Daily life of a cultivation judge

Chapter 425 Fulfillment Of The Sentence (2)

Just as he said this, the area where the sect master and the other elders were still had remnant white flames, that suddenly sparked at Yang Qing’s gesture and linked up to form a white net that ignited into a massive explosion.

The sect master and the other elders barely had any time to react as they hurriedly put up their defenses against the white flame lightning onslaught.

A massive ocean wave of white flames mixed with lightning swallowed them whole. Blue crystals filled with black-red corrosive mist could be seen slowly growing from within the ocean of white flame, desperately struggling against it.

Within that mist were the sect master and the nine elders with white red hair, and pale white skins that now had red runes covering them like totem tattoos. The red mist surrounding them seemed to originate from those runes.

They all had strained expressions as they continuously produced a blue crystalline ice and misty red substance that seemed to have corrosive effects to fight against the white flames that were threatening to consume them.

“POUR EVERYTHING!!”Sect master Zhao Ju roared in fury as she pushed herself to the point of bleeding from her eyes and ears, all for the sake of putting out the flames as fast as she could.

She could already feel that whatever Yang Qing was brewing was almost complete. The air around them had gotten more oppressive, and they felt as if a thousand suns were above them threatening to drop.

“How is this possible?!” Fu Ning had a listless look on her face as she looked above her.

Yang Qing’s eyes now looked like two blazing yellow suns, while the cosmos from before had gotten much grander and looked to be depicting the universe.

Behind Yang Qing there were 12 orbs; 9 looked formless, almost translucent, while three of them seemed complete. One of them was green and had the symbol of a flower on it and had the densest life force she had ever come across, while the other was blue-green, and one look at it made one feel they were in an all-encompassing water body, and the last orb was golden orange. It made one feel like it was a blazing star that birthed many suns.

Each of those formed orbs, made Fu Ning feel like she was looking at entire worlds. Her mind couldn’t even process what it took to form something like that.

Was this something a palace realm cultivator was supposed to be capable of?

Despair took hold of her as she gave up all forms of resistance.

“Luckily I managed to grasp this one in time….” Yang Qing muttered as the orb moved to the center of the cosmos.

“Sect master Zhao Ju, I hope in the next life, you can be a somewhat decent person, who doesn’t betray everything for power…goodbye Ice Emerald Sect..”

Yang Qing waved his palm downward almost as if he was pulling something from the heavens.

The cosmos vibrated and a dense golden light of flame poured down from it, down to the sect master, the elders, and their sect below. Dai Chen and the rest of the elders had already left the area when they sensed Yang Qing’s move.

Sect master Zhao Ju had a bitter smile on her face as she looked at the curtain of light that carried with it a pure force of destruction that seemed capable of blowing a hole through the planet.

Complex emotions flashed through her eyes as her journey seemed to flash through her eyes. She could see a young girl smiling at her gentle-looking woman making purple butterfly ice crystals, that seemed as if they were alive as they moved to the swirling fingers of that woman.

That young girl smiled as she resolved herself to be as powerful as that gentle-looking woman. She studiously practiced with the sword endured an eight-hour soak in the pendulum ice pond, and assiduously studied a scroll with the words ‘Emerald frost flow veiled scripture.’

Twenty years down the line, that young girl had grown into a pristinely beautiful lady with a mature expert-like demeanor. However, her eyes still had the same excitement as she did when she was younger every time she practiced her sword, or executed the moves of the scripture she had grown fond of, under the gentle gaze of the gentle-looking woman she admired.

However, years later, that lady was screaming as she held onto the corpse of that gentle-looking lady that had a deep slash mark over it. Just as the young lady was about to lose her mind she heard a voice coming from the tree she liked to practice under.

The voice comforted her, and soon she made a connection with the voice. Along with comforting her, the voice guided her in cultivation, which helped her improve in bounds. It was a hundred times faster than when she was guided by her master, who was a gentle-looking lady.

After some time passed, the owner of the voice finally revealed themselves. The beautiful lady was shocked to discover that the voice that had been there with her all these years was in fact the famed founder of their sect, who despite all the time that had passed since her disappearance, was still alive.

The founder continually guided her until she was just at the cusp of reaching the palace realm, and despite how she tried she could never overcome that last hurdle.

Just as she was about to give up and make her peace that was the most her talent could take her, the founder gave her something, a white fruit that made it seem like it was grown in snow. Along with the fruit, the founder also explained the origins of the fruit. Upon hearing it was produced from the life of someone, the beautiful lady refused it at first because of the teachings of her gentle master, who was respectful of life whether preserving it or taking it. She would never take a life if there was another option.

She had grown to believe that too. However, her founder reminded her of the loss she suffered when that gentle master died to someone she had defeated and spared only for them to come back stronger, and with more people, which led to her death.

With the promise from the founder that she would grow strong enough to prevent what had happened to her master and her sect members, she buried whatever guilt she had, and consumed the fruit, and managed to reach the palace realm.

People immediately started fawning over the sect, after her breakthrough, and the enemies they had, some offered an olive branch for peace while others ran.

She finally understood the immense benefits brought about by true strength which became the impetus for the numerous things she did under the guidance of the founder in pursuit of it, till she lost the reason why she pursued power in the first place.

The reason no longer mattered to her as she slaughtered countless, all for the goal of getting stronger. She pulled in others over the years, and slowly they all grew, till they reached this point..

“Master please forgive your foolish disciple..” she muttered to herself as the waterfall of burning light descended on them.

She looked relieved, Guo Mei was unresigned while the rest had looks of terror.

“Han Kingdom, Shen family, Echo resonance Sect…….” Yang Qing recited the names of all who had been victims of the machinations of the sect.

“Ma Yuan..consider yourselves, avenged..” ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐‘œ๐‘ฃ๐˜ฆ๐‘™.

He muttered as a world-shaking explosion sounded beneath him. The tremors were so loud that every area within a 10,000-kilometer radius could feel their grounds shaking, along with the sound of that forceful explosion.

Numerous cultivators within the vicinity immediately started running away when they saw that horrifying display of power.

“Ol’ Jiu why are you running away, didn’t you yell throughout the city how you were coming to defend the honor of the Ice Emerald Sect..”

‘Ol’ Fen shut it, aren’t you running too? What happened to letting Elder Guo Mei, see how manly you are, in your showdown against the Order in the hopes of gaining her favor in marriage..”

“What favor? mmph!! Do I Fen Gu look so desperate as to seek to marry a blood fiend cultivator!!

Don’t look down on me Ol’ Jiu, I’d rather preach Dao to a rock and help it gain sentience and marry it, than risk my lot with a blood fiend cultivator, no matter how beautiful they seem..”

“Are you crying?!”


“This should be enough..” muttered Yang Qing with a tired sigh.

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