Daily life of a cultivation judge

Chapter 466 Medical Valley

Chapter 466 Medical Valley

The Medicine Valley is considered one of the most important places in the whole Order. It’s because of its existence that the Order can conduct its affairs in maintaining some semblance of peace and structure around the continent, despite the severe manpower shortage and a large area to supervise.

Other than training, and using every resource they have to ensure the growth of all who step through their doors, the existence of the Medicine Valley was another key component towards the growth of the Order.

The cultivation world being as dangerous as it was, even with high talent coming through its doors, the Order would not have survived as long as it has, without the presence of the Medicine Valley, especially during the early years when the Order was just making its presence known.

Wars were still constant, and the Order was spread thinner than it was now, it had less manpower then, and its name did not have as much deterrent as it did now.

Its members were constantly in fights that left them injured, despite their skills. There was a limit to where skill could get you if you had enemies everywhere you turned, and within the rank of those enemies, there were those who had the same skill level as you, or those who were even stronger.

In such instances, you need something to ensure your survival, in case the artifacts and other means fail, and that something was the establishment of the Medicine Valley.

The Order poured countless resources, time, and thought into its establishment. It was done with the same care as the Institute.

They did mass recruitment, and constantly scoured the continent for those with wood, water element affinity, and special physiques that suited alchemy, herbology, or medicine. Delved into ruins, mysterious realms in search of lost legacies tied to alchemy and medical techniques, exploration of the Millionsfold treasure ocean, the Bestial churning sea, and the Blue Origin ocean in search of a variety of herbs and unique treasures, visiting forbidden grounds. They have continuously researched ways of merging different schools of cultivation with medicine, herbology, and alchemy. These included arrays, geomancy spirit beast zoology, and the like.

Domain experts and even soul formation experts were constantly involved in the planning phases, as they monitored every single aspect of it day and night.

Every measure possible was thought of and acted upon. The Order poured every resource and time it could get its hands on into creating a haven of life. Where no matter how bad the injuries, you could be a single breath away from death, but the moment you stepped into the Medicine Valley, you instantly regain your life, losing your body is nothing more than a flesh wound, poisoning and curses are nothing but allergies that the Medicine Valley can quickly remedy.

The Medicine Valley was meant to serve as an anchor to those from the Order. As long as it was there, no matter what happened out there, and how bad it got, the Valley provided comfort and solace to every Order member, because they knew as long as it existed, it was like they had a second life.

To date, no matter the heights it reached, the Order still continuously pumps more resources, and other things, to ensure its continual development and growth, till it becomes an unrivaled land of healing, one unlike any other, even capable enough to dwarf the Universal Saint Garden Sect, a rank 1 sect, unrivaled in its fame for healing techniques, especially its founder, who had a lucky encounter in a grotto and ate a fruit that modified his body to form three dantians matching three elements; water, wood, and earth. His medical techniques were unrivaled and renowned far and wide.

Yang Qing had never visited that rank 1 sect, but in his own biased opinion, he felt the Medicine Valley of the Order did not lose out to the Universal Saint Garden Sect.


It didn’t take them long to reach the Medicine Valley. Yang Qing used the teleportation array in his office to take him and Ma Yuan to the location.

The Valley was shrouded with millions of protection wards, but with his medallion, he got in easily. He also had a medical valley special token, courtesy of the valley master, in their bid to recruit him. It allowed him entry as he pleased, even in areas with stringent requirements.

The Valley was like his backyard. He even wondered how much latitude the Valley Master had been given in the area, for her to unilaterally give out something like that token easily with no oversight or vote.


Ma Yuan’s jaws dropped when he saw the Valley. Whatever he had imagined the place would look like, the place had completely subverted his imagination.

It required no introduction for him to know this was the Medicine Valley, even a blind man would know the moment they stepped in.

The area was true to its name, a valley, a verdant never-ending valley. It was saturated with dense spiritual qi, which was so dense to the point it had turned into a fine mist that had stunning colors produced from the gentle glow of the sun above.

The mist nourished the herbs below and invigorated the lives of all who stepped into the valley. Ma Yuan could feel a sense of calmness and tranquility from the moment he stepped in.

Whether it was the dense mist above, the musical chirp of birds, the flowing water from the rivers that were meandering all over the valley, or the gentle breeze. They all worked in concert to promote tranquility and serenity to all in the area.

Ma Yuan saw countless fields, some looked man-made and others looked like they were by natural occurrence. In each of them, the quality of the spiritual herbs was the highest he had ever seen.

The ethereal shine they had, the air they released around them, all clear markers that every single herb he came across whether it was the silver bitterweed, a mortal rank herb, the blue river dewberry- an earth rank herb, turtle starfall orchid- a sky rank herb, they all had one thing in common.

As per Ma Yuan’s judgment from extensive years as a farmer, he could tell that each one of them was at the utmost limit in quality one could achieve in them.

He took great pride in his skills in herbology, especially in the propagation and care of spiritual plants, but he felt that pride instantly shatter when he saw the countless fields before him.

There were thousands and thousands of fields filled with spiritual herbs as far as the eye could see, and every single one of them had the same degree of quality.

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