Cultivation: Start From Simplifying Martial Arts Techniques

Chapter 373 - Chapter 373: Awakening

Chapter 373: Awakening

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

As time passed, the power on the arrow grew stronger and stronger. The entire meteorite bow began to tremble slightly, evidently feeling the pressure from the arrow’s force.


A crisp sound echoed from the arrow as it suddenly snapped in the middle. The immense force had nowhere to go, causing the arrow to break into several pieces.



The power of thunder and lightning dispersed from Chen Fei, creating a whirlwind that instantly flattened the surrounding grasslands. Countless small twigs and leaves danced in the wind.

“The strength of the arrow is insufficient, but more importantly, my control over the power is not precise enough.”

Chen Fei looked at the broken arrow in his hand. Electromagnetic acceleration was a concept he had acquired in his previous life, and he had just attempted it a bit now. It did indeed generate a powerful propulsive force.

The only problem was that Chen Fei’s understanding of electromagnetic acceleration was still rather vague. If you asked him to explain it thoroughly, it would be quite challenging.

So, Chen Fei’s actions just now, calling it electromagnetic acceleration, were more of a simple experiment relying on the power of the Great Thunder Sword. Whether it was truly electromagnetic acceleration, Chen Fei himself couldn’t fully comprehend.

But it was definitely a direction worth exploring. It just needed continuous refinement, and Chen Fei’s proficiency with the Great Thunder Sword had to keep improving.

Only when Chen Fei completely mastered the power of the Great Thunder Sword could he sense subtle changes in the thunder and lightning from the smallest details. Incidents like the arrow breaking due to excessive force would no longer occur.

Chen Fei was deeply engrossed in his cultivation, while outside, the situation in Shang Wu City had left everyone feeling lost and uncertain.

At the beginning, everyone thought that although eerie beings were terrifying, there were still many Combined aperture tempering realm experts in the world. With their combined strength, they should be able to suppress the eerie beings in Shang Wu City.

After all, the most frightening aspect of eerie beings was their ability to hide and secretly grow in power. It was only when they were discovered and had become too powerful to stop that they became truly formidable.

Now that the strange situation in Shang Wu City had been detected almost immediately and the information had been disseminated, it seemed like they had gained the upper hand in seizing the initiative.

However, who could have predicted that the situation would develop into what it was now? Even with the power of five Combined aperture tempering realm experts combined, they couldn’t seem to do anything to Shang Wu City.

The five Combined aperture tempering realm experts had all suffered varying degrees of injuries. If they wanted to destroy Shang Wu City, would they need all the combined aperture tempering realm experts to come together?

However, many of the Combined aperture tempering realm experts had grudges against each other, and many of them were even at the point where they would fight to the death. Situations like that between Immortal Cloud Sword Sect and Divine Flame Sect were not isolated incidents in this realm.

Where there were people, there were grievances, and while Combined aperture tempering realm experts might appear as godlike beings to ordinary people, they were still human at the core. They had emotions and desires, which naturally led to conflicts of interest.

If you expected Tong Zhongqiu and Jian Jinsheng to work together sincerely, it was likely that during the process of besieging Shang Wu City, they would start calculating against each other, looking for opportunities to harm each other.

Even if one of them had noble intentions and only wanted to suppress Shang Wu City, should he not be concerned that others might not have the same intentions?

With suspicions constantly in the air, true cooperation would be impossible. In the first step, the possibility of gathering all the Combined aperture tempering realm experts together had been effectively thwarted.

As of now, not only the city closest to Shang Wu City, Qinhai City, has turned into an almost empty city, but other cities slightly farther away have also begun to witness a mass exodus.

However, after Shang Wu City repelled the five Combined aperture tempering realm experts, it didn’t move but continued to stay in place, as if waiting for something.

At the Primordial Sword Sect, Chen Fei’s cultivation continued to progress rapidly.

A month after reaching mastery with the Great Thunder Sword, both the Blade-Slaying Sword and Water-Jade Sword achieved mastery as well.

For Combined aperture tempering realm cultivation techniques, achieving mastery was already quite powerful, and the progress of most Combined aperture tempering realm early-stage cultivators in their cultivation techniques generally stopped at this level.

However, for Chen Fei in his current state, cultivation techniques at the mastery level could no longer provide him with significant assistance.

In addition to cultivation techniques, Chen Fei had cultivated fifty-eight acupoints. At this point, all the resources obtained from Yashan Sect had finally been exhausted, and they had all been converted into his own strength.

Yashan Sect had obtained a lot of things, which naturally included a considerable amount of resources. After all, there were hundreds of elemental stones alone.

But when it came to actual consumption, it only took a short time for Chen Fei to deplete them all.

For every Combined aperture tempering realm cultivator looking to grow, the resources required were extremely extravagant. If it weren’t for many members of Yashan Sect falling behind in their realms, these resources might not even have been saved, and they wouldn’t have ended up benefiting Chen Fei.

However, the spiritual tools that came with those resources, while they had all been consumed, were still stored in Chen Fei’s spatial grid.

Most of these spiritual tools were of low quality, but the weapons used by the three Combined aperture tempering realm mid-stage cultivators from Yashan Sect had reached the level of middle-grade spiritual tools.

Of course, there was also Hong Yuanfeng’s sword, which was also a middle-grade spiritual sword.

In total, there were four middle-grade spiritual tools. If sold, they would fetch a substantial amount of elemental stones, certainly no less than the resources acquired by Yashan Sect.

After all, spiritual tools were treasures that every Combined aperture tempering realm cultivator needed. They could directly bring about a noticeable change in a Combined aperture tempering realm cultivator’s strength.

