qing softly said as he brushed Meifeng’s hair.

“I know..it’s just..” Meifeng paused as she used all her willpower to contain the dam of tears that were threatening to break away.

“Ever since Lady Gild went, Adler, the Badger, and now….” she paused slightly as she clutched her robe tightly.

“And now you.. I know I’m being unreasonable but the thought of being alone again after the time we have had…?it..it terrifies me. I feel like this dark hand big enough to cover the sky is stretching its hand toward me to steal from me… again..I know it doesn’t make any sense..”

“It does..” said Yang Qing which prompted Meifeng to look up.

“It does..” he added.

Gu Xing who seemed slightly hesitant about something, seemed to have steeled herself as she hesitantly said, lacking any of her regal bearing,

“If you don’t mind, I could always visit regularly if you want..”

“See you are not alone.. you also have a skylark, diamond, and crescent to keep you company..” added Yang Qing as he beckoned the three creatures over and handed them to Meifeng who received them in her arms.

“And we can always talk on the communication talisman..” he added.

Meifeng alternated her gaze between the two of them before she finally said,

“Thank you..”

“Thank you too, Meifeng. I’ll also ask a senior of mine if there is a way to extend the distance which you can send your clone from your main body. If there is, maybe you could visit me, and Meili and Jinjing and see where we work..”

“Really?!” Meifeng excitedly asked as she tightened her hold over the three creatures. The diamond beetle was okay because of its sturdy body but the crescent moon-winged moth, and the serenity river melody skylark were not as sturdy and couldn’t help but let out voices of protest toward the excitable Meifeng, who smiled in embarrassment as she tried to appease the duo.

“It’s not a guarantee, but I will ask..” answered Yang Qing as he remembered the auspicious wood grove tree that could explore the entire continent with a clone, granted it was already at the soul formation realm, but who knew, maybe he had unfathomable means to help Meifeng.

If it wasn’t for the sense he got that Meifeng would likely not agree to leave the area because of her attachment to it, and the memory it holds for her, and also his inability to replicate the effects the mysterious man created on the pond next to her, Yang Qing would have invited her to move to his abode at the Order.

“If senior auspicious wood grove doesn’t have a way, I could always just make the offer and see if she agrees..” thought Yang Qing.

He could already imagine how great it would be for her there. She would never fear the loneliness she felt here.

Once he saw Meifeng had settled down, Yang Qing turned his gaze toward Gu Xing as he said,

“I take it you will be staying for a bit..”

Gu Xing looked to Meifeng first who was already humming about all the adventures she would have if she could extend the range of her clone. Sensing Gu Xing’s gaze, Meifeng responded.

“I’d love it if you could stay, and tell me more stories, especially about the mountain-shattering squirrel. Lady Gild said other than Adler, that squirrel was the only other spirit beast that was able to get under her skin as Adler..” she said with a hearty laugh.

“I would love to..” Gu Xing said with a smile of her own.

“It seems I’ll be staying…” she added as she turned her gaze back to Yang Qing.

Yang Qing couldn’t help but admit that Gu Xing had a beauty that crossed and subverted gender and even species.

“What? You thinking of inviting me to be your dao companion?” she asked with a teasing smile.

Yang Qing almost choked, before he reddened with embarrassment when he saw her smile triumphantly.

“You’d make a great match..” Meifeng innocently added at the side with her gaze alternating between the duo.

“See what you’re doing. You’re already poisoning her young mind..” said Yang Qing with an aggrieved tone.

“Fine, fine..” dismissively said Gu Xing.

“Whoever she is, she is lucky..” she added with a meaningful look that seemed like she could see through Yang Qing.

Yang Qing unwilling to continue with that line of topic said, .

“What we agreed on earlier, be careful out there and in case of anything don’t forget to reach out to the branch or to me..”

“I will, and don’t forget to tell me what you find..”

“I will..”

Yang Qing exchanged a few words with the two before he made his way to the branch for the handover.

By the time he arrived, Fang Wen had already been given a wholesome induction by the seasoned Mo Guang and already knew the ins and outs of the branch, all that was left was the arrival of the administrator who would handle the handover of the rights from Yang Qing to Fang Wen.

As they waited, Yang Qing decided to share all the findings he had made during his stay including his suspicions of the undercurrent brewing within the Deer Mountain Kingdom and the range as a whole. He also informed her of what he told Gu Xing about seeking help from the branch at the slightest sign of trouble, to which Fang Wen readily agreed to. She seemed to know a thing or two about the sacred flame swan’s ability to sense trouble.

“I wonder what Ji Shun’s reaction would be if he knew all this was brewing in his home. He always felt this place was too peaceful which was why he left in the first place, but in as much as he loved fighting, the peace of this place was one of the things he loved about it. Even his leaving, in part, was to chase after bigger adventures but another, was to preserve the harmonious spirit that was here, which couldn’t have been done had he been here..

I can’t help but wonder how things would have played out had he remained…”

Yang Qing sighed as he said,

“Who knows, maybe the Deer Mountain Kingdom wouldn’t have existed, or whatever card they have would have likely been forced then, but alas we will never know, all we can do is deal with the here and now.

Hopefully, the array is completed in time..”

Fang Wen nodded as time slowly passed by. It wasn’t long before the administrator arrived, and the handover process was completed swiftly with the tokens and control of the branch being completely handed over to Fang Wen.

“No wonder Hao Da didn’t want to leave the branches..” thought Yang Qing as he felt a slight heaviness in his heart when the process was complete.

All present including the administrator who had come, shared a meal, before finally, Shi Hai was picked up by Ye Xun who took him back to the White Baobab Kingdom, while he, Luo Meili, and the rest who had joined him over, rode the flying ferry the administrator took to get here. It was both faster and safer than riding back with Ellie as the ferry was a flying fortress capable of providing them protection against early-stage domain experts.

Yang Qing leaned over the starboard with lingering sighs as he saw the Deer Mountain Range fade from sight.

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