Daily life of a cultivation judge

Chapter 559 The obstinate couple

Chapter 559 The obstinate couple

“They are..” answered Yen Xu.

“Figures..” Yang Qing said with a sigh as complex emotions flashed through his eyes when he looked at the two of them.

lightsΝοvεl ?οm One inquisitor had died at their hands and was even eaten at that, but the circumstances that led to it were anything but simple.

“Why am I here?” asked Yang Qing in confusion as he deactivated his runes.

The case of the two obsidian serpents had already been decided. They would be deployed to the various branches of the Order around the continent for the rest of their lives. Their fates were already sealed, and of the branches they would work at, he knew the Deer Mountain Branch would definitely not be in consideration.

With the bad blood already created between them and the members of the Branch, it would be cruel to have the obsidian serpents have any interaction with them, and even if Hao Da and the branch chief had no issue with it, which they likely would considering they lost two of their colleagues, there was also the Deer Mountain Kingdom to consider who had lost three princes with one of them surviving.

The Kingdom would likely take issue if they realized the culprits responsible for the losses they suffered were still alive and well within their territory and at the Order’s intervention no less.

It was safer to send them to a place far away from here.

“Before their placement is decided by the Judicial Review Committee, it was decided that they would be held here for the time being, and as such, as the Branch Chief, they are now under your purview.

Take this..” Yen Xu said as she handed Yang Qing a miniaturized version of the bull frog statue that had just swallowed them.

“This is the key to getting here and it also controls this pocket space and the luminous starfall array that is used to bind and seal the two of them..

The method to controlling the array is in there, just insert your spiritual sense. The method for controlling the array and refining the token is imprinted there..”

Yang Qing was a bit dazed from the sudden information but he quickly did as he was told and inserted his spiritual sense into the bullfrog token.

A monosyllabic script appeared in his mind which then rearranged itself into an incantation that Yang Qing was able to easily memorize.

Yang Qing executed the incantation as inscribed and within a few minutes, he was able to gain control of the pocket space in the area.

With the token as a medium, he could now tell how powerful the luminous starfall array was. As powerful as the two obsidian serpents were, with the power of the array at his fingertips, Yang Qing felt it would take no more than a single breadth to end their lives, destroying both their body and soul.

Everything within the pocket space was under his control.

“That bullfrog must be an ascendant-grade artifact with space-bending attributes..” Yang Qing muttered to himself as he stored away the token.

From start to finish, the elderly man and the woman didn’t so much as speak as they coldly stared at the duo though they seemed to avoid looking at Yen Xu with their gaze permanently fixated on Yang Qing.

“Have they spoken at all?”

“Just once, when we captured them. They said they would kill us, and were pretty vivid on the details, but after that not a single word..”

Yang Qing furrowed his brows when he heard that before he let out a sigh of exasperation.

“I know this doesn’t mean much but I am sorry for the loss you suffered…”

As Yang Qing said that, the two cold emotionless couple had a shift in their expressions, especially the woman whose eyes blazed with fury.

“If you’re sorry why don’t you release us and remove the seals binding us or offer your life up for killing our daughter?” the elderly woman coldly said her tone filled with sarcasm.

“I am afraid I can’t do that. I happen to like my life more than most and as for releasing you, when the time comes, you will be released, well not completely but some version of it..”

“You humans are just the same, greedy. Your clothes, looks and demeanor may be different but underneath that skin of yours, you are all the same; greedy, self-serving, and unsatiable. Bringing nothing but chaos everywhere you go and we are the ones called savages.

You will pay for what you did to our daughter..” the woman calmly said as she released a dense killing intent and malevolent aura that was immediately doused out by the array as quickly as it appeared.

“While I won’t deny your claims about us humans, but we did not kill your daughter. I believe my companions told you that at the mountain before the fight started or after you were caught. Isn’t that right, senior Yen Xu..”

“We did..” Yen Xu curtly answered.

“Makes me wonder why you’re so fixated that we did it. You’re both late-stage palace realm experts, surely you must have keener senses to realize who murdered your daughter.

Whether it is through spiritual imprints that you may have placed on your daughter or your familiarity with her, it’s easy for you both to tell who did the deed, especially, when they didn’t have enough time to cover their tracks…”

The two obsidian serpents remained unresponsive to Yang Qing’s deductions still maintaining the same indifference.

“While we may have not killed your daughter, there is no doubt you killed one of our own, and injured three others.

You claimed a life so I would be within my rights to claim both of yours for the two inquisitors we lost..” Yang Qing coldly said.

His statement seemed to have gotten a rise out of the elderly man whose pupils flashed slightly before they went back to normal.

“You see, while I am sympathetic, there is another emotion in me that is stronger than that, which is vengeance.

There is a big part of me that is tempted to kill you here and now. From the guidelines I was given in my new role, and my interaction with you now, I am sure if I really pushed for it since there are grounds for it, you would get executed..”

“There’s really no need to mince your words, isn’t this what you all were after from the start? Everything contained with this body of mine which…”

The elderly man who had been silent all this while finally spoke. His tone was filled with fury, bitterness, and regret.

Yang Qing’s eyes shone at the statement made by the elderly man.

“Seeing what you have seen from the moment you were caught till now, do you think we have any interest in you? Others may, but we don’t?”

“Because you’re virtuous people, unlike other humans?” the woman scornfully asked.

“No, it’s because the blood and body of an obsidian serpent even one that is at the cusp of evolving to a flood dragon doesn’t hold much intrigue or value to us. Maybe if you had the bloodline of a true dragon we would be tempted, but even then it’s just a temptation, but as it stands you have nothing we want..”

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