Daily life of a cultivation judge

Chapter 464 Ma Yuan Receives The News (1)

Yang Qing sighed as he stepped out of the teleportation portal within the administration hall of the headquarters.

Every branch’s teleportation array was linked to the headquarters via the administration hall. After arriving instead of feeling the relief he usually felt whenever he came back from field excursions, all he felt now was a heaviness throughout his whole body.

However, he firmed himself to do what needed to be done. If it wasn’t for the little brief respite at the former grounds of the now-removed Clear Sword River Sect, he wasn’t sure if he’d have the guts to do what needed to be done.

He went to the deployment department and completed the procedures for returning back, one of which was the removal of the protection of the saint-grade treasure, the Voyager Bell from him, so there could be space for others to use who may be leaving.

After he was done, he took out his communication talisman and called Zheng Hu to have him bring Ma Yuan to his abode so he could give him the news.

As he was making his way to the Deer Mountain branch, Yu Gen had already called him to inform him he had already taken Ma Yuan’s daughter, Ma Ling to the Medicine Valley to have her examined and have the damages done to her by the memory-altering gu, repaired.

Yang Qing could only hope the extent of the damage done to her wasn’t high to the point that she couldn’t even remember her father. He wasn’t sure Ma Yuan could take it along with the news of the loss of his wife.

Luckily, even if the damage was extensive, with the expansive means of the Medicine Valley, they would be able to restore her completely since they have dealt with countless cases similar to hers over the years.

Yang Qing slowly made his way to his abode. He had told Zheng Hu to bring Ma Yuan over after half an hour, which should give him enough time to prepare himself. Though the preparation part of it was just a lie he told himself, to give himself as much time as possible. 𝘰𝑣𝘭.𝗇𝓔t

He spent all that time sighing and changing seating positions on his terrace, trying to find the perfect posture, and the perfect seat to deliver the news. Like the seat, and the sitting position could somehow alleviate his nerves and maybe even help Ma Yuan receive the news better.

Sadly, after thirty whole minutes of trying, he failed to find it. With Ma Yuan having already been brought over, Yang Qing let out another sigh, one of the millions he had let out since the day started, as he resolved himself to just go with it.

Ma Yuan’s face and his whole body demeanor spoke of someone who was a bundle of nerves and anxiety.

Countless emotions flashed through his eyes, but only two were the loudest, that was worry and hope.

Zheng Hu had not told him anything on the way over, only that Yang Qing had come back and wanted to see him.

On the way over, all he could think of was from today, he would either be reunited with his wife and daughter, or he would get to experience a hellish torture that would be a thousand times worse than what he had experienced in the past seven years.

His heart drummed with every step he took till he saw Yang Qing’s abode, with his steps getting heavier and heavier. His ears started ringing, his palms sweating, he felt nauseous, his body was heating up, his tongue dried up, and his mind seemed to be blanking out.

He had envisioned this moment every single waking moment for the past seven years, and now that it was here, he felt like he couldn’t take it.

“Judge Yang Qing…” his voice cracked up as he greeted Yang Qing with a daoist salute.

“Please have a seat, Ma Yuan..” Yang Qing gently said.

Yang Qing infused his words with his qi which now had an increased calming effect thanks to the opportune transformation he had experienced earlier from the living organisms that were next to the courtyard of the sect master of the Clear Sword River Sect.

He hoped qi’s serenity effect, could help Ma Yuan, even if it was only just a little. The action seemed to have visible effects, as Ma Yuan’s hands stopped shaking, and he was less fidgety with his body movements, even though one could still see the anxiety in him, which was understandable.

“Ma Yuan, there’s no easy to say this, other than to just say it. Your daughter is alive, and we brought her back with us, however, there were some complications with her so I had her taken to our Medical Hall. They should be able to resolve whatever issues she has. I can guarantee that.

As for your wife..”

Yang Qing took a momentary pause before he decided to take the plunge,

“She was dead before we arrived. She died a month ago, and she left something for you..” Yang Qing somberly said as he took out the white jade talisman with her recording from his storage ring.

From the reflection of his eyes, Ma Yuan had frozen solid. At first, there was a slight smile, but when Yang Qing dropped the bombshell of his wife, his smile froze halfway along with his body.

His body twitched as his eyes rolled back.

“Seems like he has fainted..” muttered Zheng Hu with a somber expression.

Yang Qing sighed as he picked Ma Yuan up and went and placed him beneath the green flame tree. The green flame tree had refreshing and soul-soothing effects, along with restraining effects on mental demon seizures.

Yang Qing and Zheng Hu sat next to him in silence without saying anything as they waited for him to come to.

It took almost two hours before Ma Yuan regained consciousness.

The moment he came to, his face instantly paled with eyes wide open, lips and body trembling.

“She’s, she’s, she’s dead?!” he asked softly almost as if afraid if he said it loud enough he would trigger her death.

“She is..” Yang Qing softly answered.

Ma Yuan went into a daze as he softly muttered.

“Why?” over and over with his head facing downwards as his shoulders started trembling.

His voice chalked up, and tears started dripping from his ears.

“What did she leave me?” he weakly asked, with his face still facing the ground supported by his hand.

Yang Qing contemplated how to answer it before he said,

“Her final words, and her hopes for you..”

He gently slid the white jade talisman to his feet and he slowly left the area along with Zheng Hu.

They went to the terrace, leaving Ma Yuan to his thoughts and the talisman.

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