Daily life of a cultivation judge

Chapter 413 Delivering The Sentence (2)

“Residents of the southern continent on behalf of the Order, I come before you this day to declare the Ice Emerald Sect, a rank 3 sect founded by Feng Qiu, 53,417 years ago, guilty of breaking the southern continent taboo charter.

Since 40,000 years ago they have kidnapped and slaughtered in the millions. The following is the list of their victims: 𝘦.𝘰𝘳𝑔

Ma Yuan- wife and daughter were kidnapped seven years ago and his cultivation crippled in the process. The kidnapping and the attack were done by Deng Yaozu, an elder of the Ice Emerald Sect.

Lin family- a rankless clan of 97 members was massacred 11 years ago by Ma Song an elder of the Ice Emerald Sect.

Lan family: a family of six, husband Lan Shi, wife- Wang Huiling, twins: Lan Di and Lan Chen, Grandfather- Lan Hui, and Grandmother-Meng Zhilan, were brutally killed and refined into a blood crystal by Luo Jingfei, an elder of the Ice Emeral Sect.


Yang Qing went on to list all the victims in chronological order till he reached the first killing 40,000 years ago, which was the Sun jade kingdom which was the sovereign of the area where the Ice Emerald Sect was located before the whole kingdom was massacred overnight.

Back then with the warring that was going around, such events were common so they didn’t stand out much at the time, however, with the range of activities of the Ice Emerald Sect, the slaughter of the Sun Jade Kingdom wasn’t just two organizations fighting for hegemony and one losing out.

The Sun Jade Kingdom was built on the foundation of a sun jade which was a crystal that had extremely purifying abilities and had a restraining effect on yin energy, especially tainted ones. This was likely the reason they were targeted by the Ice Emerald Sect who practised yin-related arts, and one that was likely tainted by corpse qi.

With an entity like the Sun Jade Kingdom above them, their activities would have likely been noticed and restrained by them, therefore it seemed more prudent to their plans to eliminate them, and were thus the very first victims to fall.

On paper, at the time the Sun Jade Kingdom was more powerful than the Ice Emerald Sect as it even had a palace stage ancestor, but everyone within the kingdom was slaughtered, with inscrutable means, and from that rubble, the Ice Emerald Sect slowly but surely grew.

And the culprit behind that massacre was none other than Feng Qiu the founder of the Ice Emerald Sect who at the time was already rumored to have died during a ruin exploration 2,000 years prior, and she was an eighth-stage core formation expert at the time, so no one could have believed she was the one behind the Sun Jade massacre.

However, with the means of the Order, even events that happened that far back could be dug up as long as they had a thread to follow and they had more than enough thread to unravel the whole thing including knowing that the founder was alive and kicking.

Yang Qing was amazed at how thorough the report he received from the Judicial Review Committee was. When he read it, he couldn’t help but be reminded of Veiled Destiny, the monotoned saint-grade treasure he had worn and befriended during his promotion ceremony.

With its karmic abilities, it could probe the past of anyone in the early stage of the soul formation realm and below. Unraveling the complete life activities of every member of the Ice Emerald Sect both living and dead, was likely as easy as Yang Qing eating a barrel of crisply roasted duck by himself.

He couldn’t help but wonder if the treasure had been the one involved in discerning all the guilty parties from the sect. As Yang Qing mentioned the crimes along with the victims, he also mentioned the perpetrators.

“EEEEEEEEIIIIIH!!!! how did they know about me?!!”

The disciples of the Ice Emerald Sect were already confused when they heard Yang Qing’d voice and all those charges put against their sect. That confusion was further added to when they heard an aged loud shriek like that of a dying bird echo throughout the sect.

“Master, master, you have to help us?!”

red markings appeared on the bark of the Wisteria tree as a pulsing red light seemed to be pulsing from deep within its bark.

The bark shimmered and rippled like the surface of water as it opened up revealing an old lady with disheveled white hair with hollow eyes and bark-like grey skin. She had tendrils from the wisteria tree hooked into her back and hands and legs. They throbbed like they were transporting something into the old lady.

The lady had a red orb in her hands that was filled with ancient black scriptings and seemed to be the source of the red glow around the tree.

“Why is he not responding?!”


“Having found the Ice Emerald Sect guilty of violating the southern continent taboo charter, the entire sect has been sentenced to decimation, and all guilty parties involved in the kidnappings and killings have been sentenced to death…with immediate effect..” Yang Qing said as he coldly cast his gaze below.

He put the horn next to his mouth ready to blow it.

“Zhao Ju, deploy the formation!! USE THEM ALL!! USE THEM ALL!!!!”

The old lady’s cry came too late because in that instant as she was madly yelling, a solemn tune that carried with it an ancient aura enveloped her entire sect, and immediately after a thunderous explosion like the roar of a primordial beast resounded in the area.

A sturdy blue crystal dome had appeared above them glowing with numerous black glyphs and a red curtain covering it, seemingly to enhance the dome, but that dome was hit with a massive soundwave and instantly shattered like an egg hit with a rock. It did not last a second to the onslaught of the sound.

Seeing the protective array shattered, Yang Qing instantly sealed the horn with the hide he was given and put it away.

“Members of the Ice Emerald Sect, if your name has not been mentioned in the crimes done by your sect, we will allow you to leave, now. You have ten breaths to make your decision. If you will not have left by that time, you will face the same fate as the guilty members, which is DEATH..”

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