Especially for Combined aperture tempering realm early-stage cultivators, using a middle-grade spiritual tool would lead to a significant increase in combat power.

It was similar to the effect of a low-grade spiritual tool for Body Tempering Realm cultivation cultivators.

Originally, Chen Fei’s initial plan was to use all these spiritual tools as spiritual essence since there were some hidden dangers in using them. However, with the emergence of the situation in Shang Wu City, everyone’s attention shifted there.

The small Yashan Sect was utterly insignificant, and no one cared about it. Even Flong Yuanfeng’s death had raised suspicions in the Immortal Cloud Sword Sect, suggesting that it might have been the work of Shang Wu City.

In this situation, after some hesitation, Chen Fei decided to keep all these spiritual tools, find an opportunity to sell them, and exchange them for resources to support his own cultivation.

Although extracting all the spiritual essence from these spiritual tools and injecting it into the Qianyuan Sword had the potential to elevate the Qianyuan Sword to the level of a top-grade spiritual tool, a powerful tool alone wouldn’t suffice without corresponding cultivation.

Just like the Soul-Locking Tower of the Primordial Sword Sect, which was originally a top-grade spiritual tool, it had fallen to the level of a superior-grade spiritual tool because no Combined aperture tempering realm peak expert had controlled it.

Of course, there were other reasons, but ultimately, the cultivation realm was the most important factor.

After elevating his cultivation, if there was a chance, further enhancing the Qianyuan Sword to the level of a top-grade spiritual tool would be a complementary improvement.

However, Hong Yuanfeng’s spiritual sword still drew too much attention. After careful consideration, Chen Fei decided to extract its spiritual essence and integrate it into the Shuttle of Flying Clouds.

Currently, the Shuttle of Flying Clouds was only a low-grade spiritual tool, and for Chen Fei, who possessed the great completion level of Heaven Soaring Technique, its assistance was minimal. Therefore, it made more sense to upgrade the Shuttle of Flying Clouds to the level of a middle-grade spiritual tool, which would be of greater help to him.

Now the only thing troubling Chen Fei was how to find an opportunity to sell off the spiritual tools in his possession one by one and then exchange them for a large amount of cultivation resources.

In Chen Fei’s courtyard, spiritual energy surged, rising and falling rhythmically.

Inside the house, as Chi Shuqing softly hummed, she leaned gently beside Chen Fei, her eyes filled with tenderness and affection.

In recent times, Chi Shuqing had been visiting the Primordial Sword Sect to see Chen Fei frequently. Initially, it was every seven to eight days, but recently, it had become every two to three days, and this frequency was continuously decreasing.

They both enjoyed it immensely. Who wouldn’t like a way to cultivate while experiencing happiness?

Chi Shuqing definitely loved it!

When she returned to the Sunken Water Pavilion after the events in the Bizarre City and broke through to her current cultivation level, Chi Shuqing had been in a rapid period of growth. Now, with Chen Fei’s help, she realized that she could potentially reach the mid-stage of the Combined aperture tempering realm within a few years.

Considering her original pace, Chi Shuqing would have needed at least twenty years to break through to the mid-stage of the Combined aperture tempering realm, if not more.

The disparity in this regard was so evident.

“I have a batch of spiritual tools that I want to sell discreetly. Do you have any suggestions?” Chen Fei leaned against the head of the bed and looked at Chi Shuqing.

The Primordial Sword Sect didn’t need these spiritual tools because everyone had spiritual swords forged using the Sword Essence Technique. Moreover, handing them over to the sect posed a certain risk, so it would be safer to sell them.

“How many do you have?”

Chi Shuqing raised her head to look at Chen Fei. Her green robe slipped off, drawing his gaze. Chi Shuqing didn’t mind; instead, her eyes became even more alluring.

“Three middle-grade spiritual swords and several low-grade spiritual tools,” Chen Fei replied softly.


So many!”

Chi Shuqing’s eyes widened slightly. Initially, she thought there would only be one or two spiritual tools. She didn’t expect there to be several low-grade ones, with three reaching the level of middle-grade.

This was an astonishing wealth, and if they could exchange it all for elemental stones, the quantity would be considerable.

Thinking that Chen Fei was willing to share this matter with her, Chi Shuqing’s eyes softened even further, and a mischievous smile played at the corner of her lips.

“Wait a moment, let’s talk about the business first!”

Chen Fei sensed Chi Shuqing’s actions and was slightly startled. Weren’t they discussing the matter of the spiritual tools? Why did she suddenly change the topic?

However, Chi Shuqing didn’t stop when she heard Chen Fei’s words.

After a moment, the previously calm aura in the courtyard started to fluctuate again, and it churned for a full hour before gradually settling down.

Chi Shuqing, feeling lazy and not wanting to move, still managed to prop herself up and looked at Chen Fei. She whispered, “In Immortal Cloud City, there is a shop with the capability to purchase such a quantity of spiritual tools. It’s affiliated with the Immortal Cloud Sword Sect, and 1 assume you wouldn’t want them to find out.”

Chen Fei nodded in agreement.

“Besides Immortal Cloud City, you can also go to the Black City District. It’s a place where all sorts of things are traded, and nobody cares where they come from; they only care about the quality of the goods.”

“Black City District?” Chen Fei’s interest was piqued as he realized he had forgotten about that place.

The next morning, Chi Shuqing reluctantly departed, and Chen Fei continued his cultivation as usual. He also watered Baka with the Summoning Elixir.

As the Summoning Elixir was poured this time, a trace of spiritual insight finally emanated from the tree.

“Chen Fei?”

A faint and almost imperceptible voice came from the tree..

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