Daily life of a cultivation judge

Chapter 479 Yang Qing tears up

Chapter 479 Yang Qing tears up

The trio took their time to finish their meals at the Thousand Flavors restaurant. Other than eating they also discussed a few things here and there, which mostly centered on their experiences at the places they were for coalescence.

After the meal, the trio headed toward the courts in search of Lei Weiyuan.

With their clearance levels, it would be impossible for them to gain access to the domain courts and especially the superior domain courts which was the highest level of domain courts.

To reach it, they could either do it via the Judicial Review Committee, however, that was too much hustle or they could go via someone who has access to the area, someone like Lei Weiyuan.

It didn’t take long for the trio to reach the building. Meng Chao had only talked about the matter with Yang Qing and Zhang Qingge, however, Dai Chen decided to tag along since he didn’t have anything else to do, and he too was close to Jiang Fu, the six of them were, though Zhang Qingge had the closest of relationships with him, however, whether it was Dai Chen, Yang Qing, or the rest, they would be just as invested in Jiang Fu’s case, particularly if there was a danger to his life.

The trio were soon in the big hallway of the court building where Lei Weiyuan was already waiting for them with his hands clasped behind his back with the same solemn appearance he always wore.

Yang Qing almost on reflex flinched before he regained when he saw him before he remembered he wasn’t missing work which drew a smug smile on his face as he sauntered off to meet with Lei Weiyuan.

“Thank you for meeting us supervisor Lei Weiyuan..” he gingerly said with life in his tone and steps.

Yang Qing seemed to derive some odd pleasure in this scenario, where it was a typical working day, but he didn’t have to work, and he could get to rub it on the face of his greatest nemesis. 𝚍n𝚘v𝚕.𝚝

Lei Weiyuan didn’t reply as he cast a deep meaningful glance at Yang Qing.

“What? The Committee said I have the month off..”

Yang Qing’s image of nonchalance and carefreeness immediately broke under Lei Weiyuan’s stare and was replaced by feigned calmness that had wariness mixed within.

“I know..” Lei Weiyuan calmly said before he turned to face the mimicry chaos sky metal flowing up the hall like pillars.

“Let’s go, Meng Chao is around, he will see you…” he added with his back facing them.

“What’s with him..” Yang Qing warily wondered as he maintained a relative distance from Lei Weiyuan.

Dai Chen and Zhang Qinggee exchanged looks with each other as they smiled at the interaction between the two.

As antagonistic as they seemed, they had the closest relationship. Lei Weiyuan was known to be generally stoic, however, all that changed whenever Yang Qing was involved. His change was even a surprise to his peers who had known him for quite a while.

Lei Weiyuan led them to the black-colored mimicry chaos sky metal which led to the domain courts.

The sensation was the same as what they felt whenever they used it to get to the palace courts. It was instantaneous and smooth, much better than using teleportation arrays that always left one feeling dizzy, hazy, and groggy after each trip, with the feeling compounded the greater the distance of travel.

The halls of the domain courts came into view.

Yang Qing’s eyes were wide open from the moment they stepped in. There was something he always wanted to confirm, his life’s ambitions and goals, and whether he was on the right track, and the halls could answer exactly that.

What he saw in the hallway, answered his question, and the answer it gave brought tears in his eyes, tears of gratification.

“What’s wrong?” Lei Weiyuan asked, showing an uncharacteristic concern in his voice, which was always absent whenever he interacted with Yang Qing.

Yang Qing who was too affected by what he saw to notice it, absentmindedly answered,

“It’s nothing much, I just felt my life being validated, and I couldn’t help but feel emotional..” Yang Qing answered as he wiped a few drops here and there with a gratified and thankful smile on his face as he admired the empty hallway.

The hallway was a complete ghost hall, just like what Yang Qing had always envisioned in his mind ever since he stepped into the congested hallways of the outer core courts.

He couldn’t believe his eyes, he had to rub them a couple of times to confirm what he saw wasn’t an illusion.

“Dai, Qingge, there is nothing in front of us, right?” Yang Qing asked.

He used voiceless transmission to communicate with them lest he alert Lei Weiyuan, who would more than likely find a way to ruin the moment for him in some way.

“It’s empty..” they both answered puzzled at Yang Qing’s odd question and the tearful smile after their answer.

“Dai, do you think the auspicious grove wood where Yang Qing was sent is that bad?” Zhang Qinggee secretly asked Dai Chen as she worriedly looked at Yang Qing’s current crying and smiling display.

“He really must have it tough there..” Dai Chen answered with an equally sympathetic and worried tone.

However, they both put their worry aside when Lei Weiyuan took them to another path way that led them to a different section.

From the moment they stepped in, they could feel a certain level of grandeur radiating from that section. A sense of solemness that incited awe from them.

Lei Weiyuan led them through one door that led them into a courtroom. The courtroom was smaller than Yang Qing’s courtroom even when he was in the core courts, if he compared the size, the courtroom he was in, seemed smaller. However, the small courtroom had a regal bearing that dwarfed every courtroom he had been in, several times over.

Just the materials used incited a greedy and flabbergasted look from Yang Qing. Every single material from the wood used on the judge’s podium, to the flooring, were all top-tier ascendant grade materials, that released the glamor and ethereal air that could only belong to them.

The room had a gentle cascading light coming from the rainbow crystalline glass above which created a smooth dim radiant lighting in the courtroom.

Yang Qing took a gulp at the resplendent look and emotions the room seemed to evoke in him.

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