Cultivation: Start From Simplifying Martial Arts Techniques

Chapter 433 - Chapter 433: Pressure

Chapter 433: Pressure

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Chen Fei sped along the road like lightning, and the sea posed no hindrance to him. It was as if he was walking on flat ground, causing no impediment whatsoever. Chen Fei advanced towards Haiyan City in almost a straight line.

Only when passing by some islands with influential forces stationed there would Chen Fei slightly veer off course, to avoid any unnecessary misunderstandings.

After several hours of travel, crossing over a dozen islands with various powers, Chen Fei finally caught sight of the colossal city walls of Haiyin City from a distance.

Upon arriving here, the number of cultivators in the Aperture Tempering realm and the quantity of ships had noticeably increased, and the bustling atmosphere was overwhelming.

Cultivators in the Aperture Tempering realm didn’t enjoy any significant privileges in Haiyin City. Chen Fei stood in the crowd and gradually made his way into the city.

Compared to his last visit, Haiyin City appeared to have undergone no changes; it remained just as bustling as before.

The cries of vendors filled the air, and martial practitioners in the Aperture Tempering realm were everywhere, with a predominance of those in the early and mid-level stages. Those in the late stage were somewhat rarer.

As for those at the pinnacle of the Aperture Tempering realm, they could only be occasionally glimpsed.

As a seedling of the Combined Aperture Tempering realm, those at the pinnacle of the Aperture Tempering realm were still a rare minority.

“Sir, is this your first visit to Haiyin City? Do you need a guide? It’ll only cost you ten silver taels, and I can show you around the entire city,” a petite girl approached Chen Fei cautiously. Her clothes were patched up, faded with age, but neatly kept.

Although her stature seemed small, her eyes shone brightly, leaving a lasting impression with just one glance.

“What’s your name?” Chen Fei looked at the girl, a hint of a smile on his face.

Haiyin City was the largest city nearby, but living in such a city didn’t mean everyone enjoyed a life of luxury. Disparities in wealth existed everywhere, and Haiyin City was no exception.

“I’m called Mi Xian,” the girl replied, her face lighting up with a brilliant smile when Chen Fei asked for her name.

“Do you know about the Enlightenment Tower?” Chen Fei casually took out ten silver taels and tossed them to her.

“Sir, in Haiyin City, there’s no one who doesn’t know about the Enlightenment Tower,” Mi Xian replied, catching the silver coins without thinking. Upon seeing the amount, she quickly added, “Sir, you don’t have to pay it all now. You can give me the rest after today’s tour.”

“Keep it for now and lead me to the Enlightenment Tower,” Chen Fei waved his hand.

“Of course, sir!” Mi Xian smiled, her eyes forming crescents as she enthusiastically began to lead the way.

“In Haiyin City, the most famous restaurant is the Drunken Moon Pavilion, but the best food can actually be found elsewhere.”

Perhaps sensing that Chen Fei was easy to talk to, Mi Xian continuously provided him with various information about Haiyin City along the way, from the distribution of powers within the city to details about food, lodging, and transportation.

Mi Xian explained everything she knew to Chen Fei.

Chen Fei nodded from time to time, finding the information quite interesting.

Chen Fei hadn’t expected that by spending ten silver taels, he would actually learn quite a bit of useful information.

“Your aptitude, while not outstanding, can still lead to significant progress if you persist in martial cultivation. There should be plenty of places in Haiyin City for martial training. Why haven’t you gone?”

Turning down a street and arriving at the central square of Haiyin City, a massive pagoda stood tall – it was the Enlightenment Tower. After a brief glance at the tower, Chen Fei turned to look at Mi Xian.

“My younger brother is currently studying martial arts. He’s in the largest martial academy in Haiyin City, the Flying Cloud Hall, and he’s highly regarded by the hall’s master,” Mi Xian’s face lit up with a happy smile. “Once my brother achieves something in his martial cultivation, our family’s life will improve.” “How long has your brother been studying martial arts? What’s his current level?”

As Chen Fei walked toward the Enlightenment Tower, an atmosphere of tranquility began to permeate his heart as they drew closer. The square was quite large, with many people sitting cross-legged, diligently practicing their techniques. Some would suddenly have epiphanies, while others furrowed their brows in deep contemplation, yet found nothing.

Under the aura of the Enlightenment Tower, both cultivation and comprehension of martial techniques were enhanced, and there was no need to pay any spirit stones.

“My little brother has been studying martial arts for six years, and he’s currently at the Flesh Tempering realm,” Mi Xian replied with a smile.

“Six years in the Flesh Tempering realm?”

Chen Fei’s steps involuntarily paused for a moment. He turned to look at Mi Xian seriously and said, “If you’ve been practicing for six years, by now, you should have reached the Bone Tempering Realm.”

“Ah?” Mi Xian was a bit taken aback when she heard Chen Fei’s words.

“You wait for me here. If I don’t come out within a day, you can leave on your own,” Chen Fei left these words behind as he started walking towards the Enlightenment Tower.

Mi Xian stared at Chen Fei’s receding figure in bewilderment. She thought about what he had just said and her eyes brightened slightly. However, she quickly realized her own situation. She had no spare resources to bring another person into the martial academy. Even enrolling one more person in the Flying Cloud Hall was an extremely strenuous endeavor now.

Moreover, the teachings of the martial academy were not to be privately shared with others without permission. If it was discovered that she was teaching someone without authorization, both the instructor and the student would face severe punishment, including having their cultivation stripped away.

Mi Xian’s gaze returned to a desolate look as she touched the ten silver taels in her pocket and lowered her head.

