Cursed Immortality

Chapter 592 Teleportation Halls

Chapter 592 Teleportation Halls

The Unique Plains structure was like the Epic Plains; for living was the Life Zone, and for Dark Beings was the Dead Zone. However, the neutral zone wasn't vacant for magic beasts and there wasn't only the Dark City.

The Neutral Faction was divided among the three powers of neutral faction, but their presence wasn't as obvious as the Life and Dead Faction. They all had only one branch in the Unique Plains. The Dark City, Zodiac Night City, and Spirit Temple City.

At this moment, Jacob had already entered the Unique Plains a few hours ago, and right now, he was traveling in the Zodiac Warrior Alliance's region, and he was very close to one of the alliance's three large cities.

Since he wasn't wanted by any power in the unique plains like the epic plains, he could move as he pleased. With his two honorary badges, he was sure the Life Faction would treat me like their core members.

But Jacob wasn't planning on showing his badges because he didn't forget about the three escapees and his enemies, Nelsen and Co. Although Nelsen and Ellie were bound by the Zodiac Oath, Lucy and Gunnar weren't.

Even though they won't have their prestigious positions in the unique plains, he can't overlook the fact that they know about his specialty, and they might try to scheme against him by giving false and inciting information to the three hegemonies.

Who knows, they might take an interest in his possessions. After all, he wasn't the native of the epic plains and ascended the plains like a shooting star. Even an idiot would be able to tell there was some kind of treasure or precious treasure on Jacob.

That's why he had to be careful and keep a low profile. But he wasn't too worried either since only the Unique Rank could enter the Unique Plains. The three steps of legend were powerhouses above unique rank so that they couldn't enter the Unique Plains, so he was almost invisible here.

So, Jacob found a paved pathway and just happened to spot a luxurious carriage pulled by magic beasts of epic ranks. There were many guards protecting it, and four of them were of unique ranks.

Jacob didn't take any action and only followed them; whoever was in this carriage seemed to be quite a high-level figure. There was a symbol on the carriage which he didn't identify.

After following this carriage for half an hour, a huge city wall appeared in his view, and there was an open gate with the same guards, and many carriages were going in after going through the security check.

There was a name engraved over the gate, 'Sword Alliance City'!

Since Jacob didn't want to expose his identity, he used the hunter's stealth and quickly snuck inside, and no one seemed to notice him. Since he wasn't wearing the star watch, the detectors didn't pick him either.

In the Unique Plains, almost everything was done through the Star Watches, so those who didn't wear them could use this loophole as long as they had the skills to cheat the system. The tier-9 unique rank were all prominent figures, and those who were star criminals didn't dare to step on the Unique Plains. Even if they didn't wear the Star Watch, their unique life signatures could be detected by SAAI before it would alert the powers.

Captain Free Sword was a prime example of this system. But Jacob wasn't a criminal, and with his top-tier prowess, neither SAAI nor the detectors could do anything about him if he wanted to sneak in. In fact, with his honorary status and star privilege, SAAI won't directly proclaim him a criminal as long as his actions don't go against the Star Network.

The Sword Alliance City was blustering with activities, and there were people walking on the streets from different races. There were goblins, dwarfs, elves, giants, orcs, barbarians, and many others.

The Unique Plains was home to myriad races, and those races that could produce Unique Rank or with Unique Rank Bloodlines were all revered and held high positions.

Jacob's reason for entering this city was simple: the Teleportation Hall!

The Unique Plains were extremely advanced from the Epic Plains, and they used the Teleportation Formations to travel vast distances. The Unique Plains were extremely large, so travel on foot or on some treasure was an extremely long, cumbersome process.

So, the Teleportation Halls were built by the Alchemy Guild in every city of the Life Faction, and they were all connected by Space Channels. Even the neutral faction cities have them, but to enter them as a member of a different faction, one had to undergo a security check and also acquire permission from the other side. It was like acquiring a Visa from other countries.

