Daily life of a cultivation judge

Chapter 474 Brook of clarity

Chapter 474 Brook of clarity

Before the early rays of the sun hit, Yang Qing was already wide awake.

“Thanks..” he said as he gently patted the trunk of the green flame tree. Its leaves swayed, with green flames around, almost as if in response to his gratitude.

“It seems it won’t be long now before your budding spirit fully forms and you undergo your spirit-forming tribulation.

I can’t wait..” Yang Qing muttered in expectation as he cast one last look at the tree, and then took out the blue tear-shaped stone that he had been given by the Judicial Review Committee, to help him get in the Requited Blissful Peak.

Prior to yesterday, Yang Qing didn’t know about the peak, but in terms of facilities around the Order, that did the same thing as the peak, he knew of a few. The tribulation mountain, where they went to break through, had special places, to help strengthen the mind, before the onset of their tribulation to increase their odds of success in surviving it.

Yang Qing nestled the stone between his thumb and index finger feeling its coolness, before he finally input a bit of his qi.

A cool azure was instantly produced from the stone, as countless runes were activated. The azure-colored breeze enveloped Yang Qing, and a second later, he had disappeared from where he stood.

Yang Qing’s vision blurred for a brief moment, and when it returned he was on a large land with green grass and a solitary tree at the center.

The tree was over a hundred meters tall and looked like it could blot out the sky. It had a golden brown color, with silver leaves that glittered when the rays of the sun hit it. It had fissures on its bark, that released a golden light, giving it an ethereal and mystical look.

Silently standing there it looked like the epitome of tranquility. Yang Qing felt like he could curl up and take the best nap he could ever have beneath its shade.

“What’s your name young one?”

Just as Yang Qing was about to lose himself in the endless sea of imagination of how worthwhile sleeping next to the tree would be, he heard an ancient, gentle, and serene androgynous voice, sound in his mind.

“My name is Yang Qing, senior, I was sent here by senior Jia Bohai for help..” Yang Qing respectfully said as he cupped his fist toward the tree at the center.

Without being told, he knew the voice must have originated from it, the saint grade tree, the auspicious grove tree.

“Bohai huh, time sure flies, that kid who used to try and steal my leaves back then, has now become a leader..”

Yang Qing almost choked from shock, when he heard the auspicious grove tree’s words. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

He tried to picture the elder who looked like a wisened sage, stealing leaves from a tree, and the image was unique. Yang Qing hurriedly stifled the laughter that was brewing up from the thought.

“It seems you have not had an easy time..” the auspicious grove tree suddenly said.

Yang Qing was well on his way to say he was okay on reflex, however, Jia Bohai’s words from yesterday played in his mind.

“I am not..” he answered

“Care to share..”

The question came suddenly to him, which prompted him to pause in shock, but after collecting himself, he went on to explain the version of events that happened from when he met Ma Yuan, to its conclusion yesterday, and everything in between.

Yang Qing’s sharing took over an hour for him to cover everything. He was surprised by the ease with which he shared, the level of detail, and even his own perspective, and the questions he had hidden away in his heart.

He found himself revealing it to the tree, and every time he did, he felt the heaviness lighten.

“That is not an easy burden to carry, Yang Qing..” the auspicious tree comfortingly said.

Its trunk suddenly opened up, and a gentle flowing sound of water could be heard coming from within.

“Within me is the brook of clarity..while it won’t immediately erase all the guilt you’re feeling or the burden of the weight you carry from those events, it will help you see things clearly, the answer you know to be true but are not willing to accept it yet.

It will guide you to it. Though I need to warn you, the first few times you use it will not be easy on you, as all your doubts, and everything you saw will be brought out to bear, and you’ll have to continuously face them, before you can see through them..”

“You can take your time and go in when you’re ready. There’s no need for you to do so at this instant..” the tree added.

Yang Qing hesitated for a bit before he decided to take his time beneath the shade of the auspicious grove tree.

He only got up from it, when he felt he was sufficiently ready to interact with the brook of clarity.

He walked through the trunk and was amazed by the sight he saw. He felt like he had been transported to another world.

There was a small brook with pristine crystal clear water, gently flowing down a hill, surrounded by smooth pebbles to the side, that had undergrowth of their own.

There was small vegetation around, rabbits, short trees, birds, a small slope on the horizon, and a gentle cascading light of the sun that lit the region.

The lighting was dim, like that of the sun falling through a dense canopy, while the air was cool and refreshing, because of the brook below. There was a silence of nature to it. .

“You can choose any spot next to the brook. You only need to look at it, and the rest will take care of itself..”

“Thank you for the reminder, senior..” said Yang Qing as he walked around? the area, trying to find the perfect spot.

He eventually found one, which had just the right amount of warmth from the sun rays, and gentle cool breeze from the brook.

He sat in a lotus position next to the brook as he hesitantly looked at it. When he did, he saw his reflection, the rocks below, and a reflection of his surroundings, but before he knew it that image changed, while his eyes, turned into crystal clear.

His eyes had turned into the brook itself.

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