Daily life of a cultivation judge

Chapter 415 Movement from limbo (2)

Chapter 415 Movement from limbo (2)


The top floor of a certain restaurant in Gold Leaf Empire, a rank 1 empire located in the central region of the southern continent.

“Guiren what have you decided to do about the matter concerning our son? will you leave him at the hands of the Order and suffer their fate?! What if they sentence him to death?! if they do, then…”

A young lady with black hair tied in a crystalline butterfly hair clip and a beauty that even words could not describe was seated across from a middle-aged man who was the picture of perfection with smooth-flowing hair that seemed to have been crafted from pure gold.

“Ding’er what do you want me to do? It’s the Order, even if I was to ally with your father we still wouldn’t be able to do anything. And considering he cut off all ties with you when you decided to follow me, I doubt he’d help. Also, Hou Dehui is closely monitoring the situation..”

“That bastard?! Why?! isn’t the case concerning the palace realm, beneath him?!”

“Why else? isn’t it because of Liang Zian?”

“Our son can not rot at the Order, Guiren!! We have to do everything to get him out!”

“I know. It’s why I’m here to beg your father with you. If that fails then, we will have to wait and see how the undercurrents of the continent pen out.”

Jia family ( a rank 4 clan in Silverfern Kingdom in the northeastern part of the southern continent)

Within an open ground stood an elderly-looking man and seated in lotus position were about fifteen children who were between the ages of four to eight.

“Granduncle Ma, why are you smiling?” asked one of the kids when he saw the elderly man look up to the sky with a smile on his face with tears in his eyes.

“I had a sworn brother who disappeared 800 years ago. I was closer to him than my own brothers, and we’ve known each other since i was just a tiny bit older than you. Sword in hand we travelled around, causing no small amount of mischief with a sense of adventure, but eventually when we grew old, we each got busy.

I came back to help train the young members of the clan, while he decided to settle down and was lucky enough to find someone and they eventually managed to have twin girls, and I became their godfather.

But 800 years ago they disappeared, and I never knew what happened to them despite looking for them, till now…”

“Brother Tao, Sister Linling, I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you both and little Zhilang and little Qiang…If they were alive, they would have grandchildren of their own by now…” he muttered to himself as he took a swig out of the jug of wine in his hands.

“As saddened as I am for only knowing it now, I’m glad the Order is there to stand up for you and seek justice on your behalf.

I look forward to seeing you both..” he said as he took another sip with tears streaming down his eyes.



Murong family clan grounds.

“Grandpa, that announcement? Was that Judge Yang Qing?”

“It was, Yan’er.”

“Will he be okay? that is a rank 3 organization..”

“Don’t worry, despite how he looked, I could tell he was powerful, and besides he has the Order behind him.

Yan’er, never forget small clans like us can only survive because a monolith like them exists. That is a debt that we can never repay. When you go to the Institute, make sure to learn as much as you can in the three years that you are there.. .

The Murong family will be in your hands after that..”

“I will grandfather..”

White Baobab Kingdom

Food street lane,

“Yang Qing, it seems you have your work cut out for you today. I know you never like these things. I wish you well old friend..”

“Longwei who are you talking to? Have you finally lost it? I knew eating as much as you do would come to bite you at some point..”

“Is that how you talk to your king? and stop being stingy with the brown sauce. How is that tiny amount supposed to fill these braised pork cutlets?”

Wind gliding mercenary escort headquarters.

“Leader Gui you need to remove Yun Wei from his position as head of logistics. Because of him, we are now mixed up in this mess.

What if people find out we were the ones who provided the evidence that led to all this? Our Organization could be razed the next day and all of us killed..”

“Vice Leader Wang Fu calm down..”

“I don’t want to hear that from you Chunhua. Don’t think I don’t know you also helped him with this. Your position as a vice leader should be revoked the same as his. What you both did put us at risk and you did without even putting the matter to a vote.”

“I consulted the leader and he agreed to it.”

“Gui, why?”

“I decided to hinge a bet on it. With the way things are shaping out, we can’t be fence sitters, sooner or later we will have to make a choice, better to make it early, and I think betting on the Order is the best choice we can make for the Wind Gliding Mercenaries..”

Isn’t this the dream we all four shared when were small? To grow strong, and travel the world, that is why we went for wind gliding, to be free and unfettered, but for that “But..”

“Leave it be Wang Fu, the die has already been cast. Besides, while you may see it as a risk, I see it as the opportunity we have been waiting for to elevate ourselves into a rank 2 organization and that is a risk I’m willing to take, and I hope you do too..

Isn’t this the dream we all four shared when were small? To grow strong, and travel the world, that is why we went for wind gliding, to be free and unfettered, but for that we need strength, and having a relationship with the Order will give us that..”

“I hope you all are right, because if you aren’t..”

Tang Family, burial chamber.

An old man knelt with his head touching the ground in a dimly lit room as he faced four tablets neatly placed on a platform above him

“Great great grandfather, great grandfather, grandfather, father, did you all hear that? The mission is about to be completed. The person behind the Shu family has been found, and the family is about to be avenged.

The mission is over, so please great great grandfather, please have peace, and let us rest. Let the Tang’s curse end here!”

On this day, the continent that was in limbo started moving.

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