Daily life of a cultivation judge

Chapter 472 Checking in on starlight

Chapter 472 Checking in on starlight


The day was still young after he left the restaurant, so he decided to head back to his abode and check on the starlight crab.

Ever since he came back with it, he has been up and down, from the ceremony to the entrance exams, to Ma Yuan’s case, that he barely had any moment to check on it.

He had brought it back due to its lack of interest in food, and its foolhardy nature. It was about one of the few spirit beasts that he noticed didn’t fear Ellie despite being weaker than it, and in terms of bloodline superiority, Ellie as a cloud-swallowing kite, had a noble bloodline that could be tied to the lineage of the Yuan bird but despite, the starlight crab still dared attack it back then.

Yang Qing hoped to train it a bit and use it as a guard in his pond to prevent Ellie from constantly stealing his fish when he was not around which was why he even went to the extent of giving it the wisdom pearl of a first-stage palace realm cyclone arc prawn.

Yang Qing walked over to the pond starlight was staying and found it immobile with its smooth white carapace filled with mots of light in the shape of stars, standing out in the crystal clear pond, adding a radiant beauty to it.

Ignoring its stubborn nature, when it came to outward appearance, the starlight crab stood out even more than the celestial nesting weaver.

“It seems to have improved its cultivation base..” Yang Qing muttered to himself as he closely examined the changes that happened to the starlight crab’s body.

When Yang Qing met it, it was at the fourth stage of the core formation realm, but now it had already reached the fifth stage and it was already stable.

Other than that, Yang Qing managed to detect a swirling wave in some of the stars on its carapace.

“It seems to be progressing rather well with the pearl..”

The violet pearl wisdom pearl Yang Qing had given it was neatly tucked away beneath its mandibles. It let out a gentle pulsating glow that seemed to synchronize with the light being let out by the stars on the starlight crab’s carapace.

An ethereal mystic light continuously surrounded its body, soaking it, with the greatest concentration being at its head.

The light was evidence of the starlight crab assimilating the insights contained in the wisdom pearl of the first stage palace realm cyclone.

Yang Qing went to his terrace and picked up one of his rattan chairs and came with it and sat next to the pond, as he waited for the starlight crab to complete its session of contemplation.

An hour went by before the starlight crab opened its eyes and in typical fashion, to the first time Yang Qing met it, it attacked first the moment it opened its eyes to detect someone next to it before it redirected its attack when it saw it was Yang Qing.

It let out strange sounds, which Yang Qing guessed was the starlight crab apologizing based on how awkwardly it was rubbing its claws together as it was making those sounds. b𝚍no𝚟l.

“Seems like you have a lot of energy. How about a match, we see how much of the wisdom pearl you have excavated..” suggested Yang Qing with an innocent smile.

The starlight crab flinched at his proposition as it clearly remembered how it had been effortlessly beaten by the flicker of a finger the first time they met.

It shriveled its body up, as it weakly waved its mandibles as if to say,

“Energy? What energy? Can’t you see how desiccated I am?”

Yang Qing ignoring its claims, pulled it out of the water, as he took it to the open field next to his courtyard.

“Don’t worry I won’t be attacking. I’ll only be defending..” Yang Qing said when he saw how it continuously let out pitiful noises.

“Where is the dauntless crab from before?” he wondered as he saw the increasingly shameless display of weakness it continuously showed.

However, it immediately perked up when it heard Yang Qing say he would only be defending. It made a few movements with its claws to confirm with Yang Qing if what he said was true, and when Yang Qing confirmed it was, a glint of delight that likely came from the prospect of getting revenge on Yang Qing flashed through its eyes, as it immediately attacked Yang Qing.

Yang Qing couldn’t help but shake his head with a bitter smile at its petty vindictive nature.

A wave of horizontal and vertical scythe-like golden streaks were immediately produced by the starlight crab each aimed at Yang Qing in a bid to slice him apart.

The sharpness and speed had increased a few notches from their last fight.

Yang Qing nodded at the increase, as he effortlessly swatted the golden streaks with ease with one hand on his chin and the other defending.

The starlight crab had a momentary pause of disbelief when it saw how easily its all-out effort had been dealt with before it produced more golden streaks as it darted all around Yang Qing to penetrate his defenses.

A storm of golden radiance constantly bombarded Yang Qing’s location. Some streaks were as long as an ocean tide, while others were as thin and unnoticeable as the sun’s reflection from a smooth surface.

“There’s more flexibility..good..” Yang Qing muttered as his hand turned into a blur shredding every single streak like he was parting fog.

The starlight crab used every attack and every trick it could muster to try and even scratch the hem of Yang Qing’s robes, but its attacks, no matter how powerful or well-hidden they were, were all effortlessly destroyed by Yang Qing’s hand.

“That’s enough..” Yang Qing said after thirty minutes in when he saw the starlight crab had almost completely expended its qi in its attacks.

“Your attacks have improved from where they were before. They were rigid which gave them more forceful power, however, they could be easily broken through when one knew where to hit.

Right now they’re more malleable and flexible, which increases the degree of variation and lethality to your attacks, while also increasing their endurance.

Good improvement starlight..If you keep working at it, you may one day be able to do this. Speed of light, heaviness of water..”

A small green droplet appeared from Yang Qing’s finger and in it was a swirling red, golden light.

The starlight crab only glanced at it for a second, before it felt its vision change. One minute it was in the vast grassland, the next it was lying on its back beneath the pond, with its body trembling all over.

It felt like it had been smashed by an ocean. Its body ached all over before that pain transformed into one of relief and comfort. All the fatigue and pain in its muscles instantly disappeared, as a sense of pleasure and ease washed over them, and the qi it lost, was instantly restored, it could even feel the mental strain it had transform into relaxation.

“Who is that human? Will i ever land a hit?” it wondered as it slowly got up and secretly glanced at Yang Qing who was sprawled on a chair by the terrace.

After staring at him for quite sometime, it went back to the bottom of the pond, as it contemplated the sensation it felt when its body was hit by the green droplet.

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