“Stop right there!” A disciple of the Enlightenment Tower blocked Chen Fei’s path in front of the tower.

“I want to enter the Enlightenment Tower,” Chen Fei said to the disciple.

“What’s the level of your power?” The disciple asked in a low voice.

“Sixth level.”

“Fifty low-grade spirit stones.”

“Alright,” Chen Fei nodded and handed over the package on his back.

Entering the Enlightenment Tower required spirit stones, as Chen Fei had learned beforehand. However, not everyone who entered the tower had to pay with spirit stones. If the level of their power was high enough, they could receive free entry quotas each year. The higher the level, the more quotas they would receive.

Factions like the Primordial Sword Sect, which has a maximum of late Aperture Tempering realm martial practitioners, are considered sixth-level forces. If they have a pinnacle Aperture Tempering realm practitioner, they can be upgraded to a fifth-level force.

If they have a strong practitioner at the initial Combined Aperture Tempering realm, like the Immortal Cloud Sword Sect, they automatically become a fourth-level force.

This hierarchy continues upwards. Having a pinnacle Combined Aperture Tempering realm practitioner would make a faction a first-level force in the Thousand Feathers Alliance.

Starting from the fourth-level forces, there are various resources allocated to them by the Thousand Feathers Alliance, and the Enlightenment Tower is one of them. Another crucial obligation is that each faction must send people to the outskirts of the Thousand Feathers Alliance every year to participate in hunting and killing magical beasts.

This is a duty that every faction within the Thousand Feathers Alliance must fulfill. The higher the faction’s level, the fewer people they have to send, but they receive more in return.

This might seem somewhat unreasonable, but that’s the reality. The stronger you are, the fewer responsibilities you have. Conversely, the weaker you are, the more burdens you carry, and you receive the least.

You either strive to climb higher or wait for others to continue to exploit you.

The Primordial Sword Sect and the Sunken Water Pavilion are required to send people to the outskirts of the Thousand Feathers Alliance in half a year. For newly joined forces, the Thousand Feathers Alliance provides a one-year adaptation period.

After one year, all the responsibilities and obligations will fall squarely on their shoulders.

“If you can’t bear it, don’t force yourself. You can always descend to a lower level where the pressure will be much less,” the disciple reminded Chen Fei with good intentions. “Inside, as time passes, the pressure will only increase, and trying to endure it might risk injuring your apertures.”

“Thank you!” Chen Fei gave a polite nod and entered the Enlightenment Tower.

The Enlightenment Tower appeared quite large from the outside, but once Chen Fei stepped inside, he realized that the interior space was even more expansive than it appeared.


Chen Fei’s thoughts stirred as he felt the pressure of the first level of the Enlightenment Tower, but it didn’t bother him much. On the first level, many people were sitting in meditation, diligently cultivating their skills.

Chen Fei followed the stairs and ascended to the second level.

Compared to the first level, there were fewer people on the second level of the Enlightenment Tower, and the pressure on the second level was several times greater than on the first.

However, this level of pressure didn’t have much effect on Chen Fei. He continued upward.

The third level, the fourth level, the fifth level!

Chen Fei ascended three more levels, and with each level, the pressure exerted by the Enlightenment Tower increased exponentially compared to the previous one. By the time he reached the fifth level, the pressure was nearly ten times that of the first level.

This pressure not only affected the physical body but also put significant strain on the mind. If one’s mental strength was insufficient, they might find it hard to think clearly, let alone comprehend martial techniques.

Chen Fei stood quietly for a moment, feeling that he could handle the pressure, and continued his ascent to the upper levels of the Enlightenment Tower.

The sixth level!

On this level, there were only a few individuals left, and each of them was at the late Aperture Tempering realm. Chen Fei glanced at them, and it was evident from their highly condensed aura that they had opened a considerable number of apertures, at least around a hundred.

Chen Fei continued up the stairs.

Two of the people here opened their eyes and looked at Chen Fei. They couldn’t help but be surprised when they saw that Chen Fei showed no signs of struggling. Although the pressure on the first day in the Enlightenment Tower was the lightest on each level, it would continue to increase over time. Being able to remain composed on the sixth level was already a sign of strength surpassing most late Aperture Tempering realm practitioners.

“Some new faces, and they’re really something!” someone exclaimed.

“That might be premature. Perhaps he’ll come down soon.”

“Hahaha, you’re right. The pressure on the seventh level is too much.”

Chen Fei didn’t hear the discussions below; he had reached the seventh level.

Here, both the physical and mental pressure had reached a level tens of times higher than the first level. It was a rather formidable figure. Currently, on the seventh level, there was only one person sitting cross-legged.

His aura was magnificent and highly condensed, but what was even more critical was the sense of unity in his elemental power. This lone figure was a pinnacle Aperture Tempering realm expert. Only when one had formed a complete entity with a hundred and eight apertures could they withstand this level of pressure.

Yan Zesong opened his eyes and glanced at Chen Fei. When he realized that Chen Fei was merely at the advanced Aperture Tempering realm, his expression showed some surprise.

However, Yan Zesong didn’t say anything. He closed his eyes again and focused on comprehending the mysteries of his martial technique.

Chen Fei took some time to assess the pressure on the seventh level of the Enlightenment Tower and found it manageable. However, he needed to test whether he could effectively contemplate martial techniques in this environment.

He chose a spot and sat down cross-legged, beginning to contemplate the Primordial Sword Body.

After fifteen minutes, Chen Fei stood up and continued to ascend to the eighth level.

With each step, the sound of his shoes on the stairs echoed faintly. Yan Zesong opened his eyes and watched Chen Fei’s figure as he walked away..

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