Daily life of a cultivation judge

Chapter 270 [Bonus ]Yang Qing Repents

Yang Qing sighed equally at this since the robes he was given as a core court judge had a budding spirit in them, but every time they were issued a robe, that spirit was sealed in dormancy. The only way it would be unsealed is if the Order employee getting that robe vowed to only use that robe for the rest of their life and nurture it.

This rule was put in place to avoid negligence from the owners to the spirit of their own robes, especially when there was the allure of getting a better robe in the future. To avoid the danger of creating unstable elements in the form of rogue spirits, those spirits would be sealed forever in dormancy if the owner did not agree to the terms.

Spirits of artifacts or treasures were like newborns and needed a constant guide to help shape their values and perspective, if neglected they presented a real danger, especially with the abilities they held, thus it was safer to seal them unless the owner showed real commitment to their nurturing.

Most within the Order chose to have the spirits of their robes sealed, however, there were a few who agreed to the terms, but it was in the minority, and the majority of that small group did so when they got the robes of a higher station like the palace robes.

Since his interaction with Blue Universe, Yang Qing started harboring such thoughts too, of sticking with his issued palace court robes to the end, but the allure of getting a more powerful robe when he reached the domain realm was like a siren’s call constantly pulling him away from such thoughts.

Who would refuse something better if given the choice, raising a spirit wasn’t a small matter either since he would need to constantly nourish it with his spiritual essence, along with continuously feeding a portion of his insights to it. This would cut away at his cultivation time until the spirit reached a point where it could operate autonomously and find its own path that would have been built from Yang Qing’s foundations.

“Maybe it won’t be a bad idea,” thought Yang Qing. He had a room of maneuverability when it came to the matter unlike Feng Xin and Yi Jie who were a sword cultivator and saber cultivator respectively. The both of them wouldn’t be able to support the spirit of their weapons in addition to nurturing a new one in their robes, it would stretch them too thin. But Yang Qing didn’t have that worry, he wasn’t a weapon specialist in any regard, and because of the nature of his Yin Yang jade bone physique, both his body and soul were equally powerful. He had the dense qi and spiritual essence to spare.

The more Yang Qing thought about it, the more he felt affable to it.

“I think you should do it,” said Blue Universe.

“I think so too,” said Veiled Destiny, who was unusually quiet all this while.

“Me too,” said the last member of the bunch, Green Cocoon.

“Are you all snooping in my mind?” Yang Qing asked.

“Yes,” they all answered, with a matter-of-fact tone.

Yang Qing almost dropped the gold eagle medallion he had in his hands when he heard their response.

Blue Universe’s explanation and his internal monologue, which turns out wasn’t a secret now, all took under a minute. In that time, he put away his issued palace court robes and took out his gold eagle medallion, which could be considered the single most important object in Yang Qing’s possession.

The medallion was unique to every judge since they fused a small part of their soul and blood essence into it. It helped them control the arrays within their courtroom and doubled as a communication talisman that had a direct line to all the important offices within the Order including the Spirit Council, served as a distress signal and was also their identification.

Without it, they’d be barred entry to some of the sensitive areas within the Order such as the Requiem prison, the Internal Logistics floor, and the upper levels of the main library to name a few. It was the one thing that they would always keep by them for the rest of their lives.

Yang Qing wasn’t sure why, but to him, the medallion always felt like a living organism more than an artifact.

Yang Qing passed his medallion over to Chief Justice Lai Ning, who created a few complex seals over it and transferred the eagle that had morphed from the golden droplet, into the medallion.

The medallion shimmered briefly as millions of complex and interconnected scripts and runes appeared on it for a few seconds and disappeared just as fast. bn𝚘v𝚕.𝚘𝚛𝚐

The two elders from the Radiant Sword Sect and the Flowing Valley Sect both had complex emotions flash in their eyes as their gazes fell on the medallion.

“With this, the clearance level and other measures have been adjusted in your medallion to match your current station. You can research them more later in your own time, using the assigned method.

For now, I think people would like to hear a few words from you before we reach the final part of the ceremony, which I know you’re definitely looking forward to,” said Chief Justice Lai Ning with a cheeky smile.

Yang Qing chuckled in embarrassment at being seen through as he stepped forward to give the speech that he hadn’t prepared for. He spent the previous day worrying about his crazy grandfather to actually think of anything. But luckily even without anything on hand, he wasn’t worried about it, his questionable reputation had already spread around the Order, there was no way it could get any worse.

But before he began his speech, Yang Qing took a brief moment of silence to offer a silent apology to the Order.

“Sorry Order for calling you stingy bastards among other things, well you’re still stingy, but you have a heart at least. Thank you for the precious robe, and I hope the pay will be just as precious,” Yang Qing muttered as he closed his eyes.

“Look at the reverence and respectable attitude he has,” most thought when they saw Yang Qing’s almost pious look.

Some elders even berated their own clan members and disciples for not being as dedicated and respectable as Yang Qing.

Those from the Order were the ones filled with puzzled looks from Yang Qing’s current display.

“Is that reverence I see in Yang Qing? Is this some long scheme he is putting in play?” they all wondered.

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