Daily life of a cultivation judge

Chapter 407 Will You Do It?

“The choice given only applies to those who are innocent, and the choice is simple they can leave the sect temporarily until the sentencing has passed or they can choose to face it with the rest.

Ultimately it is up to them. If they choose to remain, then regardless of their innocence in the matter, they will share the same fate as the guilty.

Wei Ying’s and Mo Liwei’s verdict was to help you come to terms with this eventual reality. You may give them the option to leave, some may take it, others may not, they may all take it or they may all decide to stay.

You therefore need to prepare yourself that you may indeed be forced to destroy the entire sect in the execution of the sentence.

As the judge in charge of this case, the burden falls on you first then to the rest. You cannot be half-hearted about it in the least.

You need to prepare yourself for that possibility is still there so it’s safer to bring your mind to the odds that this may very well turn out to be an entire sect decimation..

and finally…”

Long Enlai’s expression that was soft as he was explaining suddenly turned cold as an overbearing pressure emanated from him.

“You can not hold back in the slightest. The moment the execution starts it doesn’t matter whether they are guilty or innocent, if they’re a palace realm expert or a body refining expert. Everything and everyone that is within that area is to face your full wrath. Hold nothing back, destroy everything with your full force.

The Ice Emerald Sect has destroyed countless lives, for so many years, and for that, they must face the consequences, and their victims deserve the repreive.

The sentence is a punishment but also a deterrent to the rest of their continent, that should they do what the Ice Emerald Sect did, then they will share a similar fate. It also serves as a warning to the remnants of the sect, should there be some at the end of it from those found innocent and decide to not share the same fate as the sect.

This needs to be a permanent reminder, a traumatic one at that. They need to be traumatized to the point that internal demons that come from that event will halt any cultivation progress they may have.

To leave a lasting impact, the execution needs to be thoroughly frightening for all; those being charged, and those witnessing, and for that you need to prepare yourself now to destroy everything, in the most brutal and fearsome way you can think.

As cold as it may sound, it is the only way we ensure what happened, has less likelihood of happening later…”

“No matter how harrowing the experience may be, this is the burden you have to bear as a judge in the Order.

A burden others have shouldered, and continue to do so, a burden you will shoulder and continue to do so.

This may not necessarily be the only demotion and destruction you handle..”

“Yang Qing, Dai Chen, Zhang Qingge..” Long Enlai’s gaze paused on the three, who despite trying to hide it, the overwhelming weight of the situation could be seen on their faces.

Their eyes flashed with disbelief, anxiety, and a slew of other complicated emotions. Their skin tones seemed paler, and some of their body parts could be seen shaking in some way. The lips, the eyes, and the hands.

“I don’t envy you or wish it on you, but rely on each other, and your seniors which includes us. We will help where we can, and I won’t lie, such an event will leave an impact, but it must be done so instances like what happened to the Shu clan don’t end up happening again.

It is impossible to completely prevent such tragedies, but we must do what we can to reduce those odds as much as possible.

So please, do not hesitate.”

“Will you do it?” he asked in a soft tone.

A long silence ensued before a response finally came.

“I will do it, but can I make a request?” Yang Qing asked with a heavy but firm expression.

“What is it?” Vice President Tao Wen was the one to ask this.

“Can I be the only one to shoulder this, and they be excused from it..” Yang Qing said as he pointed to Dai Chen, Zhang Qingge, Mo Liwei, and Wei Ying.

No matter how thick-skinned he was, or afraid, with what he had heard, he couldn’t in good conscience allow them to bear it. He started the whole thing with Ma Yuan, and he felt he should bear its consequences alone.

“If that is your wish, and theirs, I see no problem with it. How about the rest of you?” Vice President Tao Wen said as he redirected the question to the Judicial Review Committee members and Chief Justice Lai Ning.

“I see no problem with it either….”

Their responses were all more or less the same.

“Dai Chen, Qingee, I’m sorry for selfishly dragging you all into this. Please let me do this..” he said with an apologetic and guilty smile on his face.

“Are we friends?” Dai Chen asked.

“We are?”

“If we find who attacked Lai Lei, will you help me?”

“Of course..”

“Then don’t look down on me or our friendship. What I said still stands, even now. I’m not weak or unresolved, that I would shirk on it. I’m in this to the very end. So stop. I’ll be there, the same way I know when the moment calls for it, you’ll be there for me.

Your refusing now, is what I’d consider being selfish..” Dai Chen said with firmness in his tone.

“Be the shameless Yang Qing we know. Being selfless doesn’t suit you..” he added with a light laugh as he punched his shoulder.

“I..m n..o..t w..e..a..k e..i..t..h..e..r,” Zhang Qingge meekly added with a stuttering voice as she threw a punch of her own. Though with how nervous she was, she didn’t control her strength properly.

“Qingge are you trying to fracture my knee.?!” Yang Qing yelled as he cautiously took a step back from her. Immediately after the trio laughed.


“We are also in it to the end. We made that judgment knowing what we were in for..” Mo Liwei said showing a smile that contrasted the lethargic and serious undertone he had since they met. ov𝚕.co𝚖

“I promised Qingge, so I’m staying till the end,” said Wei Ying.

The five nodded to each other as they all turned cupped their fists and answered in unison.


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