Daily life of a cultivation judge

Chapter 252 Promotion Ceremony (7)

Yang Qing smiled as he nodded in acknowledgment. Even without input from Assistant Director Feng Lei, he had already decided how he was going to act when the moment came.

While all this was going on, he was still hard at work entertaining the guests. As all this was going on, he even managed to spot the King of the White Baobab Kingdom heading out with Feng Xin with serious looks on their faces like they were discussing something very delicate. Joining them was also the manager of the Thousand Flavors restaurant and one of their up-and-coming chefs by the name of Qi Shan. There was also other personnel from different restaurants within the Order that seemed to have joined in on the discussion that Feng Xin and the King of the White Baobab Kingdom were having.

They even had to switch locations and sat together at the platforms when they saw they were crowding out the area and restricting others from coming in.

“They better not leave me out of the good stuff,” thought Yang Qing as he tracked where Feng Xin and the rest had walked off to.

His gluttonous instinct was screaming that something good was happening but in as much as he wished he was there with them, right now he had pressing matters to attend to, and the party in the center of it all was already before him.


“Hey, you must be Sect master Ai Shan of the Flying feather sword sect. I, Yang Qing, offer my humble greetings and I would like to thank you for coming to my ceremony and wish you a pleasant stay.”

Yang Qing offered a polite smile as he cupped his fists in greeting, to the sect master of the Flying feather sword sect.

“Senior Blue Universe, Senior Veiled Destiny, Senior Green Cocoon, did you detect anything off with him?” Yang Qing anxiously asked.

Whatever they said next was going to determine how he was going to act.

“His morphing technique is one of the finest ones I’ve ever seen. If it wasn’t for your suggestion that he may be an impostor which made me take a deeper look, I’m afraid he would have evaded me.

Mmh, it’s a rather uncanny technique. It seems to be a blood-related cultivation art. No wonder he can blend so easily without being detected. His point of transformation seems to begin from his bloodline and then proceeds outward. It’s a rather ingenious technique…” 𝑜𝑣𝘭.𝘯𝑡

“Blue Universe, can you keep it short? We don’t have all day here. What if Yang Qing runs out of things to say in the midst of your long-winded explanation?

Why do you always get this way every time a cultivation art is involved.

To me it seems like you should have just taken up little Lao on his offer and be an instructor in that school of his,” said Veiled Destiny with an exasperated sigh.

“Yang Qing, you were right, his karmic lines seemed to have been interfered with. At face value, it seems normal, but I can tell that those lines are not his. It seems like another person’s life history was grabbed and implanted in him, and another and another.

It looks like they want to pass the different karmic lifelines to be the result of reincarnation, while his real karmic line is hidden beneath layers and layers of fabricated karmic lines.

Sadly, I can’t pry into his real line, there seems to be some sort of beast defending it with a thick red malevolent coating.

I could try to force myself in, but judging by the nature of the thing, when it realizes the disparity in strength between us, it is likely to destroy that sect master’s karmic line, essentially killing him on the spot.

I’m sorry I couldn’t be of much help,” said Veiled Destiny

“No, this is more than enough Senior Veiled Destiny,” said Yang Qing as he waited for the last saint-grade artifact to say her piece, which he wasn’t completely sure she would.

“That little kid looks to have the blood of at least half a million people on him. I don’t know if it is because of the beast Veiled Destiny detected, but he has a familiar aura to him that belonged to the sacred beast of the Myriad Beasts Sect.

It’s strange… Jiayi would not get in with their likes at all. She was no stranger to killing, but even she would not get in bed with someone like him, with such a dense bloodlust on him.

Did something happen to her after the destruction of the sect?

Blue Universe, over the years have you heard anything about the Myriad Beast Sect? Especially in regard to their sacred beast being alive?” asked Green Cocoon.

Yang Qing was in shock from being caught off guard by how many words she had spoken and how eloquent she sounded, unlike the incoherent toddler voice she had before. She now had a graceful, wisdom-filled charm to her tone. Yang Qing couldn’t believe it was the same person who couldn’t structure a complete sentence together.

“Does she have some ties to the Myriad Beasts Sect?” wondered Yang Qing.

Other than knowing the Myriad Beasts Sect was once a holy land that faced its demise at the hands of the two remaining holy lands and other rank 1 organizations, he didn’t know too much about it, despite the destruction of a holy land being a world-shaking event.

The events happened over a thousand years ago, and the reasons behind it were highly suspect. At face value, it was believed that the Myriad Beast Sect was trying to control the vicious Ao Yin beasts known for their wanton slaughter. Rumor was, they succeeded and would soon dominate the southern continent with them.

The whole thing never made any sense since Ao Yins despite their nefarious reputation, could be considered rare beasts just like phoenixes, dragons, the black tortoise, the white tiger, qilins, and the like. Their numbers were rare and few and they needed strict conditions for an Ao Yin to even be born.

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