Daily life of a cultivation judge

Chapter 389 Resolution To Li Shu’s Case (3)

“It’s okay senior Luo Fan..” answered Yang Qing.

From Liang Tian’s statement and the image of Li Shu’s internal structure, he could already infer what happened.

Alchemist Ma Bo’s and Alchemist Luo Fan’s presence at this point and whatever they were doing was more of a reassurance for the two parties involved.

Yang Qing’s eyes lit up at the thought that he would soon be devouring the dishes brought over for the test. While the live spirit beast will be given back to the restaurant, the finished dishes on the other hand, Yang Qing had already decided either by fair means or foul, they would not be leaving the courtroom.

Alchemist Luo Fan went over to the gold feathered duck, while Alchemist Ma Bo went for the roasted version of it. The former placed his hand on the duck that was already dozing off and rubbed its back almost as if he was guiding something out.

Seconds later, a white crystal came out from the open mouth of the duck. it was the size of a tear drop and had faint chilly mist being emitted from it.

When it came to Alchemist Ma Bo, he produced a gentle looking pale green flame from his fingertip tip which he used to jab at the succulent back of the roasted duck.

The green flame transformed into a string that traversed the whole body of the roasted duck. Seconds later the roasted duck began emitting white mist from its body.

Alchemist Ma Bo waved his sleeves and the mist got sucked into his palm to form a light blue crystal that had a white shin to it.

“I think we have everything. Daoist Ma Bo would you like to do the honors? As a teacher, i feel you’ll be better at the explanation than I am…”

“As an appraiser, shouldn’t you be better with your words than I am..” said Alchemist Ma Bo with a light chuckle.

However, he didn’t reject Alchemist Luo Fan’s suggestion as he took the white teardrop crystal he had on him.

“Before I start, there is one thing I’d like to clarify..” Alchemist Ma Bo said.

Yang Qing waved his hand saying it was his show.

“Miss Li Shu, whenever you have the roasted gold feathered duck, do you have it with anything special, outside of what the restaurant offers?”

Li Shu paused a bit, surprised at the line of questioning, but she was quick to recollect herself and answer.

“I usually sprinkle dried dragonfire basil on it..”

“Mmh, that explains it..” muttered Alchemist Ma Bo.

“Okay, now first things first, Miss Li Shu you don’t have pill poisoning, though your body does present its symptoms, what you have is completely different.

If you had pill poisoning, despite the levels, the means Alchemist Meng Ye and Alchemist Pan Xin used on you, would have been more than sufficient to handle it, and if it wasn’t, well..you wouldn’t be able to walk as you are right now.

In the best case scenario, you’d be bed ridden, and in the worst case, you’d be in spitting distance of death’s door. The fact that you’re still relatively well, means you don’t have acute pill poisoning, and you have something else.

That something else is a disharmony known as yin yang imbalance,” said Alchemist Ma Bo as he stroked his beard.

Li Shu who should have been relieved for not having pill poisoning, had a look of confusion that slowly grew to worry.

“Is it treatable?” she asked in fear.

Yin-Yang imbalance no matter how she looked at it sounded way more dangerous than pill poisoning. Maybe it might be something she would have to live with and manage using certain natural treasures like various ailments she’s seen other cultivators live with.

While cultivators were known to have improved vitality and the diseases that affected them while they were mortals would no longer affect them, that did not mean they didn’t get sick. Though the sickness was usually of them going to some place dangerous and suffering the consequences of it, one of which was getting infected.

Over the years, as a rogue cultivator, Li Shu has seen cultivators with all manner of maladies which they contracted from exploring some dangerous ruin, mysterious realm, forest, and areas known to be bountiful with natural treasures, or even from fighting against other cultivators.

They’d get cursed, injured, possessed, poisoned, and have their bodies altered, which more often than not if they didn’t die on the spot, usually manifested itself as a sickness.

She once saw a cultivator in the seventh stage of core formation realm who went to harvest a mushroom that had the constellation of the stars in its cap, and produced a mist and voice that seemed to increase a cultivator’s ability of comprehension.

A massive fight broke out for the mushroom. Li Shu was only in the early stages of the core formation realm at the time, so she only spectated. The seventh-stage core formation expert won the bout and managed to grab the mushroom for himself.

However because his skills in herbology seemed to be wanting, he didn’t know there was a specific way of harvesting that mushroom and one couldn’t simply just pluck it from the ground. Upon contact, the mushroom exploded and some of the pores got into the system of that cultivator. Within minutes he became delirious and started to vomit.

At the start, he was vomiting saliva, but as time went by the saliva turned to tiny mushrooms. Then the mushrooms started appearing on different parts of his body. That cultivator never managed to make it out of the area. Li Shu occasionally passes by the area, and her last visit was about six years ago and went she went by the area she found that the cultivator was still alive, however, he was mumbling crazy things and had mushrooms growing all over his body.

There were countless stories similar to that cultivator and some were even worse. Li Shu couldn’t help but feel fearful she was about to join that group and her case would be even worse.

She couldn’t help but imagine herself growing basil and producing duck feathers from different parts of her body, and towards the end would she be a duck basil human?

“It is treatable, of the methods you were given two of them are guaranteed to work. ANy blue grade alchemist can remedy it easily, and the morning lily heartseed would work as well, as for the third option, while a palace realm expert could do it, it would have to be one with certain attributes that would enable them to quel the out of sync energies in your system.

Lucky for you, there is one here, who would do a better job than even what a blue grade alchemist could do, or the morning lily heartseed..” Alchemist Ma Bo lightly said as his gaze darted off in Yang Qing’s direction.

Alchemist Luo Fan had a gleam of curiosity flash in his eyes when he saw Alchemist Ma Bo’s insinuation. .

“Thank you, senior Ma Bo..” said Li Shu with a visible sigh of relief.

“No problem…Now to the matter at hand..The Yin-Yang disharmony in your body was caused by a series of coincidences, which if even one piece was missing, you may have not gotten it in the first place.

I’ll start from the top..”

Alchemist Ma Bo began exuding the aura of a seasoned scholar. However, the aura he was exuding was butchered by his sloven appearance.

“Our young friend Liang Tian is right. In essence, the white-scale fairy moss he produced using the water that fed to his farm, and the one he produced using the dew of moonlit cypress when it comes to quality, they’re the same.

However, even though the quality is the same, doesn’t mean they’re truly the same..”

“Huh, what do you mean, senior?!” Liang Tian asked in surprise.

“Mmh, well as mortals, we can have water from the same source that is similar in every single detail, but that same water when drunk cold or drunk hot, cause different reactions to the human body. The former can cause constipation while the latter aids in digestion.

In essence, when it comes to quality, these two waters are the same but the effects they cause on someone are different, the same thing applies to the white scale fairy moss you produced.

While the yin qi from the moonlit cypress is gentle, the same as the one from the water feeding your farm, making both fairy moss essentially the same. However, the difference does come up because of the gold feather duck.

The yin qi derived from a water source, and is naturally occurring and usually passes through the system of the duck when it consumes the white scale fairymoss, but it’s different with yin qi from the dew produced from the leaves of the moonlit cypress.

The duck has special bacteria, that can process that qi into yin salts. This is that salt..” Alchemist Ma Bo said as he raised the hand containing the white teardrop crystal that he was given by Alchemist Luo Fan.

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