Daily life of a cultivation judge

Chapter 440 Binding The Ba She (1)


A bursting geyser of blood appeared suddenly from the Ba She’s massive eye, with Mo Liwei’s figure suddenly disappearing, as he reappeared at the other end.

The Ba She let out a ferocious cry as it wreathed in pain, which resulted in its gigantic body moving all over the place.

The cry created a storm, as it spewed out a bloody mist rain from its mouth. Just like before, thanks to Mo Liwei’s interference the bloody mist that was large enough to drown an entire city, vanished.

If it wasn’t for the metallic scent of blood that lingered in the air, one could easily assume that the huge blood mist wave was nothing more than an illusion.

“With Mo Liwei handling the defense, I have additional time to make it more versatile..” muttered Wei Ying as she took out a block of wood that had formation glyphs inscribed on it along with four empty triangular slots on each side.

The Ba She’s screams stopped after a few seconds while its slashed eye was instantly restored.

It stared warily at Mo Liwei as it geared up another attack. Its red scales opened up releasing more mist that had more purple than red.

From the flowery scent that came from it, it was no doubt poisoned. Other than that, a white fog was produced, along with crystal ice spears that had purple edges.

In its mouth, a high amount of energy was constantly being produced and condensed, as it looked to be brewing something.

Mo Liwei disappeared and reappeared in front of it, but as if it had anticipated his move, the Ba She, rapidly coiled itself at a speed that wasn’t expected from such a gargantuan body.

A large spray of blood instantly appeared where its head had been, only now what had been sliced apart wasn’t its head, but a part of its tail, which started regenerating albeit at a slow pace after being slashed by Mo Liwei’s strike.

The Ba She had coiled its body, burying its head deep within layers of its massively coiled body.

Mo Liwei unwilling to give up, launched more attacks at it creating hundreds of slashed wounds appearing at different parts of its body, causing an eruption of blood in its wake.

That blood produced was so high that a small blood pond formed beneath the Ba She, of course, due to its large frame, the pond may have well been a small puddle in comparison.

But even with the injuries continuously being inflicted on it, the Ba She endured it with a dense amount of energy continuously being gathered at the location where it had hidden its head.

No matter what Mo Liwei did, it refused to budge and just endured. The two sides seem to have been locked at a stalemate.

Mo Liwei’s speed may have increased tremendously, but the attack power though it had also experienced a significant increase, was not to the extent that it would allow him to run the massive Ba She through.

If it was not for the void energy coated on his spear, he had doubts if he could have easily punctured through the scales and part of its flesh as easily as he did, but even then with the help of the void energy, all he could do was pierce about 50 inches in, which was tiny considering how large the Ba She was.

While the damage was still significant, due to the number and the presence of the void energy that slowly ate away at its flesh, corroded its blood essence and qi, it still wasn’t much in the larger scheme of things, seeing how it was still able to heal the wounds he caused, and the place that seemed vulnerable was hidden beneath layers and layers of scales.

Dai Chen and Zhang Qingge, instantly stepped in as they launched attacks of their own to try and create a hole in its defense.

They could feel whatever it was brewing from its mouth wasn’t something they wanted to face.

A storm of attacks instantly flooded the coiled Ba She, with a rain of blood being produced in the wake of it but no matter how horrendous the attack the Ba She did not move, however, with the way things were going, it did not look like it could adopt the turtle technique indefinitely.

The wounds grew deeper and deeper with each passing second, and the three judges concentrated their attacks in one singular location of its body increasing the penetrative damage they could cause in the shortest amount of time.

It released a storm of purple-red mist and the crystal ice spears in an explosive attack to try and reduce their speed.

The ice crystal and the purple-red mist were not targetted but were instead released in all directions in an effort to surround its body like a form of outer protection and also hinder the movements of the three judges.

However, with Mo Liwei leading the pincer attack, he managed to create a clear path within that crystal ice spear storm, for the other two, and the three of them continued with their attacks.

With the way things were developing, it seemed it would only be a matter of time before they pierced a way through to its head.

Meanwhile, Wei Yin looked like she had just about finished carving the last glyph on a triangular block of wood that she inserted into the log littered with glyphs.

“Yang Qing, I’ll need your help to pump spiritual qi into my array, also I’ve added an assimilation rune that should allow the turtle dragon to incorporate your yang white flames.

I know it’s a lot but I need you to pump spiritual qi while also releasing the yang white flames, while I handle the binding part, which should make it easy for the three of them to behead it…” .

“Whatever you need, senior Wei Ying..”

When she had called him over for his help, he could more or less guess the reasons for it.

Wei Ying proceeded to place the log of wood into the central rune located at the center of the shell of the turtle dragon.

The moment it was in place the glyphs all lit up as green light traveled from the log into the shell lighting up other runes; four to be exact.

Wei Ying took out four other items from her storage ring. They were all materials that were in the monarch grade but one in particular drew Yang Qing’s gaze.

It looked to be a part of a turtle shell, and from the lingering energy it released, it seemed to have been taken from the shell of a turtle that was in the late stage of the palace realm.

The air around the scale seemed to weave and bend, as it released dense wood and water energy.

“Is that from an eighth-stage bluevine turtle?” Yang Qing curiously asked, as he hastily tried to cover up the slight gluttonous gleam in his eyes.

He, Feng Xin, and the king of the White Baobab kingdom had once each contributed 100 high-grade spirit stones and commissioned an information organization to compile a list of 1,000 spirit beasts and spiritual herbs that were famed for their tastes.

The list took four years to compile, and the trio sampled a few of the listed ingredients to confirm if that organization had done their job well, and they did.

The bluevine turtle had made it into the list.

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