Anyhow, the Teleportation Halls made it extremely easy to travel between the cities and different regions. But they were not cheap, and only the truly rich and prominent figures could afford their fee, especially if someone wanted to cross between regions or even factions.

The Sword Alliance City was the closest city to his position, and it also had a teleportation hall, so Jacob naturally came here to head to his true destination.

After asking a local, he quickly found the Teleportation Hall, which was close to the center of the city, right beside the Alchemy Guild's branch.

His outfit didn't draw any scrutiny since many people like to hide their appearance, and with his height, no one dared to mess with him since giants were all powerhouses, especially tall giants like him.

As he entered the massive Teleportation Hall Building, he was greeted by a beautiful elf as she respectfully inquired, "Sir, are you looking for travel?"

Jacob nodded and impassively replied, "Indeed, I want to go to the Potion Alchemy City of Alchemy Region."

She didn't seem surprised and respectfully replied, "If you want to travel to the Potion Alchemy City, then you would need an advanced teleportation channel. We will have to see your Star ID privilege, which needs to be at least 2-Star, and it will cost 5 Million Zodiac Credits and 500 Advanced Unique Magic Gems. If you are a member of Alchemy Guild, then you can enjoy a discount based on your alchemy rank. Do you want to continue?"

There were basic, intermediate, and advanced rank teleportation channels. They can cover 10,000 Miles, 100,000 Miles, and 1,000,000 Miles, respectively. The higher the channel rank, the more resources are needed to activate it, especially the Advanced Teleportation Channel, which also requires a certain privilege since only those with true authority can use it.

Jacob wasn't a member of the Alchemy Guild, or he could've had a 30% discount with his Great Elder Rune Artificer Rank.

Even without it, he could use his honorary badge to enjoy the discount, but he wasn't planning on revealing it.

"Alright." Jacob nodded as he was planning on using his Dark City's Dark Viscount status that he acquired right after arriving in the unique plains after his Ascending Dark Mission was completed.

As for Star Privilege, he already has 3-Star Privilege, so it wasn't a big deal for him.

The Elf became even more respectful since 2-star privilege wasn't common even in the Unique Plains 90% of the people were either 0-Star, 7% had 1-Star, while the remaining three percent were 2-Star, and even less than one percent were 3-

Star. As for 4-Star Privilege only those leaders level figures may have it.

Jacob followed the elf, and she led him to a wide hall, its entire floor was engraved with a runic circle filled with complex ruins; this was the Advanced Rank Teleportation Circle!

An old orc in alchemy robes was sitting on the side, and the moment Jacob entered with the elf, he impassively stated, "Since sir knows the requirement, I need you to scan your star watch and then pay the fee."

Done saying, a projection appeared over his wrist, and there was a handprint in the center of this projection, "Please put your hand with star watch on the print to confirm your star privilege."

Jacob nodded and placed his left hand on the projection handprint, and he felt his star watch vibrate a little before the projection suddenly vanished, and 'Confirmed' appeared written in its place.

The old orc nodded, and then the projection changed, and a bank account number appeared, "Please transfer the ZC on this account. Once I've confirmed it, you can pay the magic gem here."

With thought, he manipulates his star watch and sends the money.

The old orc seemed to have received the notification, "Sir, Faceless Ancient?"

"Indeed. Here are your Magic Gems." Jacob nodded before he waved his sleeve, and a small pile of glimmering magic gems appeared in front of the old orc.

The old orc nodded before putting away the magic gems; he was very professional, "Please stand in the center; I'll set the coordinates. It will only take a minute."

Jacob does as he was told, and the old orc then inquires about Jacob's destination. The elf quickly tells him, and he manipulates his star watch as a mini projection of the teleportation circle appears on the display.

After entering the coordinates and pressing a rune symbol, the runic circle in the hall lit up, and he stated, "The teleportation will start in ten seconds, and you'll appear in the teleportation hall of Potion Alchemy City. Safe journey, sir!"

Jacob slightly nodded, and after ten seconds, the formation blinked in white light, and the next moment, his figure vanished!

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